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Van der Straeten, Bart; Buysse, Jeroen; Nolte, Stephan; Marchand, Fleur L.; Lauwers, Ludwig H.; Claeys, Dakerlia; Van Huylenbroeck, Guido.
The agricultural policies shift gradually from EU-level organised market interventions to local organised environmental policies. This paper explores the growth possibilities of the Flemish dairy sector with the outlook of a quota abolishment as a case study of this policy shift. The dairy quota policy seems very restrictive for the highly profitable Flemish dairy sector, but the environmental restrictions from the manure regulation can limit the growth of the dairy sector as well. The paper uses a spatial multi-agent simulation model applied to a sample of 40.000 farms to estimate price development of emission rights and their possible impact on the growth of the dairy production. The results show that a higher milk production leads to higher prices for...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Milk quota; Manure emission rights; Mathematical programming; Flanders; Agricultural and Food Policy; Industrial Organization; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; C02; C61; L11; Q18.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A Marketing Systems Approach to Removing Distribution Barriers Confronting Small-Volume Fruit and Vegetable Growers AgEcon
Hall, Charles R.; Brooker, John R.; Eastwood, David B.; Epperson, James E.; Estes, Edmund A.; Woods, Timothy A..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries; Marketing; L11; L25.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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A Network Model of Price Dispersion AgEcon
Pasini, Giacomo; Pin, Paolo; Weidenholzer, Simon.
We analyze a model of price competition a la Bertrand in a network environment. Firms only have a limited information on the structure of network: they know the number of potential customers they can attract and the degree distribution of customers. This incomplete information framework stimulates the use of Bayesian-Nash equilibrium. We find that, if there are customers only linked to one firm, but not all of them are, then an equilibrium in randomized strategies fails to exist. Instead, we find a symmetric equilibrium in randomized strategies. Finally, we test our results on US gasoline data. We find empirical evidence consistent with firms playing random strategies.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Bertrand Competition; Bayesian- Nash Equilibrium; Mobility Index; Demand and Price Analysis; D43; D85; L11.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Acquisitions and Integration in the Beef Industry AgEcon
Anderson, John D.; Hudson, Darren.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Industrial Organization; Livestock Production/Industries; L11; L41; L42; Q13.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Voronin, Sergey.
The paper argues in favor of pricing adjustment to support competitiveness of national economy in Uzbekistan. The special attention was given to the factors of decreasing production costs in condition of global financial crisis environment. Measures in tax legislation unification, optimizing tax rates and structure are considered important to support competitiveness of national production.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Profitability; Taxing; Competitiveness of production; Price strategy; Public Economics; H21; L11; P22.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Agricultural Prices, Selection, and the Evolution of Food Industry AgEcon
Gaigne, Carl; Le Mener, Leo.
In this paper, we set up a simple model that explains the relation between low input price, high exit rates and industrial oncentration. More precisely, we argue that falling input prices force firms with low productivity to exit and induce expansion of more efficient incumbents at the expense of less productive producers. Our model helps reconcile some well‐established empirical results regarding the food processing industry. Indeed, agricultural prices have been declining between the early 1900s until 2006 while, over the same period, concentration and firm productivity have been increasing in the agri‐food industry.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Input price; Downstream industry; Entry/exit; Industrial concentration; Firm heterogeneity; Agricultural and Food Policy; Industrial Organization; International Relations/Trade; D24; L11; L25; L66.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Analysis of Marketing Margins in Eco-Labeled Products AgEcon
Carambas, Maria Cristina D.M..
This article aims to explain the marketing margins in the eco-labeled products market in Thailand and the Philippines. It focuses on labeled organic agricultural commodities that are commonly exported especially in Europe, which has demand for this type of products. Understanding the interplay of economic variables influencing marketing margins in the eco-labeled market as compared to its conventional counterpart is relevant in understanding how this growing niche market works. The analytical framework developed by Gardner (1975) was used in the analysis to provide a basic understanding of how marketing margins behave. Econometric results show that changes in demand rather than the changes in supply explain most of the variations in margins particularly in...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Marketing margins; Price spread; Organic products; Eco-labeling; Q12; Q13; M31; L11.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Auction Experiments and Simulations of Milk Quota Exchanges AgEcon
Brümmer, Bernhard; Loy, Jens-Peter; Requate, Till.
Since 2000 Germany has a fairly unique market mechanism to trade milk quotas between dairy farms. The two major features are: (1) a quasi auctioning system that produces excess demands which are covered by state reserves free of charge and (2) a price band is used to exclude high price bids. For both features an experimental design is developed to study their impact in comparison to a regular seller’s sealed bid double auction. Results show that both treatments lead to significant misallocations. These are due the direct impact of regulations and due to an imperfect adjustment of bidding functions towards them. The major goal of the market design to reduce quota prices is reached, however, at significant trade losses.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Double Auction; Experiment; Milk Quota; Germany; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; L11; D44; Q13.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Bidding for WIC infant formula contracts: Do non-WIC customers subsidize WIC customers? AgEcon
Davis, David E..
Although the WIC food assistance program purchases over one-half of all US infant formula, I find the program has little impact on the prices paid by non-WIC customers. I estimate infant-formula marginal cost and find that it is low compared to price, implying large price-cost markups. But, the WIC program is not to blame. Instead large price-cost markups are likely due to customer’s price insensitivity. WIC’s impact on non-WIC customers comes through an increase in sales owing to a WIC “spill-over” effect. The WIC approved brand attains a prominence in the market that makes it a natural choice for non-WIC customers, which makes attaining WIC approval valuable to firms. Firms bid with rebates to attain exclusive WIC approved status which results in...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Price cost margins; WIC; Oligopoly; Food Assistance; Infant Formula; Auctions; Contracts; Consumer/Household Economics; Health Economics and Policy; Industrial Organization; L11; L113; I18; D12.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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China’s Electricity Market Reform and Power Plants Efficiency AgEcon
Ma, Chunbo; Zhao, Xiaoli; Ma, Qian; Zhao, Yue.
In the past three decades, Chinese electricity industry has experienced a series of regulatory reforms serving different purposes at different stages. In 2002, the former vertically integrated electricity utility - the State Power Corporation (SPC) – was divested and the generation sector was separated from the transmission and distribution networks in an effort to improve production efficiency. In this paper we study the impact of the reform on efficiency of fossil-fired power plants using plant-level data during 2000-2008. Our results from the data envelopment analysis (DEA) and panel regressions show that: 1) the total factor productivity (TFP) growth mainly comes from technological change; 2) the technical efficiency of previously SPC-managed power...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Efficiency; DEA; Malmquist Index; China; Electricity; Industrial Organization; Productivity Analysis; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; D24; L11; L51; L94; L98.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Collective Reputation, Entry and Minimum Quality Standard AgEcon
Rouviere, Elodie; Soubeyran, Raphael.
This article deals with the issue of entry into an industry where firms share a collective reputation. First, we show that free entry is not socially optimal; there is a need for regulation through the imposition of a minimum quality standard. Second, we argue that a minimum quality standard can induce firms to enter the market. Contrary to conventional wisdom, a minimum quality standard should not always be considered as a barrier to entry.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Collective Reputation; Entry; Minimum Quality Standard; Industrial Organization; L11; H41; I18; Q18.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Collusion and seasonality of market price - A case of fixed market shares AgEcon
Bejger, Sylwester.
The paper develops a simple supergame model of collusion that focuses on the role of fixed (exogenous to game played) system of quantity market shares. Conclusions implied by the model could be used to motivate data - saving markers of collusion based on market price behavior. Following conclusions of the theoretical model we propose marker of collusion based on detecting changes in seasonal parameters of prices in periods of possible collusion. An empirical application of method has been done on well known data of Lysine cartel case.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Collusion; Repeated games; Fixed market shares; Seasonality of market price; Financial Economics; L11; L13; L41.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Combined Effects of Load Factors and Booking Time on Fares: Insights from the Yield Management of a Low-Cost Airline AgEcon
Alderighi, Marco; Nicolini, Marcella; Piga, Claudio A..
Based on two strands of theoretical research, this paper provides new evidence on how fares are jointly affected by in-flight seat availability and purchasing date. As capacity-driven theories predict, it emerges that fares monotonically and substantially increase with the flights occupancy rate. Moreover, as suggested in the literature on intertemporal price discrimination, the adoption of advance purchase discounts is widespread as the departure date nears, but it may be part of a U-shaped temporal profile, where discounts are preceded by periods of relatively higher fares. Finally, the intervention of yield management analysts appears to play a substantial role.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Pricing policy; Panel Data; Ryanair; Yield Management; Demand and Price Analysis; D22; L11; L93.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Concorrência e estratégias de precificação no sistema agroindustrial do leite AgEcon
Azevedo, Paulo Furquim de; Politi, Ricardo Batista.
This article aims to evaluate the degree of competition in the dairy industry, in the relevant markets of Ultra High Temperature (UHT) milk and pasteurized milk, by means of price transmission and marketing margin behavior. The empirical analysis is based on the model formerly proposed by Houck (1977) and latter detailed by Carman and Sexton (2005).This model analyzes separately the effects of input price increases and reductions on consumer prices, allowing for estimations of price transmission and margin behavior. Cepea-USP and Fipe provide, respectively, weekly input prices and consumer prices, both for the period of December 1999 to December 2005. As a major result, the degree of competition in the UHT relevant market was found to be robustly different...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Competition; Price transmission; Dairy industry.; Agribusiness; L11; Q13.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Consolidation and Concentration in the U.S. Dairy Industry AgEcon
Gould, Brian W..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Livestock Production/Industries; L11; Q13; Q18.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cournot Competition on a Network of Markets and Firms AgEcon
Ilkilic, Rahmi.
Suppose markets and firms are connected in a bi-partite network, where firms can only supply to the markets they are connected to. Firms compete a la Cournot and decide how much to supply to each market they have a link with. We assume that markets have linear demand functions and firms have convex quadratic cost functions. We show there exists a unique equilibrium in any given network of firms and markets. We provide a formula which expresses the quantities at an equilibrium as a function of a network centrality measure.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Cournot Markets; Networks; Nash Equilibrium; Centrality Measures; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; C62; C72; D85; L11.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Data Aggregation and Vertical Price Transmission: An Experiment with German Food Prices AgEcon
von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan; Loy, Jens-Peter; Meyer, Jochen.
The impact of cross sectional aggregation over individual retail stores on the estimation and testing of vertical price transmission between the wholesale and retail levels is investigated using a unique data set of individual retail prices in Germany. Systematic differences between the results of estimations using aggregated data on the one hand, and disaggregated data on the other, are discussed theoretically and confirmed empirically. The results suggest that estimation with aggregated data generates misleading conclusions about price transmission behavior at the level of the individual units (i.e. retail stores) that underlie these aggregates.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Aggregation; Vertical Price Transmission; Food Prices; Germany; Demand and Price Analysis; Marketing; L11; D40.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Glitsch, Kristina; Eerits, Alena.
Like in other CEEC, transition in the beginning of the 1990s had significant consequences for the agricultural and food sectors in Slovakia. For example, Slovakian consumers reacted to the abolition of consumer subsidies by drastically reducing their consumption of milk and milk products. Concurrently, milk production declined and now stands at fifty percent of its 1989 level. Dairies were closed down while those remaining carried on producing under constantly increasing overcapacities. In the years prior to EU accession, activities in the milk sector were primarily aimed at the adoption of EU standards. Meanwhile, the Slovakian milk processing industry is predominantly in the possession of foreign investors. Present per capita consumption of milk and milk...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Slovakia; Dairy industry; Milk consumption; Milk production; Milk processing; Structural change; Livestock Production/Industries; L11; L66; Q13.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Glitsch, Kristina; Eerits, Alena.
Like in other CEEC, transition in the beginning of the 1990s had significant consequences for the agricultural and food sectors in Slovakia. For example, Slovakian consumers reacted to the abolition of consumer subsidies by drastically reducing their consumption of milk and milk products. Concurrently, milk production declined and now stands at fifty percent of its 1989 level. Dairies were closed down while those remaining carried on producing under constantly increasing overcapacities. In the years prior to EU accession, activities in the milk sector were primarily aimed at the adoption of EU standards. Meanwhile, the Slovakian milk processing industry is predominantly in the possession of foreign investors. Present per capita consumption of milk and milk...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Slovakia; Dairy industry; Milk consumption; Milk production; Milk processing; Structural change; Slowakei; Milchbranche; Milchkonsum; Milcherzeugung; Milchverarbeitung; Strukturwandel.; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Farm Management; Industrial Organization; International Development; Marketing; L11; L66; Q13.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Weitzel, Enno-Burghard; Keskin, Gulsen; Brosig, Stephan.
Tomatoes have the largest share among fruits and vegetables, which add substantially to the gross agricultural product in Turkey. We describe the structure and development of this sector from the year 1990 onwards, covering farms in primal production, trade facilities, processing firms, and marketing channels. An analysis of retail prices for table tomatoes in 22 provinces and their dynamics follows. Finally we employ a threshold vector error-correction model to analyse integration among the markets for table tomatoes in the presence of transaction costs. The results show a ring of integrated provinces along the coasts of Turkey, while the interior provinces are rather separated. In some cases price transmission only occurs when deviations from an...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Gemüse; Tomaten; Türkei; Marktintegration; Fehlerkorrekturmodell; Tomatoes; Turkey; Spatial market integration.; Agribusiness; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Marketing; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; Q11; Q13; C22; L11.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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