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Experimental herpes-like viral infections in marine bivalves: demonstration of interspecies transmission 5
Arzul, Isabelle; Renault, Tristan; Lipart, Cecile.
Since 1972, herpes-like virus infections have been reported in several marine bivalve species around the world. Viral detection was often associated with high mortality rates in larvae and spat. To determine whether a single virus is able to infect different bivalve host species, we carried out experimental transmission assays. As a first step, 8 assays were performed to infect axenic Crassostrea gigas larvae with virus from infected C. gigas larvae using a previously described protocol. The protocol appeared reliable and PCR was confirmed as a powerful technique for detecting viral DNA in experimentally infected oysters. The defined protocol was then applied to infect different bivalve species. Interspecies viral transmission was demonstrated under...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Experimental infection; Host specificty; Interspecies transmission; Marine bivalves; Herpes like virus.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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