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Inception of the Northern European ice sheet due to contrasting ocean and insolation forcing 5
Risebrobakken, Bjorg; Dokken, Trond; Ottera, Odd Helge; Jansen, Eystein; Gao, Yongqi; Drange, Helge.
About 115,000 yr ago the last interglacial reached its terminus and nucleation of new ice-sheet growth was initiated. Evidence from the northernmost Nordic Seas indicate that the inception of the last glacial was related to an intensification of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in its northern limb. The enhanced AMOC, combined with minimum Northern hemisphere insolation, introduced a strong sea-land thermal gradient that, together with a strong wintertime latitudinal insolation gradient, increased the storminess and moisture transport to the high Northern European latitudes at a time when the Northern hemisphere summer insolation approached its minimum.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Glacial inception; Nordic Seas; Northern European ice sheets; Palco-reconstruction; OGCM; AMOC; Insolation; Insolation gradient.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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