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Externalities, institutions and the location choices of shellfish producers: the case of blue mussel farming in the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay (France) ArchiMer
Mongruel, Remi; Thebaud, Olivier.
Most marine aquaculture activities remain strongly dependent on coastal ecosystems. In the case of shellfish farming, this dependency is related mainly to water quality and to the various ecological interactions resulting from the dynamics of coastal food webs. Such ecological constraints have influenced the overall evolution of blue mussel farming in the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, leading producers to negotiate collective arrangements regarding production capacity and techniques and to develop production strategies at the farm level. This article presents an analysis of the location choices of mussel farmers in the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay based on an empirical investigation conducted in 2002. A typology of farms with respect to their land structure is developed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Institutional arrangements; Location choices; Externalities; Economic performance indicators; Blue mussel farming.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Araujo, Paulo Thadeu M.; Melo, Andrea S.S.A..
A discussão apresentada nesse trabalho constitui-se parte de um estudo que tenta entender o desmatamento da Amazônia Legal brasileira dentro de uma perspectiva institucional. Para isto, analisa a estrutura institucional ambiental dos municípios desta região, buscando identificar se diferenças nos arranjos institucionais destes municípios podem ter levado a distintas taxas de desmatamento durante o processo de crescimento econômico dos mesmos. O crescimento econômico da região tem se baseado fortemente na expansão da pecuária de corte e do cultivo da soja, atividades estas identificadas na literatura como principais responsáveis pelas taxas de desmatamento observadas. A análise da perspectiva institucional, através de informações referentes a instituições...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Amazônia legal brasileira; Municípios; Arranjos institucionais; Desmatamento; Brazilian Amazon legal; Municipalities; Institutional arrangements; Deforestation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Institutional Innovations for Smallholder Compliance with International Food Safety Standards: Experiences from Kenya, Ethiopian and Zambian Green Bean Growers AgEcon
Okello, Julius Juma; Narrod, Clare A.; Roy, Devesh.
Many African countries have moved into the production of non-traditional agricultural products to diversify their exports and increase foreign currency earnings. Accessing developed country markets requires meeting food safety standards brought about by several demand and supply side factors. Food retailers in the EU, the major destination market, have developed protocols relating to pesticide residue limits, field and packinghouse hygiene, and traceability. In this changing scenario where food safety requirements are getting increasingly stringent, there are worries that companies that establish production centers in LDCs might exclude smallholder farmers. In this paper, we study the cases of green beans production in Ethiopia, Kenya and Zambia for export...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: International food safety standards; Compliance; Smallholder farmers; Institutional arrangements; Collective action; Producer organizations; Public-private partnerships; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Environmental Economics and Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Labor and Human Capital; Marketing; Production Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Les arrangements institutionnels et la gouvernance de l'eau douce en zone côtière : le cas du bassin versant de la Charente ArchiMer
Marcone, Océane.
The water - management within the watershed of the Charente is problematic due to the different uses made by different user groups, and because of its relative scarcity, especially during summertime. The over exploitation of the water for farrning activities poses a problem, in particular from the environmental point of view. The shellfish activity suffers from the scarcity of fresh water in the basin of Marennes - Oléron too.   The various needs of water inherent in the different practices lead to use conflicts. To improve water management, the govemment had set up various management tools. Thought problems remain. lnstitutional economics seems to be a pertinent framework to understand what are the misses and the progresses of the current management...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gouvernance de l'eau douce; Arrangements institutionnels; Bassin versant de la Charente; Conflits d'usage; Action collective; Fresh water governance; Institutional arrangements; Watershed of the Charente; Uses conflicts; Collective action.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Modeling Soft Institutional Change and the Improvement of Freshwater Governance in the Coastal Zone Ecology and Society
Prou, Jean ; Ifremer, head of La Tremblade Station;; Lample, Michel; University of Brest, UMR Amure;; Vanhoutte-Brunier, Alice; Ifremer, UMR Amure, Marine Economics Department;; Bordenave, Paul; Cemagref, ADER Research Unit;.
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Common-pool resources; Ecosystem services; Freshwater management; Governance; Institutional arrangements.
Ano: 2011
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Modeling soft institutional change and the improvement of freshwater governance in the coastal zone ArchiMer
Mongruel, Remi; Prou, Jean; Balle-beganton, Johanna; Lample, Michel; Vanhoutte Brunier, Alice; Rethoret, Harold; Perez Agundez, José A.; Vernier, Françoise; Bordenave, Paul; Bacher, Cedric.
The contribution of soft institutional change to improve freshwater governance in the coastal zone will be examined. Freshwater management seeks to reduce losses due to overexploitation of the common-pool resources provided by river catchments and their associated ecosystems. Due to the complexity of the governance system, improving the performance of one coastal social-ecological system means searching for the appropriate “soft” institutional change. In the Pertuis Charentais region, increasing scarcity of freshwater in summer threatens the health of the coastal ecosystem and the sustainability of human activities, which depend on the use of natural resources. The allocation of freshwater among competing uses or concerns is a core issue for integrated...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Common-pool resources; Ecosystem services; Freshwater management; Governance; Institutional arrangements.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Modelling institutional arrangements and bio-economic impacts of catch share management systems. Application to the Bay of Biscay sole fishery ArchiMer
Bellanger, Manuel.
In France, where fishing rights are non-transferable, the management of fishing quotas is essentially delegated to producer organizations (POs). POs are granted collective allocations based on the aggregate fishing rights of their members and are then responsible for managing their fishing opportunities. The goal of this research, which contains theoretical developments as well as empirical analyses applied to the Bay of Biscay sole fishery, is to determine how outcomes of fisheries management are altered by the presence of POs within institutions as compared to alternative governance systems such as individual transferable quotas (ITQs). This dissertation notably brings together bio-economic approaches and institutional analyses to better anticipate the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gestion durable des quotas de pêche; Organisations de producteurs; Cogestion; Arrangements institutionnels; Respect des réglementations; Effets redistributifs; Modèle bio-économique; Modèle microéconomique de comportement des pêcheurs; Sustainable management of catch shares; Producer organizations; Co-management; Institutional arrangements; Regulatory compliance; Distributional effects; Bio-economic modelling; Microeconomic model of fishermen behavior.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Strategic focus areas and emerging trade arrangements in the South African agricultural industry since the demise of the marketing boards AgEcon
Doyer, Ockert T.; D'Haese, Marijke F.C.; Kirsten, Johann F.; van Rooyen, C.J..
This paper investigates the responses of agribusiness managers to drastic changes in the policy and marketing environment of South African agriculture. The process of deregulation and liberalisation of agricultural markets exposed agribusiness managers to international trends, which required new institutions and relationships. Based on a survey conducted among business managers, we explored emerging growth strategies, strategic focus areas and coordination preferences. Results suggest that managers prefer a growth strategy based on market penetration and market development. Important strategic drivers are value-adding and power drive. Managers expressed their preference for increased coordination and cooperation resulting in relation-based contracts and...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Strategic focus areas; Institutional arrangements; South Africa; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Understanding the Stability of Forest Reserve Boundaries in the West Mengo Region of Uganda Ecology and Society
Vogt, Nathan D; Indiana University Center for Institutions, Population, and Environmental Change;; Banana, Abwoli Y; Makerere University: Uganda Forest Resources and Institutions Center (UFRIC);; Gombya-Ssembajjwe, William; Makerere University: Uganda Forest Resources and Institutions Center (UFRIC);; Bahati, Joseph; Makerere University: Uganda Forest Resources and Institutions Center (UFRIC);
Despite heavy pressure and disturbance, state property regimes have stemmed deforestation within protected areas of the West Mengo region of Uganda for over 50 yr. In this manuscript, we reconstruct the process of creation and maintenance of forest reserve boundaries in the West Mengo region of Uganda to identify why these boundaries have largely remained stable over the long term under conditions in which they may be predicted to fail. The dramatic boundary stability in West Mengo we attribute to key aspects of institutional design and enforcement of boundaries.
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Common pool resources; Institutional arrangements; Forest governance; Remote sensing; Conservation; Uganda.
Ano: 2006
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