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A new alternative to produce gibberellic acid by solid state fermentation BABT
Rodrigues,Cristine; Vandenberghe,Luciana Porto de Souza; Teodoro,Juliana; Oss,Juliana Fraron; Pandey,Ashok; Soccol,Carlos Ricardo.
Gibberellic acid (GA3) is an important hormone, which controls plant's growth and development. Solid State Fermentation (SSF) allows the use of agro-industrial residues reducing the production costs. The screening of strains (four of Gibberella fujikuoroi and one of Fusarium moniliforme) and substrates (citric pulp, soy bran, sugarcane bagasse, soy husk, cassava bagasse and coffee husk) and inoculum preparation study were conducted in order to evaluate the best conditions to produce GA3 by SSF. Fermentation assays were carried out in erlenmeyers flasks at 29°C, with initial moisture of 75-80%. Different medium for inoculum production were tested in relation to cells viability and GA3 production by SSF. F. moniliforme LPB 03 and citric pulp were chosen for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gibberellic acid; Fusarium moniliforme; Solid state fermentation; Inoculum; Agro-industrial residues.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Estatuto Social. Programação. Resumos: Roadmapping da comercialização de inoculantes no Brasil: novas estratégias, articulações e demandas da ANPII. Evaluación de la sobrevida bacteriana en un pre-inoculante para soja. Utilização de um inoculante padrão como referência para a determinação de qualidade de produtos comerciais. Comparação e adequação de metodologias para controle de qualidade de inoculantes comerciais para leguminosas. Avaliação da produtividade da cultura do milho com diferentes doses de fósforo e inoculação com Penicillium bilaiae. Testes de eficiência agronômica da tecnologia de co-inoculação de rizóbios e azospirillum em soja e feijoeiro. Eficiência simbiótica de estirpes isoladas de áreas cultivadas com soja em Roraima. Interação entre...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Inoculante; Biologia do solo; Inoculação; Inoculation methods; Inoculum.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Aspectos ecofisiológicos de la raíz de Pinus pseudostrobus y P. patula y especies ectomicorrízicas comestibles de Hebeloma spp. y Laccaria spp. Colegio de Postgraduados
Carrasco Hernández, Violeta.
Un alto porcentaje de mortandad se presenta en pinos que son transplantados de vivero a campo, debido a que no poseen en sus raíces hongos ectomicorrízicos los cuales forman simbiosis obligada con los pinos de forma natural en los bosques. Estos hongos facilitan la absorción de nutrimentos y agua, además de estimular su crecimiento. Debido a la importancia de los hongos ectomicorrízicos, el presente trabajo evaluó el efecto en crecimiento, peso seco, porcentaje de colonización y contenido nutrimental de la inoculación de seis especies ectomicorrízicas comestibles de los géneros Laccaria y Hebeloma en Pinus patula y P. pseudostrobus, en condiciones de invernadero. Las especies inoculadas fueron previamente caracterizadas. Después de 397 días de la siembra...
Palavras-chave: Hongo silvestre; Inóculo; Micorriza; Pinos; Fungi wild; Inoculum; Mycorrhiza; Pines; Maestría; Edafología.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Aspectos ecofisiológicos de la raíz de Pinus pseudostrobus y P. patula y especies ectomicorrízicas comestibles de Hebeloma spp. y Laccaria spp. Colegio de Postgraduados
Carrasco Hernández, Violeta.
Un alto porcentaje de mortandad se presenta en pinos que son transplantados de vivero a campo, debido a que no poseen en sus raíces hongos ectomicorrízicos los cuales forman simbiosis obligada con los pinos de forma natural en los bosques. Estos hongos facilitan la absorción de nutrimentos y agua, además de estimular su crecimiento. Debido a la importancia de los hongos ectomicorrízicos, el presente trabajo evaluó el efecto en crecimiento, peso seco, porcentaje de colonización y contenido nutrimental de la inoculación de seis especies ectomicorrízicas comestibles de los géneros Laccaria y Hebeloma en Pinus patula y P. pseudostrobus, en condiciones de invernadero. Las especies inoculadas fueron previamente caracterizadas. Después de 397 días de la siembra...
Palavras-chave: Hongo silvestre; Inóculo; Micorriza; Pinos; Fungi wild; Inoculum; Mycorrhiza; Pines; Maestría; Edafología.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Biodegradation of oil refinery residues using mixed-culture of microorganisms isolated from a landfarming BABT
Morais,Eduardo Beraldo de; Tauk-Tornisielo,Sâmia Maria.
In this study, the potential for using an inoculum composed of a mixed-culture of bacteria and fungi, isolated from a landfarming at the Paulínia Oil Refinery, Brazil, to degrade oil residues generated in the process of petroleum refinement was investigated. The isolation of these microorganisms was carried out beforehand, assuming that they would be better adapted to petroleum hydrocarbons, as the landfarming consisted of an area impacted by the deposit of such compounds. The Bartha and Pramer respirometric test was used to measure the rate of biodegradation of the hydrocarbons by the mixed-culture of microorganisms via the evolution of CO2. The results obtained with respect to the efficiency of biodegradation showed no significant differences...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biodegradation; Oil residue; Petroleum; Inoculum; Mixed-culture.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca e da fração fibra da cana-de-açúcar fresca ou ensilada e da silagem de milho em diferentes ambientes ruminais - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i2.4711 Animal Sciences
Santos, Vanessa Pillon dos; USP; Bittar, Carla Maris Machado; ESALQ - USP; Nussio, Luiz Gustavo; USP; Ferreira, Lucas Silveira; USP; Mourão, Gerson Barreto; USP; Zopollatto, Maity; USP.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar degradabilidades in situ da matéria seca (MS), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e ácido (FDA) da cana-de-açúcar in natura (CF) ou ensilada (SC) e da silagem de milho (SM) em diferentes ambientes ruminais, utilizando a técnica in situ macro-bag. Foram utilizadas duas vacas canuladas, alimentadas com rações formuladas de maneira a serem obtidos diferentes ambientes ruminais, de acordo com os volumosos: CF ou SC. A degradabilidade in situ dos volumosos foi avaliada utilizando-se sacos com poros de 50 µm, medindo 20 x 40 cm, sendo os volumosos incubados in natura nos horários 0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96h. Os ambientes ruminais consistiram de um arranjo hierárquico 3 x 2 (3 forragens x 2 ambientes ruminais). Amostras...
Palavras-chave: Nutrição e Alimentação Animal ambiente ruminal; Degradabilidade efetiva; Degradabilidade potencial; Fermentação; Inóculo; Macro-bag. ruminal condition; Effective degradability; Potential degradability; Fermentation; Inoculum; Macro-bag.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Effect of fertilizer-N application and seed coating with rhizobial inoculants on soybean yield in eastern Paraguay Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Kubota,Aki; Hoshiba,Kent; Bordon,Jorge.
Nitrogen removal in soybean grains at harvest may exceed biological N2 fixation, particularly if grain yields are as high as typically achieved on "Terra Rossa" soils of Eastern Paraguay. Applying N fertilizer or coating seeds with rhizobial inoculants that enhance nodulation may represent a way of balancing the N budget. However, the effects of such treatments appear to be highly site-specific. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of N application (N) and rhizobial inoculation (I) on nodulation, N accumulation and soybean yields in Eastern Paraguay. Field experiments were conducted in two consecutive soybean seasons. Dry conditions in the first year delayed sowing and reduced plant number m-2 and pod number plant-1. Grain yields were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Glycine max; Inoculum; Nitrogen; Nodulation; Rhizobium.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Inoculum padronization for the production of cutinase by Fusarium oxysporum BJM
Pio,Tatiana Fontes; Fraga,Laira Priscila; Macedo,Gabriela Alves.
Cutinase is a versatile enzyme showing several interesting properties for application in industrial processes. The widespread use of this enzyme depends on the development of an efficient and low-cost production system. One of the most important steps in a fermentation process is the standardization of the inoculum characteristics. In this study, the production of cutinase by Fusarium oxysporum showed a statistically significant relationship with both the inoculum size and the inoculum PDA pH. The greatest activities were 19.1 U/mL at PDA pH 7.0 and 22.72 U/mL using an aliquot of 12.72 x 10(7) spores/mL. The macroscopic characteristics of the colonies of Fusarium oxysporum changed according to the variation of the medium pH, with the best results recorded...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fusarium oxysporum; Inoculum; Cutinase; Macroscopic characteristics; Fermentation process.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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In-vitro assessment for ensilabillity of Tithonia diversifolia alone or with Pennisetum purpureum using epiphytic lactic acid bacteria strains as inocula Animal Sciences
Holguín, Vilma; Cuchillo-Hilario, Mario; Parra, Johanna Mazabel; Martens, Siriwans.
  It is expected that the availability of forage for animals in the tropics will fluctuate in the future due to climate change. Ensiling of tropical forages constitutes a strategy to cope with food scarcity during long dry seasons. Tithonia diversifolia (TD), is a plant belonging to family Asteraceae, with a wide adaptation in tropical areas. A Rostock Fermentation Test (RFT) was performed to compare the ensilabillity potential among four epiphytic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains isolated from TD. Further, two experiments were designed 1) to evaluate the acidification potential of the best strain from the preliminary test (T735), and 2) to determine the ensilability of different levels of inclusion in the TD / PP mixture. For the first experiment, T735...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal sciences; Forage sciences tropical forages; Inoculum; Acidification; Wild sunflower..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Methanization potential of anaerobic biodigestion of solid food waste AGRIAMBI
Oliveira,Laís R. G. de; Santos Filho,Derovil A. dos; Vasconcelos,Kaline C.; Lucena,Talita V. de; Jucá,José F. T.; Santos,André F. de M. S..
ABSTRACT Anaerobic biodigestion of solid and semi-solid wastes has been widely used for the treatment of these residues and methane production; however, during the process (more specifically in the acidogenic phase), there is a tendency of pH reduction, an unfavorable condition to methanogenic bacteria. Thus, the present work aims to evaluate the methanization potential of an agroindustrial anaerobic granular sludge (AIS) from UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactor, individually and biodigested with food waste (FW) from the University Restaurant of the Federal University of Pernambuco with buffering agent (AIS + FW + b) and without it (AIS + FW). After the laboratory tests, the AIS + FW + b configuration obtained a cumulative methane production...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biodegradation; Methane; PH; Inoculum.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Methodology for sporulation and production of monoconidial isolates of Sphaeropsis sapinea PFB - Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira
Basilio, Paula Rachel Rabelo Corrêa; Auer, Celso Garcia; Santos, Álvaro Figueredo dos; Higa, Antonio Rioyei.
Sphaeropsis sapinea is one of main pathogens that causes losses in commercial plantations of Pinusspp. Studies for control based on genetic resistance can be done by inoculating different monosporic isolates onpine populations and selectioning the resistant individuals. This work describes a methodology for pycnidia production in vitro and S. sapinea monoconidial cultures, using an agar-water medium with sterile pine needles. Four S. sapinea isolates were tested e pycnidia and mature conidia were observed after 14 days of incubation, under continuous fluorescent light, in BOD, at 25 °C. Pycnidia were triturated in sterile water and conidia germinated after two hours of incubation in water-agar, in BOD, at 25 °C. Germinated conidia formed colonies which...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Inoculum; Pathogen; Pine. Inóculo; Patógeno; Pínus..
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Optimization of the production of mycorrhizal inoculum on substrate with organic fertilizer BJM
Coelho,Ieda R; Pedone-Bonfim,Maria VL; Silva,Fábio SB; Maia,Leonor C.
The system for production of inoculum of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) using sand and vermiculite irrigated with nutrient solution is promising. However, organic amendments added to the substrate can stimulate sporulation of AMF and replace the nutrient solution. The aim of this study was to maximize the production of AMF (Acaulospora longula, Claroideoglomus etunicatum, Dentiscutata heterogama and Gigaspora albida) using selected organic substrates (vermicompost, coir dust and Tropstrato) together with sand and vermiculite. The production of spores varied among the tested AMF and according to the organic source added to the substrate. The vermicompost promoted higher sporulation of A. longula in relation to the other AMF and substrates. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: AMF; Biofertilizer; Vermicomposto; Inoculum.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Production of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculum under different environmental conditions BJM
Torres-Arias,Yamir; Fors,Rosalba Ortega; Nobre,Camila; Gómez,Eduardo Furrazola; Berbara,Ricardo Luis Louro.
Abstract In order to obtain an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) native inoculum from Sierra de Moa and determine the most appropriate conditions for its big scale production, four light and temperature combinations were tested in three plant species (Calophyllum antillanum, Talipariti elatum and Paspalum notatum). Growth and development parameters, as well as the mycorrhizal functioning of the seedlings were evaluated. The natural light treatment under high temperatures (L-H) was the most suitable for the growth and development of the three plant species, showing the highest total biomass values, mainly of root, and a positive root-shoot ratio balance. This treatment also promoted higher values of root mycorrhizal colonization, external mycelium and AMF...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Calophyllum antillanum; Talipariti elatum; Paspalum notatum; Inoculum; Glomeromycota.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Temperature and relative humidity requirements for conidiogenesis of Beauveria bassiana (Deuteromycetes: Moniliaceae) Anais da SEB
Sosa-Gómez,Daniel R.; Alves,Sérgio B..
Assays were conducted to assess the number of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. conidia on Diatraea saccharalis F. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Nezara viridula (L.) and Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) corpses maintained at different levels of relative humidity (RH) (75%, 80%, 85%, 90% and 100%) and temperatures (22°C, 26°C, 30°C and 34°C) during five days. The isolates produced conidia when exposed to RH from 75% to 100%. Conidiogenesis was incipient at 75% RH on D. saccharalis larvae, but did not occur on N. viridula and P. guildinii. In ideal conditions of RH and during 10 days, mathematical equations were developed to estimate the number of conidia produced by isolates ARSEF 933 and ARSEF 2515. Conidia number were shown to be...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Insecta; Nezara viridula; Diatraea saccharalis; Piezodorus guildinii; Inoculum; Entomopathogenic fungi.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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