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Etude des processus hydrodynamiques et écophysiologiques de la dynamique d'une algue invasive : Valonia aegagropila (C. Agardh) dans la lagune de Salses-Leucate 5
Cesmat, Ludovic.
Since 1980, the expansion of a green macro-alga: Valonia aegagropila (C Agardh) is observed in Salses-Leucate lagoon (France). It is currently distributed in the north of the lagoon with important biomasses (40 gDW/m²) eroding the cover of Zostera noltii. The free form of the alga can be transported with the surface or bottom currents depending on seasons. It multiplies mainly by vegetative reproduction. There are few studies on the ecophysiological capacities of V. aegagropila. This work tries to answer why (physiological adaptation) and how (mechanical process of transport) the alga invaded the lagoon, with an approach including observations, experiments in controlled environment and biological and hydrodynamic models. The growth capacities depend on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Model of alga growth; Invasive alga; Model of Droop; Intern quota model; Hydrodynamic model; Invasive specie; Écophysiology; Population dynamic; Lagoon of Salses Leucate; Green alga; Valonia aegagropila; Modèle à quota interne; Modèle hydrodynamique; Espèce invasive; Écophysiologie; Algue verte; Dynamique des populations; Lagune de Salses Leucate; Valonia aegagropila.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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