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An experimental model of mycobacterial infection under corneal flaps BJMBR
Adan,C.B.D.; Sato,E.H.; Sousa,L.B.; Oliveira,R.S.; Leão,S.C.; Freitas,D..
In order to develop a new experimental animal model of infection with Mycobacterium chelonae in keratomileusis, we conducted a double-blind prospective study on 24 adult male New Zealand rabbits. One eye of each rabbit was submitted to automatic lamellar keratotomy with the automatic corneal shaper under general anesthesia. Eyes were immunosuppressed by a single local injection of methyl prednisolone. Twelve animals were inoculated into the keratomileusis interface with 1 µl of 10(6) heat-inactivated bacteria (heat-inactivated inoculum controls) and 12 with 1 µl of 10(6) live bacteria. Trimethoprim drops (0.1%, w/v) were used as prophylaxis for the surgical procedure every 4 h (50 µl, qid). Animals were examined by 2 observers under a slit lamp on the 1st,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Infectious eye diseases; Keratitis; Animal model; Mycobacterium chelonae; Lamellar keratotomy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Ceratites, ceratoconjuntivites e tumores de olhos em ovinos e caprinos, suas prováveis causas e implicações. Infoteca-e
SILVA, M. U. D. e; SILVA, E. D. F. da.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Ceratoconjuntivite; Doença oftalmológica; Ophthalmic diseases; Caprino; Ovino; Doença animal; Ceratite; Olho; Tumor; Goats; Animal diseases; Keratoconjunctivitis; Keratitis; Eye diseases.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Efficacy of aqueous garlic extract on growth, aflatoxin B1 production, and Cyto-morphological aberrations of Aspergillus flavus, causing human ophthalmic infection: topical treatment of A. flavus keratitis BJM
Ismaiel,Ahmed A.; Rabie,Gamal H.; Kenawey,Saied E.M.; EL-Aal,Marwa A. Abd.
By using agar well diffusion assay, antifungal activity of aqueous extract prepared from Egyptian garlic (Allium sativum L.) was evaluated in vitro against two strains of Aspergillus flavus (OC1 and OC10) causing human ocular infection. The recorded minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for growth inhibition of both strains was 3.60 mg/ml. Aqueous garlic extract (AGE) was used in successive in vivo tests as an attempt to cure rabbit's fungal keratitis caused by A. flavus OC1. Findings showed that diluted preparation of AGE was effective topical antifungal agent and succeeded to cure severe A. flavus keratitis in a time course less than 10 days without any observable side effects. Microscopic examination showed that AGE induced deleterious...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aspergillus flavus. Garlic; Antifungal; Keratitis; Microscopic examination; Aflatoxin B1.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Feline corneal sequestration Ciência Rural
Oriá,Arianne Pontes; Soares,Ana Maria Barros; Laus,José Luiz; Dórea Neto,Francisco de Assis.
Corneal sequestration is a disease unique to domestic cats, clinically characterized by chronicity; signs of ocular pain with the development of a dark brown to black, opaque, oval, paracentral or central corneal plaque. The purpose of this review article was to approach and discuss about the etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of the corneal sequestrum.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cats; Corneal diseases; Corneal sequestration; Keratitis; Ulcer.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Fusarium solani keratitis: role of antifungal susceptibility testing and identification to the species level for proper management BJID
Rosa,Priscila Dallé; Sheid,Karla; Locatelli,Claudete; Marinho,Diane; Goldani,Luciano.
ABSTRACT We report a patient with fungal keratitis caused by a multiresistant Fusarium solani in a tertiary care hospital located in southern Brazil. A 55-year-old man with a history of ocular trauma presented with keratitis in left eye. The patient has a complicated clinical course and failed to respond to local and systemic antifungal treatment, and required eye enucleation. Despite multiple topical, intraocular and systemic antifungal treatments, hyphal infiltration persisted in the corneal transplant causing continuous recurrences. The cultures of corneal biopsy scrapings were positive for Fusarium spp. The organism was identified to species level by multi-locus sequencing for translation elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1α), and RNA polymerase II subunit...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Keratitis; Corneal ulcer; Fusarium solani; Antifungal agents resistance.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Infectious keratitis secondary to Histoplasma capsulatum: the first case reports in humans BJID
Arcieri,Enyr S.; Rocha,Ademir; Mendonça,Camila N.; Andreo,Eduardo G. V.; Finotti,Ioná G.A.; Furlanetto,Rafael L.; Arcieri,Rafael S.; Rocha,Flávio J.; Rizzo,Luiz V..
The authors report an unusual case of fungal keratitis caused by Histoplasma capsulatum in a male immunocompetent patient. PCR confirmed the presence of the fungus DNA in the material studied. To our knowledge this is the first reported case in humans described all over the world.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Human; Keratitis; Histoplasma; Diagnosis.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Non-viral microbial keratitis in adults: clinical and laboratory aspects BJM
Cury,Eunice Stella Jardim; Chang,Marilene Rodrigues; Pontes,Elenir Rose Jardim Cury.
Abstract This study compares patients with and without non-viral microbial keratitis in relation to sociodemographic variables, clinical aspects, and involved causative agent. Clinical aspects, etiology and therapeutic procedures were assessed in patients with and without keratitis that were diagnosed in an Eye Care Center in Campo Grande, MS, Brazil. Patients were divided into two groups: (a) cases: 64 patients with non-viral microbial keratitis diagnosed at biomicroscopy; and (b) controls: 47 patients with other eye disorders that were not keratitis. Labor activity related to agriculture, cattle raising, and contact lens use were all linked to keratitis occurrence (p < 0.005). In patients with keratitis, the most common symptoms were pain and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Keratitis; Cornea ulcer; Eye Infections; Bacterial; Eye Infections; Fungal; Acanthamoeba keratitis.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Random amplified polymorphic DNA profiles as a tool for the characterization of Brazilian keratitis isolates of the genus Acanthamoeba BJMBR
Alves,J.M.P.; Gusmão,C.X.; Teixeira,M.M.G.; Freitas,D.; Foronda,A.S.; Affonso,H.T..
The genus Acanthamoeba comprises free-living amebae identified as opportunistic pathogens of humans and other animal species. Morphological, biochemical and molecular approaches have shown wide genetic diversity within the genus. In an attempt to determine the genetic relatedness among isolates of Acanthamoeba we analyzed randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles of 11 Brazilian isolates from cases of human keratitis and 8 American type culture collection (ATCC) reference strains. We found that ATCC strains belonging to the same species present polymorphic RAPD profiles whereas strains of different species show very similar profiles. Although most Brazilian isolates could not be assigned with certainty to any of the reference species, they could...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acanthamoeba; Keratitis; RAPD typing; Genetic variation.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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