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A földbirtok-politika választ igénylő kérdései AgEcon
Kapronczai, Istvan.
A kérdések széles területet ölelnek fel, ami folytatható a földvédelemmel, a kör-nyezetvédelemmel, a földadó kérdésével stb. A politikának – kompromisszumokkal és megegyezéssel – mielőbb lépnie kell, mert a rendezett birtokviszonyok növelik a földárat, élénkítik a termőföld iránti keresletet. Az emelkedő árak ugyanakkor bővítik a földkínálatot, végeredményben élénkül az egész földpiac. Ez a leghatékonyabb eszköz a termőfölddel kapcsolatos spekulációk visszaszorítására. Van-e azonban esély a megegyezésre? Politikai síkon aligha! Sőt az agrárközgazdász szakma is meglehetősen megosztott a birtok, a föld kérdésében, hisz körein¬ken belül is hatnak az érdekek, a megcsontosodott előítéletek. Mégis szükség van egy szakmai vitára, egy őszinte véleménycserére,...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Birtokpolitika; Földtulajdon; Földbérlet; Földhasználat; Örökösödés; Land ownership policy; Land ownership; Land lease; Land use; Inheritance; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use; Political Economy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Fafchamps, Marcel; Quisumbing, Agnes R..
This paper examines the determinants of assets at marriage in rural Ethiopia. We identify and test three separate processes that determine assets brought to marriage: assortative matching, compensating parental transfers at marriage, and strategic behavior by parents. We find ample evidence for the first, none for the second, and some evidence of the third for brides. We also find no evidence of competition for parental assets among siblings. Results suggest that parents do not transfer wealth to children in ways that compensate for marriage market outcomes. Certain parents, however, give more assets to daughters whenever doing so increases the chances of a daughter marrying a wealthy groom.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Ethiopia; Property; Marriage Market; Intrahousehold allocation; Intergenerational transfers; Rural population; Inheritance; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Genetic control of aluminum tolerance in tropical maize germplasm Bragantia
Coelho,Caroline de Jesus; Bombardelli,Renato Gustavo Hoffmann; Schulze,Guilherme Stalchmidt; Caires,Eduardo Fávero; Matiello,Rodrigo Rodrigues.
ABSTRACT Aluminum (Al) toxicity is the most limiting factor to maize crop productivity in acid soils. Therefore, the understanding of inheritance of Al tolerance in maize is important for the developmentof more adequate procedures for Al tolerant genotypes selection. In this sense, the objectives of this study were to determine the inheritance, and the general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) for Al tolerance in tropical maize. First, we evaluated diallel crosses of maize from landrace and hybrid germplasms for Al tolerance through the minimal solution methodology. The DIF data (root growth difference) were analyzed by Griffing diallel model. Later the additive-dominant genetic model proposed by Mather and Jinks (1971) was used to estimate the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Combining ability; Heritability; Inheritance; Zea mays L..
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Genetic control of cowpea seed sizes Scientia Agricola
Lopes,Francisco Cláudio da Conceição; Gomes,Regina Lúcia Ferreira; Freire Filho,Francisco Rodrigues.
Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] is one of the most widely adapted grain legumes in hot regions of Africa, Asia and the Americas. In the semiarid Northeast of Brazil, it is the main subsistence crop, an excellent protein source of low cost, for the poor population. The objective of this work was to estimate genetic parameters to understand the inheritance of seed sizes in cowpea. The parents P1 and P2 and the generations, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 of the cross TVx5058-09C X Manteiguinha formed the genetic material for this study. These six generates (P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1 and BC) were evaluated in a completely randomized block-design with six replications, in Teresina - PI, Brazil, in 1998. The genetic parameters estimated were: phenotypic and total genetic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vigna unguiculata; 100-seed weight; Inheritance; Gene effect.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Genetic control on morphoagzronomic traits in snap bean BABT
Silva,Marlon Peres da; Amaral Júnior,Antônio Teixeira do; Rodrigues,Rosana; Pereira,Messias Gonzaga; Viana,Alexandre Pio.
Five divergent snap bean accessions from the vegetables germplasm bank at UENF and their ten diallel hybrids were evaluated to inheritance on five morphoagronomic traits using Hayman's methodology (1954). The results showed that additive effects were predominant for pod weight per plant, number of seeds per pod, height of the insertion of the first pod and number of days to flowering while non-additive effects were more important for number of pods per plant. The best strategy to be adopted was the use of these acessions in an intrapopulation breeding program aiming the obtaintion of superior segregants. For pod numbers the indicated strategy would be an interpopulational breeding procedure, to exploite the heterosis related to the non-additive effects....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Snap bean; Phaseolus vulgaris; Diallel analysis; Inheritance.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Inheritance of a new albino mutation in Brazilian free-range black chickens Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Jorge,W; Cunha,LM.
A genetically recessive albino mutation, which inhibits pigment development in the eyes, skin, and feathers of domestic chickens from Brazil, is described. This mutation appeared in a flock of completely black chickens of a private breeder. There are no information on the origin, breed, or specific line of the birds. Pigment inhibition is apparently complete in the feathers and eyes. Bird sight is very impaired, but no histological examination was carried out. Ratios obtained in F2 and backcrossed birds indicate that a single autosomal recessive gene is responsible for the condition. The data suggest that the absence of melanin in the eyes, skin, and feathers (symbol cc) is a mutation of the pigmented C wild gene.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Albinism; Chicken; Inheritance; Melanin.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Inheritance of malate dehydrogenase in wild pepper Bragantia
Leaf extracts from wild pepper (Capsicum flexuosum Sendt) were analysed for the presence of malate dehydrogenase (E.C.; MDH) isozymes using starch gel electrophoresis. Seven phenotypes for MDH isozymes were observed in the genitors. Genetic analysis in F1 progenies revealed five loci coding for MDH. Isozyme banding patterns of hybrids indicated that MDH-3 and MDH-4 genes code for monomeric enzymes, while MDH-5 for a dimeric isoform. In MDH-2 loci, one particular F1 progeny showed a significant deviation from the expected isozyme pattern. It is possible that other genes are controlling the expression of MDH-2 in pepper. Also, there are two alleles coding for MDH-2 isozyme. On the other hand, MDH-1 was monomorphic for all genotypes used in the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Wild pepper; Capsicum flexuosum; Malate dehydrogenase; Inheritance.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Prevalence of Bifid Tongue and Ankyloglossia in South Indian Population with an Emphasis on its Embryogenesis International Journal of Morphology
Rai,Rohan; Rai,Ashwin R; Rai,Rajalakshmi; Bhat,Keshav; Muralimanju,B. V.
Disturbance in the organogenesis of tongue might lead to some malformations like tongue tie, bifid tongue and hairy tongue. Severe degrees of these anomalies may cause speech impairment or periodontal defects. The present study was done on patients of the southern coastal belt of India during the past two years, on gross tongue anomalies. The results of the present study reveal that occurrence of tongue tie is 0.2% and bifid tongue is 0.3% in the southern coastal population. Since great majority of these oral anomalies have genetic basis the purpose of the present report is to highlight that these anomalies can exist without any familial background and also to suggest that environmental factor may play a role in the etiogenesis of these anomalies.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Bifid tongue; Inheritance; Prevalence tongue anomalies; Tongue tie.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Protocolo de tecnologia: selecao para resistencia a doencas em hortalicas. 1. Etapas para selecao de fontes de resistencia a doencas. Infoteca-e
SANTOS, J. R. M. dos.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Heranca; Resistance; Diseases; Selection; Genetic resistantce; Inoculation; Inheritance; Doença; Inoculação; Hortaliça; Seleção; Resistência; Resistência Genética; Vegetables.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Relationship between leaf stages and epistasis for resistance to Stagonospora nodorum in durum wheat Genet. Mol. Biol.
Bnejdi,Fethi; Saadoun,Mourad; Naouari,Mouna; El Gazzah,Mohamed.
Ten varieties and eight generations (2F1, 2F2, 2B1 and 2B2) of durum wheat derived from two crosses were evaluated for resistance to natural infection by Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB) at the 2-3 and 6-7 leaf stages at two sites over two years. There were significant differences in the incidence of SNB between leaf stages in most of the wheat varieties, with resistance being most evident at the 6-7 leaf stage. Separate analyses of the mean values for each generation showed that the genetic mechanism of defense against the pathogen depended upon the leaf stage. At the 2-3 leaf stage, only additive and dominance effects were implicated in the control of SNB for the two crosses at the two sites and for the two replications. For the 6-7 leaf stage,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Adaptability; Inheritance; Leaf stage; Stagonospora nodorum blotch.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Transmission rate variation among three B chromosome variants in the fish Prochilodus lineatus (Characiformes, Prochilodontidae) Anais da ABC (AABC)
Cytogenetic studies were developed in Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes 1836), describing an interesting system of small supernumerary chromosomes. The purpose of this work is to study the frequency and morphology of B chromosomes in individuals from the parental line and the inheritance patterns of these elements in individuals obtained from controlled crosses in the species P. lineatus. The transmission rate of B chromosomes revealed a kB=0.388 for the acrocentric type, a kB=0.507 for the metacentric type and a kB=0.526 for the submetacentric type. The obtained results raise hypothesis that B-acrocentric chromosomes are involved in an extinction process in this species, while the metacentric and submetacentric supernumerary elements comprises a neutral...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Supernumerary chromosomes; Controlled crosses; Curimbatá; Cytogenetic; Inheritance.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Vannak még illúziók AgEcon
Buday-Santha, Attila.
A Szerkesztőség felkérésére írom le az agrárgazdaság helyzetével, birtokviszonyaival kapcsolatos véleményemet. A kiindulópontot ehhez Kapronczai István nagyon színvonalas és minden részletre kiterjedő tanulmánya adta meg. Azt azonban nem tartom szerencsésnek, hogy a cikkében olyan új fogalmakat (eltartó-képesség, életképesség, versenyképesség) hoz be, illetve állít egymással szembe, amelyek önmagukban is külön elemzést igényelnének, és annak következtetéseiben éppen úgy nem lehetne egyetértésre számítani, mint a kisüzem és nagyüzem körüli vitákban. Ez így nem más, mint a kisüzem és nagyüzem közötti vita más szempontú felélesztése. Lényeg az, hogy a fejlett országokban évente a gazdaságok 2-3%-a szűnik meg, valószínű azért, mert nem eltartóképes, nem...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Birtokpolitika; Koncentráció; Földbérlet; Öröklés; Kistermelés; Családi gazdaság; Land estate policy; Concentration; Land lease; Inheritance; Small farmers; Family farm; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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ความท้าทายของนักปรับปรุงพันธุ์พืชภายใต้การเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศโลก: กรณีศึกษา การปรับปรุงพันธุ์ถั่วลิสงทนแล้งของมหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น Thai Agricultural
Patcharin Songsri; Sanun Jogloy; Nimitr Vorasoot; Aran Patanothai.
Breeding for drought resistance in peanut can reduce aflatoxin contamination. It is also a sustainable strategy to improve both crop productivity and peanut quality under drought conditions for use as a raw material in peanut industry. Peanut breeding program for drought resistance is ongoing at the Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University. The research project aimed to generate the integrated knowledge about 1) drought resistance mechanisms based on the responses for physiological and morphological characters and 2) the information on the inheritance of drought resistance in peanut. The information obtained will support the peanut breeding program for a more rapid progress in the selection schemes. The project has tested the peanut lines under drought...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Agriculture; Climate; Environment; Peanut; Drought resistance mechanism; Inheritance; ถั่วลิสง; การเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ; การปรับปรุงพันธุ์พืช; ความท้าทาย; ความทนแล้ง; สภาวะขาดน้ำ; การถ่ายทอดลักษณะทางพันธุกรรม.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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