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Comparison of individual-based model output to data using a model of walleye pollock early life history in the Gulf of Alaska ArchiMer
Hinckley, Sarah; Parada, Carolina; Horne, John K.; Mazur, Michael; Woillez, Mathieu.
Biophysical individual-based models (IBMs) have been used to study aspects of early life history of marine fishes such as recruitment, connectivity of spawning and nursery areas, and marine reserve design. However, there is no consistent approach to validating the spatial outputs of these models. In this study, we hope to rectify this gap. We document additions to an existing individual-based biophysical model for Alaska walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus), some simulations made with this model and methods that were used to describe and compare spatial output of the model versus field data derived from ichthyoplankton surveys in the Gulf of Alaska. We used visual methods (e.g. distributional centroids with directional ellipses), several indices (such as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mathematical models; Statistical analysis; Marine fish; Spatial distributions; Spatial analysis; Individual-based models; USA gulf of alaska; Walleye pollock.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Differences and Congruencies between PVA Packages: the Importance of Sex Ratio for Predictions of Extinction Risk Ecology and Society
Brook, Barry W; Northern Territory University;; Burgman, Mark A; University of Melbourne;; Frankham, Richard; Macquarie University;
Population viability analysis (PVA) is used in conservation biology to predict extinction probabilities for threatened species. Previous studies have revealed large differences between the predictions of PVA modeling packages, but these comparisons included a range of nonstandard factors. A standardized comparison of five PVA packages (GAPPS, INMAT, RAMAS Metapop, RAMAS Stage, and VORTEX) was conducted on six examples (two mammals, two birds, one reptile, and a hypothetical bird/mammal-like life history). The individual-based packages (GAPPS and VORTEX) predicted a consistently higher risk of extinction than their matrix-based counterparts (INMAT and the RAMAS programs). This arose as only the former considered the effect of demographic stochasticity in...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Demographic stochasticity; Extinction risk; Individual-based models; Matrix-based models; Model comparison; Parameter estimation; Population viability analysis; Sex ratio.
Ano: 2000
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