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Ailadinium reticulatum gen. et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a New Thecate, Marine, Sand-Dwelling Dinoflagellate from the Northern Red Sea ArchiMer
Saburova, Maria; Chomerat, Nicolas.
A new photosynthetic, sand-dwelling marine dinoflagellate, Ailadinium reticulatum gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Jordanian coast in the Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea, based on detailed morphological and molecular data. A. reticulatum is a large (53–61 μm long and 38–48 μm wide), dorsoventrally compressed species, with the epitheca smaller than the hypotheca. The theca of this new species is thick and peculiarly ornamented with round to polygonal depressions forming a foveate-reticulate thecal surface structure. The Kofoidian thecal tabulation is APC (Po, cp), 4′, 2a, 6′′, 6c, 4s, 6′′′, 1p, 1′′′′ or alternatively it can be interpreted as APC, 4′, 2a, 6′′, 6c, 4s, 6′′′, 2′′′′. The plate pattern of A. reticulatum is noticeably different from...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic dinoflagellates; Dinophyceae; Gulf of Aqaba; Jordan; LSU rDNA; Molecular phylogeny; Morphology; Red Sea; SSU rDNA; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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High seroprevalence of Simkania negevensis in Jordan BJM
Al-Younes,Hesham M.; Paldanius,Mika.
The bacterium Simkania negevensis is a germ associated with respiratory diseases. This study aims at estimating the prevalence of Simkania in the Jordanian population. Serum samples from 664 Jordanian males and females, aged 2 to 86 years were collected. IgG and IgM Simkania-specific antibodies were detected using an indirect immunofluorescence test. Seropositivity titers for IgG and IgM were defined as 1:8 and 1:10, respectively. The overall prevalence of IgG antibody in all examined Jordanian nationals was 58.4%. IgG seropositivity was low in children under the age of 10 years (34.2%), and increased rapidly with age and ranged between 49.4% and 72%. Simkania-specific IgM was detected in 24.8% of subjects. IgM prevalence in children under 10 years was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Jordan; Immunofluorescence; Prevalence; Simkania.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Irrigated agriculture, water pricing and water savings in the Lower Jordan River Basin (in Jordan) AgEcon
Venot, Jean-Philippe; Molle, Francois; Hassan, Yousef.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farming systems; Irrigated farming; Water conservation; Groundwater; Water policy; Water rates; Water costs; Pricing; Cost recovery; Economic impact; Jordan; Lower Jordan River Basin; Jordan Valley; Amman-Zarqa Basin; Yarmouk Basin; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Food Security and Poverty; Land Economics/Use; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Jordan’s Accession to the WTO: Retrospective and Prospective AgEcon
Malkawi, Bashar H..
Jordan acceded to the WTO in 1999. In its accession Jordan agreed, for example, to reduce tariffs on imported products and open its services market; it also modified its intellectual property regime. Jordan enjoyed special and differential treatment in few areas and was not able to designate olive oil as a good eligible for special safeguards. The WTO agreements required fundamental changes in the domestic laws and regulations of Jordan. The article concludes by arguing that Jordan's accession to the WTO was a lengthy and costly process. Jordan agreed to an arduous package of legal and economic reforms. Given that Jordan agreed to greater commitments compared to the obligations of the original WTO members, the multilateral trading system witnessed an...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Accession; Free trade; Intellectual property; Jordan; Market access; WTO; Financial Economics; International Relations/Trade; Political Economy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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