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Ambiente institucional e acesso aos mercados internacionais para produtores brasileiros: comparando a legislação americana e o européia. AgEcon
Pereira, Paulo Rodrigues Fernandes; Flexor, Georges Gerard; Funcke, Andre Luis.
O trabalho pretende abordar a problemática do acesso aos mercados internacionais sob a ótica da questão da qualidade e segurança dos alimentos. Procura nesse sentido apresentar uma comparação dos arcabouços institucionais dos Estados Unidos da América e da União Européia no que diz respeito a normas e padrões de seguranças e qualidade dos alimentos. Esses elementos que estruturam o ambiente institucional do acesso aos mercados representam desafios importantes para os produtores dos países em desenvolvimento, sobretudo para os pequenos agricultores.------------------------The work aims to address the problem of access to international markets from the perspective of the quality and food safety. From a institutional approach, it presents a comparison of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Normas; Cadeia; Ambiente institucional; Qualidade; Standards; Chain; Institution; Quality; Food Security and Poverty; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Bargaining on Ecological Main Structures for Natural Pest Control: Modelling Land Use Regulations as Common Property Management AgEcon
Nuppenau, Ernst-August.
In this paper we argue that the loss of bio-diversity hould be of concern for farmers, though it seems to be of little or no concern to them at the moment. As diversity is a component of nature that controls the growth of pests, a loss of bio-diversity means increased exposure to pests, danger of crop failures and, in the long run, lower average yields and profits. So far farmers buy costly pesticides for compensating the reduction of bio-diversity. We argue that institutional problems are the reason why farmers are not concerned with bio-diversity, and show that under pure private property rights farmers have interest in pesticides and not in bio-diversity as a measure of crop protect because they have perhaps to devote land to the natural eco-system. In...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Common property management; Institution; Crop risk; Bio-diversity; Land Economics/Use; Q28.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Weingarten, Peter.
This paper reviews the publication by BECKMANN, V. (2000): Transaktionskosten und institutionelle Wahl in der Landwirtschaft : Zwischen Markt, Hierarchie und Kooperation [Transaction costs and institutional choice in agriculture : Between market, hierarchy and co-operation].
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Transaction cost; Institution; Farm organisation; Agriculture; Labour organisation; Farm Management; L14; Q12; C25.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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EMBRAPA - Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Trópico Úmido. Infoteca-e
EMBRAPA. Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Trópico Úmido..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Agropecuária; Instituição; Institution; Pesquisa; Agriculture; Amazonia; Research.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Essays on the Economics of Environmental Management and Green Reputation AgEcon
Komarek, Timothy M..
Many governments, firms, institutions and individuals have become increasingly cognizant of their impact on the environment, most notably with respect to global climate change. This coupled with a threat of future regulation and a desire for a ‘green’ image, among other reasons, has led firms and institutions to begin critically evaluating and managing their own “carbon footprint”. Effective programs to manage greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) benefit from understanding the preferences of the constituents the program intends to serve. This study uses a survey at Michigan State University to examine the preferences of constituents (students, faculty and staff) for attributes of alternative greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategies. The first essay examines...
Tipo: Thesis or Dissertation Palavras-chave: 'Green' reputation; Pro-environmental behavior; Conjoint analysis; Climate change policy; Choice experiment; Institution; Environmental Economics and Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q40; Q42; Q51.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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European Union Agricultural Policy Institutions and Decision Making Processes AgEcon
Vaughan, Odette; Tanguay, Luc; Gilmour, Brad.
This note examines European Union (EU) institutions and policy making processes in relation to its agriculture and food sector. With a market comprised of 495 million people across 27 countries and a comprehensive agricultural policy accounting for the largest share of the EU budget, how the EU policy environment functions is important to Canada. Decisions are made at the supranational EU level for agriculture, fisheries, trade, and regional development, while decision-making related to other policies occurs at the individual country level or through a system of inter-governmental cooperation. Decision-making occurs in three institutions: the Commission, the Council and the Parliament. Agriculture negotiations typically begin with a text drafted by the...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: European Union; Agriculture; Policy; Institution; Legislation; Agricultural and Food Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; International Relations/Trade; Political Economy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Evaluating Multifunctional Activities as Rural Institution in Japan AgEcon
Ohe, Yasuo.
The relationship between multifunctionality and the roles of rural communities has not been discussed fully although the connection between the two is an essential issue in the rural policy arena. Pursuing this issue, this paper considers that multifunctional hamlet activities are generated as institutional joint products within the hamlet. Also evaluated is the connection between multifunctional activities and institutional hamlet conditions under the Japanese direct payment program for less favored areas. Results of conceptual considerations and empirical evaluations reveal that specific multifunctional hamlet activities depend on hamlet conditions; those on the least favorable level tend to perform land preservation activities while those under the most...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Multifunctionality; Rural community; Institution; Jointness; Diversification; Human resources; Direct payment; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Q19; R0; Z13; Q18.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Género, empoderamiento y proyectos productivos: Mujeres indígenas Chontales de Tabasco Colegio de Postgraduados
Pérez Villar, María de los Ángeles.
En la vida de las personas las políticas económicas generan cambios e impactan en sus familias. Fenómenos como el desempleo y falta de oportunidades, principalmente en el medio rural, han llevado a muchas mujeres a incorporarse a algún tipo de proyecto productivo que les genere ingresos para el sostenimiento económico de la familia. El estudio se realizó en comunidades del municipio de Nacajuca, Tabasco, pertenecientes al Consejo de Mujeres Chontales A.C “Nich Ixim” (Flor de Maíz) que han recibido apoyos financieros para desarrollar proyectos productivos de la Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos indígenas (CDI). La información para el análisis se obtuvo mediante la realización de entrevistas grupales, a profundidad y...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Impulsores e inhibidores de empoderamiento; Institución; Familia; Etnia; Mujeres chontales; Doctorado; Desarrollo Rural; Instigators and empowerment inhibitors; Institution; Family; Ethnic group; Chontales women.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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II Plano Diretor 2000-2003: Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. Infoteca-e
Contextualização; Missão; Visão; Valores; Negócio; Objetivos; Metas; Diretrizes estratégicas; Projetos estratégicos.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Institution; Agricultura; Pesquisa; Planejamento; Agriculture; Research; Planning.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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II plano diretor: Embrapa Soja - 2000-2003. Infoteca-e
Contextualizacao; Marcos referenciais; Os novos paradigmas e suas consequencias; O custo do ajuste; Tendencias do agronegocio mundial; Tendencias do agronegocio da soja; Tendencias do agronegocio do girassol; A insercao da Embrapa no contexto; Visao de futuro; Missao, visao e valores; Negocio; Mercado; Produtos e servicos; Clientes; Parceiros; Objetivos: Objetivos tecnico-programaticos; Objetivos organizacionais e institucionais; Objetivos de apoio tecnico-administrativo; Metas e indicadores de desempenho; Metas tecnico-programaticas; Metas organizacionais e institucionais; Metas de apoio tecnico-administrativo; Diretrizes estrategicas; Diretrizes estrategicas tecnico-programaticas; Diretrizes estrategicas organizacionais e institucionais; Diretrizes...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Plano diretor; Brasil; Soybean; Sunflower; Production; Institution; Agricultura; Girassol; Instituição de Pesquisa; Pesquisa; Planejamento Estratégico; Produção; Soja; Agriculture; Brazil; Research; Planning.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Institutional Analysis of Swidden: The Case of Swiddners in Orissa AgEcon
Jyotishi, A..
Swidden being a widespread form of land use in the tropics comprehensively defining it become a difficult task. Its characteristics embrace different types of topography, demographic feature, ethnic and ecological diversities. It also varies in terms of cropping pattern, frequency of land use, tools and methods of practice. It is argued that the institutions governing swidden are static in nature and do not adapt to the requirements of the changing ecological and social needs. This necessitates understanding what characterise institutions in a traditional swiddening society, and hence, changes in these characteristics to appreciate whether swidden is a static form of agriculture or changing over the time and space. There are a few aspects, which underscore...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Swidden; Institution; Land-use; Property-rights; Market-integration; Orissa; Farm Management; O13; N55; Q10; Z13.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Instituto Agronômico do Norte: histórico, objetivos e pesquisas. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Agropecuária; Instituto; Brasil; Institution; Historia; Pesquisa; Amazonia; Agriculture; History; Research.
Ano: 1959 URL:
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International Centers and National Systems for agricultural research: an institution-building approach. Infoteca-e
ALVES, E. R. de A..
Coleção Eliseu Alves: Biblioteca da Embrapa Sede.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Instituicao; Transferencia; Adocao; Desenvolvimento; Institution; Transfer; Adoption; Development; Agricultura; Pesquisa; Tecnologia; Agriculture; Research; Technology.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Market Institutions: Enhancing the Value of Rural-Urban Links AgEcon
Chowdhury, Shyamal K.; Negassa, Asfaw; Torero, Maximo.
This paper examines how market institutions can affect links between urban and rural areas with specific emphasis on goods market integration in the national context. Traditionally, development researchers and practitioners have focused either on rural market development or on urban market development without considering the interdependencies and synergies between the two. However, more than ever before, emerging local and global patterns such as the modern food value-chain led by supermarkets and food processors, rapid urbanization, changes in dietary composition, and enhanced information and communication technologies point to the need to pay close attention to the role of markets both in linking rural areas with intermediate cities and market towns and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Market; Institution; Value; Urban; Rural; Bangladesh; Ethiopia; Indonesia; Kenya; Peru; Community/Rural/Urban Development; International Development.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Plano anual de trabalho - 1989. Infoteca-e
EMBRAPA. Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Trópico Umido..
Relação do pessoal técnico-cientifico do CPATU. Orçamento por programa de pesquisa. Orçamento por programa de suporte a pesquisa. Orçamento consolidado dos programas de pesquisa e programas de suporte a pesquisa. Form's 90. Estimativa de receita própria.
Tipo: Material não-convencional Palavras-chave: Agropecuária; Instituição; Institution; Pesquisa; Planejamento; Agriculture; Planning; Research.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Plano diretor do Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Pantanal - CPAP. Infoteca-e
EMBRAPA. Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuaria do Pantanal (Corumba, MS)..
Sistemas produtivos; Pecuaria; Recursos pesqueiros; Sistemas de producao alternativos; Flora; Fauna; Impactos de agricultura, mineracao e turismo; Relacoes interinstitucionais; Missao; Objetivos e diretrizes; Tecnico-programatica; Organizacionais e institucionais; Apoio tecnico e administrativo; Diagnostico do ambiente interno; Estrategias de acao; Dos objetivos tecnico-programaticos e avancos do conhecimento; Dos objetivos organizacionais e institucionais; Dos objetivos de apoio tecnico e administrativo; Dimensionamento dos recursos humanos e bases fisicas.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Plano diretor; Institution; Director plann; Firm; Empresa; Pesquisa; Planejamento; Pantanal; Planning; Research.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Programa de melhoramento da erva-mate coordenado pela EMBRAPA: resultados da avaliação genética de populações, progênies, indivíduos e clones. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Erva mate; Instituição; Programa; Program; Institution; Espécie nativa; Genética; Melhoramento; Ilex Paraguariensis.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Scale mismatches and reflexive law Ecology and Society
Cumming, Graeme S.; University of Cape Town, South Africa;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed article Palavras-chave: Democracy; Institution; Law; Reflexivity; Scale.
Ano: 2013
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Vertical Interplay among Scale-dependent Environmental and Resource Regimes Ecology and Society
Young, Oran; Bren School, University of California, Santa Barbara;
Environmental and resource regimes, operating at different levels of social organization, vary in terms of factors such as the sources of actor behavior, the knowledge available to actors, the operation of compliance mechanisms, the use of policy instruments, and the nature of the broader social setting. Cross-level interactions among scale-dependent regimes can result in patterns of dominance, separation, merger, negotiated agreement, or system change. The mechanisms that determine which of these patterns will occur include authority/power differentials, limits of decentralization, dueling discourses, cognitive transitions, and blocking coalitions. Recurrent linkages or syndromes occur in this realm, e.g., limitations of authority and power regularly...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Cross-level interaction; Institution; Jurisdiction; Regime; Scale; Scale dependence; Vertical interplay.
Ano: 2006
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Ito, Junichi.
The major objectives of this paper are to shed some light on the mechanism that generates interregional economic imbalances among communities in rural China. Central to this issue is the development of township and village enterprises (TVEs) because the presence of secondary industry is closely associated with the economic welfare of the people residing in rural communities. In rural Jiangsu, for example, spatial disparities have become more pronounced over the past two decades. This fact suggests that the influence of initial conditions—historical and geographical advantages of industrial frontrunners—has not been erased but rather continues to persist. This is attributed to a variety of factors, including the less efficient use of TVE resources in poor...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Economic imbalance; Rural China; Past-dependency; Institution; Allocation efficiency; Agglomeration economies; International Development.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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