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2nd Forum on Irrigation and water for sustainable development: 15 –16 December, 2008 Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 31
Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele; Erkossa, Teklu; Balcha, Yodit.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Sustainable development; Irrigation management; Irrigation water; Irrigated farming; Irrigation systems; Supplemental irrigation; Land management; Land use; Investment; Case studies; Government policy; Rural poverty; Groundwater; Small scale systems; Socioeconomic development; Economic aspects; Economic growth; Income; Water management; Water resources development; Water harvesting; Water supply; Public policy; Agricultural production; Developing countries; Public-private cooperation; History; Case studies; River basins; Crop production; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Financial Economics; Food Security and Poverty; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics; Public Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A bortermelés struktúrájának változásai 31
Brazsil, David.
A szőlő-bor vertikum termelési oldalán jelentős koncentrációs folyamatok kez¬dődtek. A koncentráció egyik motorja a befektetők, akik az 1980-as évektől jelentek meg nagy számban az ágazatban. Stratégiájukat alapvetően az alapanyaghoz való hozzáférés, a terjeszkedési lehetőség, a márkaépítés és a disztribúciós csatornákhoz való hozzáférés határozza meg. Magyarországon a koncentrációs folyamatokat a jogi-gazdasági környezet erősen befolyásolta. ------------------------------------- Significant concentration processes have begun in the production side of the grape and wine business. These are in part driven by the investors who appeared in large numbers in this field after the eighties. Their strategy is basically determined by their access to raw...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Szőlő-bor ágazat; Liberalizáció; Oligopólium; Befektetés; Viticulture and winemaking; Liberalisation; Oligopoly; Investment; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A földpiaci sajátosságok és tendenciák 31
Kurucz, Adrienn.
Az elmúlt években ugyan emelkedtek a hazai földárak, de az uniós csatlakozástól várt jelentős árnövekedés és földpiaci forgalomélénkülés elmaradt, sőt, a bérleti díjakban sem hozott átütő fordulatot. A közelmúltban erősödött a magyarországi földpiac megmozdulását várók tábora, a 2011 májusában lejáró derogáció miatt. A szakemberek optimisták, mert a lejáró derogációval kiszélesedhet a vásárlói kör. A hazai agrárgazdaság egyik legnagyobb gondja a tőkehiány, ami akadályozza a technikai és technológiai fejlesztést, az ágazat versenyképessé és jövedelmezőbbé tételét. A földpiac megnyitása becslések szerint ezer milliárd forintot hozhatna az ágazatba, hatalmas lökést adhatna az innovációnak és ugrásszerűen javíthatna az agrárgazdaságból közvetve vagy...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Földpiac; Földár; Beruházás; Válság; Derogáció; Land market; Land prices; Investment; Crisis; Derogation; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Nagy-Percsi, Kinga.
A tanulmány elkészítésének alapját az engedélyezett, illetve a jóváhagyott és derogációs húsüzemek körében 2005. év végén és 2006. év elején elkészített kér-dőíves felmérés adta. A márkázott húsprogramok fő problémáját leginkább a márkázott termékek iránti hazai fizetőképes kereslet hiányában látják. Ettől kis mértékben marad el a programokhoz kapcsolódó elégtelen promóció, ami kiemeli az összefogás, a közösen végzett promóció szükségességét a versenyképesség növelése érdekében. A multinacionális láncok árleszorító törekvései és a növekvő költségek hatá-sára kialakult kisebb jövedelemtermelő képességet a húsipari cégek részben a beruházások visszafogásával ellensúlyozzák, mégpedig azokon a területeken, me-lyek nem kifejezetten az előírásoknak...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Versenyképesség; Specializáció; Promóció; Beruházás; Vágósertés minősítés; Competitiveness; Specialisation; Promotion; Investment; S/EUROP classification; International Relations/Trade; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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A whole-farm investment analysis of some precision agriculture technologies 31
Knight, Brad; Malcolm, Bill.
This study used information about a farm in the Victorian Mallee during the period 1998 – 2005 to analyse the profitability of investing in Precision Agriculture and Site-Specific Crop Management technology and farming systems. Two equipment guidance systems were evaluated. Both guidance systems earned more than 8 percent real return p.a. on the extra capital invested. A Real-Time Kinetic (RTK) guidance system with a precision of 2 cm and a capital cost of $50,000 was less profitable than a Sub-Metre guidance system with 20 cm accuracy and costing $20,000. Producers investing in RTK guidance technology would be well-paid to also adopt supporting management practices that enhance crop gross margins or provide other benefits. The capital cost of GPS...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Precision Agriculture; GPS technology; Investment; Farm Management.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Access to Credit, Factor Allocation and Farm Productivity: Evidence From the CEE Transition Economies 31
Ciaian, Pavel; Falkowski, Jan; Kancs, d'Artis.
This paper analyses how farm access to credit affects farm input allocation and farm efficiency in the CEE countries. Drawing on a unique farm level panel data with 37,409 observations and employing a matching estimator we are able to control for the key source of endogeneity – unoberserved heterogeneity. We find that farms are credit constrained both in the short-run as well as in the long-run, but that credit constraint is asymmetric between inputs. Our estimates suggest that farm access to credit increases TFP up to 1.9% per 1000 EUR of additional credit. The use of variable inputs and capital investment increases up to 2.3% and 29%, respectively, per 1000 EUR of additional credit. Due to credit-financed investment in labour-saving farm equipment,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Access to credit; Investment; Factor allocation; Productivity; Transition countries; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Q12; P14.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Adjustment is Much Slower than You Think 31
Caballero, Ricardo J.; Engel, Eduardo M.R.A..
In most instances, the dynamic response of monetary and other policies to shocks is infrequent and lumpy. The same holds for the microeconomic response of some of the most important economic variables, such as investment, labor demand, and prices. We show that the standard practice of estimating the speed of adjustment of such variables with partial-adjustment ARMA procedures substantially overestimates this speed. For example, for the target federal funds rate, we find that the actual response to shocks is less than half as fast as the estimated response. For investment, labor demand and prices, the speed of adjustment inferred from aggregates of a small number of agents is likely to be close to instantaneous. While aggregating across microeconomic units...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Speed of adjustment; Discrete adjustment; Lumpy adjustment; Aggregation; Calvo model; ARMA process; Partial adjustment; Expected response time; Monetary policy; Investment; Labor demand; Sticky prices; Idiosyncratic shocks; Impulse response function; Wold representation; Time-to-build; Financial Economics; C22; C43; D2; E2; E5.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Lagerkvist, Carl Johan.
This paper investigates, through a dynamic stochastic adjustment model the extent to which an active agricultural policy can be the source of volatility in agricultural investment. It is shown that noise in formulation of agricultural policy has adverse effects even in cases where earlier results would take that investment is increased.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Uncertainty; Agricultural Policy; Investment; Agricultural and Food Policy; Financial Economics; Risk and Uncertainty; D8; E2; H20; Q18.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Adjustment in Developing Countries 31
Abbott, Philip C..
Agricultural trade liberalization offers the possibility of substantial income gains and poverty reduction in the developing world. For those gains to be realized, institutional innovations and realizations of export opportunities are crucial. Adjustment policies to foster gains from trade include initiatives to compensate losers, institutional reforms to integrate into the global trading system, and policies which facilitate resource reallocations and especially enhance investment activity, both foreign and domestic. Much can be learned from experience with structural adjustment reforms, in which substantial trade liberalization by developing countries was accompanied by numerous other reforms when successful. Agriculture is important in reforms because...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural trade liberalization; Developing countries; Structural adjustment; Institutional innovation; Good governance; Investment; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Agro-well and pump diffusion in the dry zone of Sri Lanka: Past trends, present status and future prospects 31
Kikuchi, Masao; Weligamage, Parakrama; Barker, Randolph; Samad, Madar; Kono, Hiroichi; Somaratne, H.M..
The use of shallow wells, equipped with small pumps, to lift groundwater has spread rapidly in many agricultural regions of tropical monsoonal Asia. In Sri Lanka, the rapid and pervasive invasion of agro-wells and pumps drew the attention of policymakers and researchers, but many questions were left unanswered due to lack of research in the area. This study aims to fill this gap in knowledge, based on observations and data obtained in field surveys conducted in major and minor irrigation schemes in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. This report gives the key findings of this study into the pattern, extent and causes of the spread and use of agro-wells and pumps in traditional villages and irrigated settlement schemes. It investigates farmer investments in...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Wells; Construction technology; Pumps; Arid zones; Investment; Irrigation systems; Irrigation programs; Rice; Estimation; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Crop Production/Industries; Financial Economics; Marketing; Public Economics.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Mirus, Rolf; Tanerguclu, Hande.
The international involvement of Alberta-based businesses covers trade in goods, trade in services, and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), both inward and outward. Increasingly FDI is linked to trade in goods and services. Indeed, the export of services like consulting or construction engineering tends to involve the setting up of supporting facilities abroad (outward FDI), and exports of goods frequently necessitate the provision of maintenance services in their wake, either across the border or through an office abroad. Data on outward FDI by Alberta-based firms are not available, nor are data on exports of services by province of origin. Therefore an analysis of what has been happening to Alberta’s international commercial relations is of necessity...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Alberta; NAFTA; FTA; Free trade agreement; Free trade; Imports; Exports; Mexico; United States; Israel; Chile; Costa Rica; Energy sector; FDI; Investment; International Relations/Trade; Political Economy; Public Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Elmer, Nicole A.; Thurow, Amy Purvis; Johnson, Jason L.; Rosson, C. Parr, III.
The Dixit-Pindyck model was applied to examine the hypothesis that uncertainty associated with grapefruit production costs and returns is an important determinant of Texas grapefruit growers' investment behavior. Freezes, price variability, and the effects of expanded trade were analyzed as risk factors. An investment decision rule based on a net-present value calculation would approve a 25-year commitment to a 20-acre grapefruit grove, given a 6-percent discount rate. The modified hurdle rate, calculated using an ex ante version of the Dixit-Pindyck model, is 24 percent. The major source of the risk borne by Texas grapefruit investors is from freezes, rather than from expanded trade.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Citrus; Ex ante analysis; Dixit-Pindyck model; Freezes; Investment; Simulation; Texas; Trade; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Análisis de inversiones requeridas y aplicadas en los distritos de riego en México en el período 2007 a 2012. 32
Mendoza Pérez, Juan.
En 1996 se creó el Programa Rehabilitación y Modernización de Distritos de Riego de la CONAGUA, el cual está bajo la responsabilidad de la Subdirección General de Infraestructura Hidroagrícola, a través de la Gerencia de Distritos de Riego, este programa opera bajo dos esquemas, Ejercicio Directo y Federalizado. Enel Ejercicio Directo las inversiones se aplican principalmente en la red mayor a cargo de la CONAGUA con recursos 100% federales, que son ejercidos directamente por la CONAGUA y en el Federalizado las acciones se aplican en la infraestructura concesionada en los distritos de riego y tecnificación del riego, con la aportación de recursos de hasta el 50% de la CONAGUA y el porcentaje restante de los usuarios beneficiados a través de las...
Palavras-chave: Planes Directores; Ejercicio Directo; Federalizado; Programadas; Aplicado; Inversiones; Plans; Direct Exercise; Federalized; Planned; Implemented; Investment; Hidrociencias; Maestría Tecnológica.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Analyse des comportements financiers des entreprises et essais de typologie dans le secteur des peches artisanales 5
Foucault, François; Gerinette, Valérie; Lemaire, Catherine.
(Not controled OCR) The economic results of artisanal fishing enterprises are investigated through a sample of 300 to 700 artisanal vessels for which account books. The use of economic (such as added value) and financial ratios (solvency and financial autonomy) leads to identification of four groups of firms. Over the period, financial rentability and autonomy show obvious damaging that underlines the relance of a (current) analysis on the impact of public subsidies on the enterprises behaviour.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Indebtness; Investment; Return; Small scale fisheries; SEM; Endettement; Investissement; Rentabilité; Pêche artisanale.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Analyse des resultats et des comportements economiques des entreprises de peche artisanale 5
Catanzano, Joseph; Gilly, Bernard; Lantz, Frederic; Durand, M.h..
(Not controled OCR) The economic results of artisanal fishing enterprises are investigated through a sample of 300 to 700 artisanal vessels for which account books are available from 1983 to 1986. The use of economic (such as added value) and financial ratios (solvency and financial autonomy) leads to the identification of four groups of firms. A rough classification has been identified from gears used and areas. Over the period, financial rentability and autonomy show obvious damaging that underlines the relevance of a (current) analysis on the impact of public subsidies on the enterprises behaviour.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Indebtness; Investment; Rentability; Artisanal fisheries; SEM; Endettement; Investissement; Rentabilité; Pêche artisanale.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Analysing Competitiveness of the Hungarian Agro-Food Chains 31
Feher, Istvan; Papp, Zsolt.
Based on the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) approach this paper provides an assessment of the competitive position of the Hungarian agro-food industry in view of EU integration. The situation in the food processing sector is assessed with the use of actual cost data from representative Hungarian companies. The paper presents an assessment of the current situation prior to EU integration as well as a future outlook under various scenarios with regard to the expected policy environment and the rate of technological change. The actual measurement of competitiveness in this study focuses mainly on Private Resource Cost (PRC) which indicates competitiveness under real market conditions and Domestic Resource Cost (DRC) which gives an assessment on the social or...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Competitiveness; Strategy; Accession; Technology development; Investment; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Aprecíziós gazdálkodás beruházásainak megtérülése 31
Smuk, Norbert; Milics, Gabor; Salamon, Lajos; Nemenyi, Miklos.
A vizsgálatokból megállapítható, hogy a precíziós gazdálkodás bevezetésére irányuló beruházások megtérülése és az üzemi méretek között szoros az összefüggés. A feltételezett öt- és hatéves megtérülés mellett a hozam- vagy az elvárt kamatszint-változást a nagyobb területű üzemek képesek ellensúlyozni. --Return on investment in projects for implementing precision farming is closely related to farm size. In the event of the envisaged repayment over five or six years, farms with a larger area can balance changes in yield or interest rate.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Precíziós gazdálkodás; Beruházás; Megtérülés; Üzemi méret; Precision farming; Investment; Return on investment; Farm size; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Lazzarotto, Joelsio Jose; Reis, Bricio dos Santos.
A utilização de sementes de alta qualidade é fundamental para que os sistemas de produção de soja apresentem adequados resultados técnicos e econômicos. No entanto, para que esses insumos sejam ofertados com alta qualidade, em geral, são necessários expressivos investimentos. Assim, buscou-se verificar se a implantação de uma unidade de beneficiamento de sementes (UBS) de soja no Estado do Mato Grosso constitui, no longo prazo, alternativa financeiramente viável. Para tanto, com base em um horizonte de planejamento de 10 anos de operação da UBS, com capacidade instalada anual de 500 mil sacas de sementes, foram elaborados os fluxos de caixa e calculados alguns indicadores financeiros (sob condições determinísticas e de riscos), como o valor presente...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Avaliação de projetos; Investimento; Probabilidades; Risco; Project evaluation; Investment; Probabilities; Risk; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Between markets and policy: farm household's reaction to decoupling 31
Gomez y Paloma, Sergio; Raggi, Meri; Viaggi, Davide.
The main objective of this paper is to evaluate ex post the effects of 2003 decoupling, with a specific focus on farm investment behaviour. In the past years a number of studies have addressed the issue of the impact of EU policy reforms. However, long term effects of policy changes and related impacts on structural and investment behaviour received relatively little attention in modelling exercises concerning CAP reform up to now. This study is based on a survey about 250 farm households in Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain, Greece, The Netherlands, France and Hungary. In the majority of cases, farmers stated they were indifferent to decoupling. Where any change occurred, the impact of decoupling was highly differentiated. Differences in reaction are better...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Investment; Common Agricultural policy; Public payments; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Biotechnology: Can We Trade It? 31
Bredahl, Maury E.; Kalaitzandonakes, Nicholas G..
The question in the title is divided into: (1) Can we trade the current generation of products from biotech or the technology itself? and (2) Can we trade the future generations of products of the technology? Controversy over the first generation of products has resulted in international trade being segmented into two markets: GMO-free and GMO. The first market is supported by voluntary labelling, making mandatory labelling largely unnecessary. While trade flows have been rearranged, markets have been little affected. We conclude that trade in the future generation will be dominated by capital and technology flows, with production for local markets dominating product trade flows.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: GMO; Institutions; Investment; Labelling; Trade; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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