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Avano, assessment of one year management of a thematic OAI-PMH harvester ArchiMer
Merceur, Frederic.
En Septembre 2006, la Bibliothèque La Pérouse lançait Avano, un moissonneur OAI pour les sciences marines et aquatiques. Avano propose aujourd'hui un accès centralisé à plus de 100.000 références, dont une grande majorité de documents accessibles gratuitement en texte intégral, moissonnés à partir de plus de 150 Archives Ouvertes. Près d'une année après son ouverture, ce document a pour objectif de rappeler le principe de fonctionnement de ce moissonneur thématique. Ce document est également l'occasion de faire le bilan des principales difficultés rencontrées lors de cette première année de gestion d'Avano, et, en conclusion, d'envisager quelques solutions pour permettre d'améliorer la qualité du service offert par Avano à ses utilisateurs.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Harvester; Institutional Repository; Open Archives; OAI PMH Protocol; Open Access; Moissonneur; Archives Institutionnelles; Archives Ouvertes; Libre accès; Protocole OAI PMH; Open Access.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Functioning and use of an institutional repository ArchiMer
Merceur, Frederic.
In August 2005, Ifremer launched its institutional repository: Archimer. Today, Archimer provides free access, on the Internet, to more than 5,000 documents, including more than 80 % of the publications co-written by Ifremer since the creation of the repository. Following a reminder of the publication harvesting and recording methods, this document assesses the use of Archimer. It analyses, amongst others, the progression of the number of interrogations and the differences observed between the uses of the different types of works (publication, thesis, internal reports...). This study also demonstrates the predominance of the search engine Google in the access to the documents and underlines its consequences in terms of Internet visibility.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Statistics; Google; Archimer; Institutional Repository; Open Access.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Mise en place, à l'Ifremer, d'une Archive Institutionnelle et d'un moissonneur OAI spécialisé en sciences marines et aquatiques ArchiMer
Merceur, Frederic.
In August 2005, Ifremer launched Archimer, its institutional repository: a full-text database providing free access to publications, theses, conference proceedings, and internal reports. As part of the Open Access movement, this database promotes Ifremer's works on an international scale. A year later Archimer offers more than 1,400 documents of which more than 70% of those publications have been written or co-written by Ifremer since August 2005. As a supporting step towards the Open Access movement, Ifremer, through the La Perouse Library, also developed Avano, an OAI harvester for the Marine and Aquatic Sciences. This harvester collects bibliographical data of electronic resources (documentation, images, datasets, videos, audio files) stored in a group...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Electronic documentation; Avano; Archimer; Post publication; OAI Harvester; Open Archive; Institutional Repository; Open Access; Documentation électronique; Avano; Archimer; Post publication; Moissonneur OAI; Archive Ouverte; Archive institutionnelle; Libre Accès.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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