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Kemenyne Horvath, Zsuzsanna.
A tanulmány bemutatja a hazai gabona keresletében bekövetkezett vertikális és horizontális átrendeződést és annak hatásait. A kérdőíves megkeresés és a mélyinterjúkból született válaszokat felhasználva, klaszteranalízis segítségével lehetővé vált a felvásárlói oldalon álló szereplők tipizálása, továbbá az áralku döntéseik modellezése. Megállapítható, hogy a gabonapiacon elsősorban a nagy kereskedelmi cégek és holdingok az árvezetők, ami méretükkel, tároló kapacitá-saikkal, logisztikai adottságaikkal és stratégiájukkal magyarázható. A feldolgo-zók (malom, takarmánykeverő, vetőmagos cégek), az integrátorok, kiskereskedők és egyéb cégek árelfogadók a gabonapiacon. Az intervenciós árszint a keresleti oldalon álló szereplők áralkuit, gabonapiaci stratégiáját...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Gabonapiac; Intervenció; Klaszteranalízis; Keresleti oldal; Áralku; Grain market; Intervention; Cluster analysis; Demand side; Price deal; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; International Relations/Trade; Production Economics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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A qualitative study exploring perspectives towards rational use of medicines in Pakistan's Malaria Control Program (MCP) 60
Malik,Madeeha; Hassali,Mohamed Azmi; Shafie,Asrul Akmal; Hussain,Azhar.
Malaria is one of the most important global public health problems threatening the health of the population owing to prevailing socio-economic conditions and epidemiological reasons in Pakistan. This qualitative study has focused on the perspectives held towards the rational use of medicine intervention among malaria control program officials. Eight semi-structured interviews with all officials working for the malaria control program in Islamabad were conducted. The interviews, which were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim, were evaluated by thematic content analysis and by all authors. All respondents agreed on successful implementation of the malaria control program in Pakistan for controlling malaria by improving diagnostic and treatment facilities...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Malaria; Malaria Control Program; Drug/rational use; Intervention; Pakistan.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Assessment of health risks and local intervention associated to living together with dogs and cats, developed at Jardim Parana, district of Brasilandia. São Paulo, Sp,- Brazil, 2003 195
Gomes, Luciana Hardt; de Almeida, Marilene Fernandes; Paranhos, Noêmia Tucunduva; Garcia, Rita de Cássia; Nunes, Vânia de Fátima Plaza; Montenegro Neto, Hildebrando; Cardoso, Sônia Maria Sodré.
Objective: To carry out a situational diagnosis of interactions among man, animal and environment, to test intervention and control model in dogs and cats and lo make local population aware in order to improve human and animal health. Material and Method: The project "Evaluation of risks to the heath and local intervention associated to living together with dogs and cats" was carried out in the area invaded in Jardim Paraná, District of Brasilândia, São PauLo city, Brazil, in 2003 by the Center of Zoonosis Control of the São Paulo Municipality. Animal census, vaccinations, treatment of ectoparasitosis and endoparasitosis, animal register, animal sterilization, serological and soil examinations and removal of animals was carried through. Forty seven percent...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zoonoses; Community health; Local planning; Animal health; Environment; Risk factors; Human; Animal; Interactions; Intervention; Population control; Sterilization; Dogs; Cats Zoonosis; Planificación en salud comunitaria; Estrategias locales; Salud animal; Medio ambiente y salud publica; Factores de riesgo; Hombres; Animales; Vínculo ser humano-animal; Estudios de intervención; Regulación de la población zoonoses; Planejamento em saúde comunitária; Estratégias locais; Saúde animal; Meio ambiente e saúde pública; Fatores de risco; Homens; Animais; Vínculo homem-animal; Estudos de intervenção; Controle da população; Esterilização reprodutiva; Cães; Gatos.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Changes in antimicrobial susceptibility of commonly clinically significant isolates before and after the interventions on surgical prophylactic antibiotics (SPAs) in Shanghai 58
Wang,Su; Han,Li-Zhong; Ni,Yu-Xing; Zhang,Yi-Bo; Wang,Qun; Shi,Da-Ke; Li,Wen-Hui; Wang,Yi-Chen; Mi,Chen-Rong.
Abstract Surveillances and interventions on antibiotics use have been suggested to improve serious drug-resistance worldwide. Since 2007, our hospital have proposed many measures for regulating surgical prophylactic antibiotics (carbapenems, third gen. cephalosporins, vancomycin, etc.) prescribing practices, like formulary restriction or replacement for surgical prophylactic antibiotics and timely feedback. To assess the impacts on drug-resistance after interventions, we enrolled infected patients in 2006 (pre-intervention period) and 2014 (post-intervention period) in a tertiary hospital in Shanghai. Proportions of targeted pathogens were analyzed: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp. (VRE),...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Surgical prophylactic antibiotics; Intervention; Resistance; Nosocomial infection.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Effects of tin caulis dendrobium polysaccharide on the prevention of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats 96
Xu,Dingting; Zhang,Hanyun; Wang,Xiaoying.
ABSTRACT We aimed to investigate the effects and mechanisms of tin caulis dendrobium polysaccharide on body weight and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Sprague-Dawleg rats. The rats were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) with or without tin caulis dendrobium polysaccharide for eight weeks. Body weight, liver function tests, serum and liver lipids, liver morphology, and the expression of PPARγ and UCP2 were assessed. Rats fed HFD exhibited more obvious weight gain, increased serum, and hepatic lipids. But the more tin caulis dendrobium polysaccharide they fed, the lower increase in weight, serum, and hepatic lipids of rats were found. Furthermore, the expression of PPARγ and UCP2 decreased in rats fed tin caulis dendrobium polysaccharide compared with HFD-fed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fatty liver; High-fat diet; Intervention; Mechanisms.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Evolution of Rural Financial Market in China: An Institutional "Lock in" or Gradualism? 31
Jia, Xiangping; Guo, Pei.
Historically, China's political attempts to provide access to rural credit has met with mixed results and an institutional structure that often strays from intended policy goals. There has been a close correspondence between financial depression and many policy-driven financial institutions that dominated the rural financial system in China. More recently, ongoing reforms are dedicated towards a gradual liberalization within the system. In this study, we explore the context of agricultural transition and political process as defined by the various interlinkages across the Chinese rural financial system. We find that there has been negligible progress in the evolution of the rural financial market in China. The policy-led financial institutions ended up as...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural finance; Institutions; Intervention; Gradualism; China; Financial Economics; E44; N25; D72; Q14.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Genotypic carriers of the obesity-associated FTO polymorphism exhibit different cardiometabolic profiles after an intervention 42
ABSTRACT Background: Children and adolescents with at-risk genotypes (AA/AT) of the rs9939609 polymorphism in FTO, a fat mass and obesity-associated gene, may exhibit different cardiometabolic profile responses than subjects with the TT genotype after an interdisciplinary intervention. Methods: The sample consisted of 36 school children from southern Brazil. We used DNA quantitation and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for polymorphism genotyping. We measured anthropometric parameters (body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, hip circumference, waist-hip ratio, body fat percentage and skinfold sum), biochemical parameters (glucose, lipid profile, ultra-sensitive C-reactive protein, uric acid, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Genotype; Intervention; Obesity; Children; Physical activity.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Impact of management interventions on the performance of five irrigation schemes in Sri Lanka 31
Imbulana, K.A.U.S.; Merrey, Douglas J..
This working paper is the outcome of a data collection process initiated under the advice of Dr. Shigeo Yashima of the International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). The objective of this data collection process was to make a preliminary assessment of irrigation performance in Sri Lanka using irrigation systems with different backgrounds to identify areas for further research.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Irrigation programs; Performance evaluation; Irrigation management; Intervention; Irrigation systems; Monitoring; Performance indexes; History; Farmers associations; Farmer participation; Farmer-agency interactions; Communication; Organizations; Water potential; Rice; Crop yield; Water supply; Land productivity; Rain; Data collection; Farm Management; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Les cellules départementales de lutte contre la pollution marine. Leurs relations avec l'IFREMER 5
Leon, Michel.
Les cellules de lutte contre la pollution marine, créées en 1972 ont pour principales missions l'observation du milieu, puis, à partir des données recueillies, l'élaboration d'une r églementation locale, ainsi que la réalisation d'études systématiques des facteurs ayant une influence sur la pollution et sa propagation, notammen t la courantologie, ou d'études visant à définir les zones optima les de rejets par les émissaires et la capacité d'absorption par le milieu marin littoral. Ce rapport retrace l'évolut ion des cellules, les problèmes qu'elles ont à résoudre, leur participation a u fonctionnement des divers réseaux de surveillance de la qualité des eaux littorales et la coopération qui s'est ainsi établie entre elles et l'IFREMER.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pollution marine; Littoral; Cellules; Intervention; Surveillance; Réseaux.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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The Health Impacts of Exposure to Indoor Air Pollution from Solid Fuels in Developing Countries: Knowledge, Gaps, and Data Needs 31
Ezzati, Majid; Kammen, Daniel M..
Globally, almost three billion people rely on biomass (wood, charcoal, crop residues, and dung) and coal as their primary source of domestic energy. Exposure to indoor air pollution from the combustion of solid fuels has been implicated, with varying degrees of evidence, as a causal agent of disease and mortality in developing countries. We review the current knowledge on the relationship between indoor air pollution and disease, and on the assessment of interventions for reducing exposure and disease. Our review takes an environmental health perspective and considers the details of both exposure and health effects that are needed for successful intervention strategies. We also identify knowledge gaps and detailed research questions that are essential for...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Household energy; Developing countries; Exposure assessment; Exposure-response relationship; Indoor air pollution; Intervention; Public health; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Jancsok, Zsuzsanna; Kato, Norbert; Nogradi, J.; Cseke, Z..
The EU took clear steps to suppress and abandon the intervention of maize in 2006. Originally the measure should have been revised in the course of the “Health Check”. But the European Commission (EC) rendered the minimal quality requirement for maize stricter in the intervention period starting 1 November 2006. Later the EC proposed to finish the intervention of maize. According to that decision the intervention of maize exists in the marketing year of 2007/08 and 2008/09 with a quantity limitation but it finishes in the marketing year of 2009/10. The EC argues for the abandonment of maize intervention, because, intervention stocks of cereals have increased significantly after the accession of the 10 new member states (EU-10), and the balance of the maize...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cereal; Intervention; Maize; Stock; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Jambor, Attila.
A gabonaágazat az uniós agrárrendszer meghatározó tényezője a KAP meg-alakulásától kezdve. A több évtizede fennálló támogatási politika azonban ma-napság a WTO tárgyalások és a belső problémák miatt megdőlni látszik, válto-zásra kényszerítve az ágazati szereplőket. A legújabb reformtervek középpont-jában az exporttámogatások megszüntetésének gondolata áll, amelynek hatásai hosszú távon jelentkeznek. A cikk célja, hogy bemutassa, milyen döntési lehető-ségei vannak egy ilyen tervezet kapcsán az Európai Uniónak és azok milyen kö-vetkezményekkel járhatnak. A tanulmány alapján az Európai Unió számára a gabonapiacon elméletileg három fő döntési lehetőség kínálkozik, ezek közül a cikk végkövetkeztetése szerint azonban csak egyetlen út a fokozatos haladás...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: EU-gabonapiac; WTO-tárgyalások; Exporttámogatások; Intervenció; EU cereal market; WTO negotiation; Export support; Intervention; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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