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New and redescribed species of Alcyonium Linnaeus, 1758 (Anthozoa: Alcyonacea) Naturalis
Verseveldt, J.; Ofwegen, L.P. van.
Four new species of Alcyonium are described and figured: Alcyonium compactofestucum from the east coast of South Africa, A. rudyi from the west coast of the United States, A. senegalense from Senegal and A. spitzbergense from Spitzbeigen. A. antarcticum Wright & Studer, 1889, A. gruveli TixierDurivault, 1955, A. monodi Tixier-Durivault, 1955, A. patagonicum (May, 1899) and A. sollasi Wright & Studer, 1889, are redescribed and figured. A. paessleri May, 1899, is synonymized with A. antarcticum Wright & Studer, 1889.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Octocorallia; Alcyoniidae; New species; Redescriptions; Atlantic Ocean; Indo-Pacific Ocean; 42.72.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Responses of coral reef fishes to past climate changes are related to life-history traits ArchiMer
Ottimofiore, Eduardo; Albouy, Camille; Leprieur, Fabien; Descombes, Patrice; Kulbicki, Michel; Mouillot, David; Parravicini, Valeriano; Pellissier, Loic.
Coral reefs and their associated fauna are largely impacted by ongoing climate change. Unravelling species responses to past climatic variations might provide clues on the consequence of ongoing changes. Here, we tested the relationship between changes in sea surface temperature and sea levels during the Quaternary and present-day distributions of coral reef fish species. We investigated whether species-specific responses are associated with life-history traits. We collected a database of coral reef fish distribution together with life-history traits for the Indo-Pacific Ocean. We ran species distribution models (SDMs) on 3,725 tropical reef fish species using contemporary environmental factors together with a variable describing isolation from stable...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate change; Dispersal; Indo-Pacific Ocean; Species distribution models.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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