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Decadal evolution of carbon sink within a strong bloom area in the subantarctic zone 5
Lourantou, Anna; Metzl, Nicolas.
The fate of the Southern Ocean atmospheric CO(2) sink is under question. Here we assess seasonal to decadal changes of surface fCO(2) within an extended sink area along the track between Kerguelen and Amsterdam islands in the subantarctic zone. Data from 17 oceanographic cruises were used, from 1991 to 2011 and two distinct regions were examined, separated by the Subantarctic Front (SAF). The region south of the SAF displays a strong summer phytoplankton bloom of up to -28 mmol C m(-2) d(-1) within a calm area, constrained by physics and topography. On an annual basis, this region is a 6-fold more important sink than that deduced from Takahashi climatology, highlighting the importance of key-areas separate examination before proceeding to spatial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Kerguelen; Air-sea CO2 fluxes; Carbon cycle; Frontal region; Island mass effect; Subantarctic zone.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Enhancement of phytoplankton biomass leeward of Tahiti as observed by Biogeochemical-Argo floats 5
Sauzède, Raphaëlle; Martinez, Elodie; Maes, Christophe; De Fommervault, Orens Pasqueron; Poteau, Antoine; Mignot, Alexandre; Claustre, Hervé; Uitz, Julia; Oziel, Laurent; Maamaatuaiahutapu, Keitapu; Rodier, Martine; Schmechtig, Catherine; Laurent, Victoire.
The South Pacific Subtropical Gyre (SPSG) is a vast and remote oceanic system where the variability in phytoplankton biomass and production is still largely uncertain due to the lack of in situ biogeochemical observations. The SPSG is an oligotrophic environment where the ecosystem is controlled predominantly by nutrient depletion in surface waters. However, this dynamic is altered in the vicinity of islands where increased biological activity occurs (i.e. the island mass effect, IME). This study mainly focuses on in situ observations which show evidence of an IME leeward of Tahiti (17.7°S - 149.5°W), French Polynesia. Physical and biogeochemical observations collected with two Biogeochemical-Argo profiling floats are used to investigate the dynamics of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplankton biomass; Biogeochemical-Argo floats; Island mass effect; South Pacific Subtropical Gyre.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Influence of Tropical Instability Waves on Phytoplankton Biomass near the Marquesas Islands 5
Martinez, Elodie; Raapoto, Hirohiti; Maes, Christophe; Maamaatuaihutapu, Keitapu.
The Marquesas form an isolated group of small islands in the Central South Pacific where quasi-permanent biological activity is observed. During La Niña events, this biological activity, shown by a net increase of chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl, a proxy of phytoplankton biomass), is particularly strong. It has been hypothesized that this strong activity is due to iron-rich waters advected from the equatorial region to the Marquesas by tropical instability waves (TIWs). Here we investigate this hypothesis over 18 years by combining satellite observations, re-analyses of ocean data, and Lagrangian diagnostics. Four La Niña events ranging from moderate to strong intensity occurred during this period, and our results show that the Chl plume within the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tropical instability waves; La Nina; Chlorophyll-a concentration variability; Ocean colour; Island mass effect; Marquesas islands; Oceanography; Satellite observations.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Modeling the Wake of the Marquesas Archipelago 5
Raapoto, H.; Martinez, E.; Petrenko, A.; Doglioli, A. M.; Maes, C..
In this study, a high-resolution (∼2.5 km) numerical model was set up to investigate the fine-scale activity within the region of the Marquesas archipelago. This has never been performed before. The robustness of the model results is assessed by comparison with remote sensing and in situ observations. Our results highlight regions of warm waters leeward of the different islands with high eddy kinetic energy (EKE) on their sides. The analysis of energy conversion terms reveals contributions to EKE variability by wind, baroclinic, and barotropic instabilities. The use of a geometry-based eddy detection algorithm reveals the generation of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies in the wake of the largest islands, with both an inshore and offshore effect. Maximum...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marquesas archipelago; Island wakes; Fine-scale processes; Eddy kinetic energy; Eddy detection; Island mass effect.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The Delayed Island Mass Effect: how islands can remotely trigger blooms in the oligotrophic ocean 5
Messié, M.; Petrenko, A.; Doglioli, A.m.; Aldebert, C.; Martinez, Elodie; Koenig, G.; Bonnet, S.; Moutin, T..
In oligotrophic gyres of the tropical ocean, islands can enhance phytoplankton biomass and create hotspots of productivity and biodiversity. This “Island Mass Effect” (IME) is typically identified by increased chlorophyll concentrations next to an island. Here we use a simple plankton model in a Lagrangian framework to represent an unexplained open ocean bloom, demonstrating how islands could have triggered it remotely. This new type of IME, termed “delayed IME”, occurs when nitrate is limiting, N:P ratios are low, and excess phosphate and iron remain in water masses after an initial bloom associated to a “classical” IME. Nitrogen fixers then slowly utilize leftover phosphate and iron while water masses get advected away, resulting in a bloom decoupled in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Island mass effect; Lagrangian analysis; Nitrogen fixation; Nutrient supply; Oligotrophic ocean; Phytoplankton bloom.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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