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A Marketing Systems Approach to Removing Distribution Barriers Confronting Small-Volume Fruit and Vegetable Growers AgEcon
Hall, Charles R.; Brooker, John R.; Eastwood, David B.; Epperson, James E.; Estes, Edmund A.; Woods, Timothy A..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries; Marketing; L11; L25.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Agricultural Prices, Selection, and the Evolution of Food Industry AgEcon
Gaigne, Carl; Le Mener, Leo.
In this paper, we set up a simple model that explains the relation between low input price, high exit rates and industrial oncentration. More precisely, we argue that falling input prices force firms with low productivity to exit and induce expansion of more efficient incumbents at the expense of less productive producers. Our model helps reconcile some well‐established empirical results regarding the food processing industry. Indeed, agricultural prices have been declining between the early 1900s until 2006 while, over the same period, concentration and firm productivity have been increasing in the agri‐food industry.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Input price; Downstream industry; Entry/exit; Industrial concentration; Firm heterogeneity; Agricultural and Food Policy; Industrial Organization; International Relations/Trade; D24; L11; L25; L66.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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An Innovative Tool to Assess Marketing Capabilities of Traditional Producers within the European Food Industry AgEcon
Banterle, Alessandro; Carraresi, Laura; Stranieri, Stefanella.
The purpose of this paper is to assess the marketing management capabilities of SMEs producing traditional food products in EU throughout the development of a benchmarking tool. SMEs represent the greater part of European food firms and they find it very difficult to adapt to market changes, and to compete with big enterprises. In this context, marketing management plays a key role in good SMEs performances in the market. The benchmarking tool, utilised to assess marketing capabilities, is aimed at improving critical points in the marketing area of traditional food firms by following the example of the best ones. This method is developed in the innovative form of an interactive questionnaire published on the Web. At the moment the sample is composed by 60...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Marketing capabilities; Traditional food; Benchmarking; Cluster analysis; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Industrial Organization; L25; L66; M31; Q13.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Análise de arranjos para extração de óleos vegetais e suprimento de usina de biodiesel AgEcon
Sartori, Marco Antonio; Perez, Ronaldo; da Silva Junior, Aziz Galvao; Machado, Silvia Regina Sartori; Santos, Manoela Maciel de Souza; Miranda, Carlos Alberto de Castro.
This study aimed at the technical-economical evaluation of implanting some vegetal-oil extraction units in order to insert the family agriculture into bio-diesel production chain. Three project models (arrangements) for vegetal-oil extraction units at different sizes were proposed, using extraction by pressing and mixed extraction (extracting by either pressing or solvent) and different raw materials (castor-oil and soybean). For the size analysis, the oil production scales between 50/60 tons/day were used with real market data concerning investments, inputs prices of the process, raw materials and vegetal oil. For the economic analyses, the software BioSoft was used. The BioSoft is a program for supporting the decision-making process, which was developed...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Vegetal oil; Extraction; Viability; Crop Production/Industries; L25; D81; L69..
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Consequences of Firms' Relational Financing in the Aftermath of the 1995 Mexican Banking Crisis AgEcon
Castañeda, Gonzalo.
This paper shows that, in the aftermath of the 1995 banking crisis, relational financing was a two-edged sword for firms listed on the Mexican Securities Market. On the negative side, only bank-linked firms observed on average a dependence on cash stock to finance their investment projects. On the positive side, the banking connection was important to boost their profit rates during the 1997-2000 period, at least for financially healthy firms. These econometric results are derived from dynamic panel data models of investment and profit rates, which are estimated by the Generalized Method of Moments, where level and difference equations are combined into a system.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Relational financing; Banking crisis; Internal capital markets; L25; D82; N26.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Determinants of Profitability Performance: An Analysis of Class I Railroads in the United States AgEcon
Allen, Albert J.; Shaik, Saleem; Myles, Albert E.; Yeboah, Osei-Agyeman.
The purpose of this study was to estimate the impact of internal and external variables on the net profit margins of Class I railroads for the period 1996-2009. Parameter coefficients show that market concentration had a significant and negative impact on the net profit margins of the carriers.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Class I Railroads; Profitability Performance; Pooled Analysis; Agribusiness; Industrial Organization; Marketing; L25; L92.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Stankova, Mariva.
The societies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) contain many and diverse rural cultures which present myriad opportunities for small-scale, high income, locally controlled tourism generation. The negative impact of political and economic change has often been significant in the region’s rural areas. But with spatially and structurally dynamic mix of mass and specialist markets to target, there are increasing opportunities for rural attractions to act as a basic resource for tourism organized and sustained through locally owned small enterprises.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: New opportunities; Sustainable tourism development; Community/Rural/Urban Development; International Development; International Relations/Trade; Marketing; L25; L83.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Diversification strategies in small farms in Italy AgEcon
Salvioni, Cristina; Esposito, Laura; Henke, Roberto; Rondinelli, V..
Using the data gathered by the Business Survey on Agriculture survey on a stratified random sample of Italian farm businesses below 4 European economic size units as a case study, this paper explores the diffusion of diversification strategies among small farms. The analysis has shown that more than a half of small farms is adopting some form of diversification. Small farms are more strongly involved in pluriactivity, while their involvement in broadening and deepening strategies appears only marginal. This latter result is partly due to the underevaluation of diversification caused by the lack of detailed statistical information about diversified activities used by farms, and, partly, due to the structural characteristics of small farms. Smaller farms are...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q12; R29; L25.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Do Competition and Ownership Matter? Evidence from Local Public Transport in Europe AgEcon
Boitani, Andrea; Nicolini, Marcella; Scarpa, Carlo.
This paper investigates how the ownership and the procedure for the selection of firms operating in the local public transport sector affect their productivity. In order to compare different institutional regimes, we carry out a comparative analysis of 72 companies operating in large European cities. This allows us to consider firms selected either through competitive tendering or negotiated procedures. The analysis of the data on 77 European firms over the period 1997-2006 indicates that firms operate under constant returns to scale. Retrieving the residuals we obtain a measure of total factor productivity, which we regress on firm and city characteristics. We find that when firms are totally or partially in public hands their productivity is lower....
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Local Public Transport; Public Ownership; Translog Production Function; Financial Economics; C33; K23; L25; L33; L91.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Does Farm Size Really Converge? The Role of Unobserved Farm Efficiency AgEcon
Dolev, Yuval; Kimhi, Ayal.
We analyze the growth of family farms in Israeli cooperative villages between 1981 and 1995, using longitudinal data. We use instrumental variables to account for the endogeneity of initial farm size, and correct for selectivity due to farm survival. We also include a technical efficiency index, derived from the estimation of a stochastic frontier production model, as an explanatory variable. We find that technical efficiency is an important determinant of farm growth, and that not controlling for technical efficiency could seriously bias the results. The size distribution of Israeli family farms is found to be mostly diverging, while without technical efficiency farm growth seemed to be predominantly random.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Farm size; Farm growth; Farm survival; Instrumental variables; Sample selection; Technical efficiency; Farm Management; Productivity Analysis; Q12; L25; C34.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Effects on milk supply of different systems of livestock feeding AgEcon
Casasnovas, Valero L.; Aldanondo, Ana Maria.
Determining the competitive position of dairy farms depends on several technological, economic and institutional variables. Among them, are remarkable those related to animal feeding in the current context of high variability on prices. In this context, the aim of this study is to analyze the effects on milk supply and the competitiveness of dairy farms with different models of land intensification, with greater reliance on market purchases or self-production of livestock feed. This study is based on an econometric approach to a variable cost function, in a fixed effects model for unbalanced panel data of specialized dairy farms in Navarre (Spain). From this region, we use 3 geographical areas in relation to the availability of grazing land. It has been...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Multiproduct cost function; Unbalanced panel data; Milk supply; Animal feed; Dairy farms.; Livestock Production/Industries; Production Economics; Q12; D24; L25.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Bonanno, Alessandro.
Food products providing health benefits beyond nutrition, or functional foods, draw consumers’ attention and promise growth opportunities for innovator food manufacturers. European functional food manufacturers may be facing future challenges, mainly due to the European Union Regulation (EC) No.1924/2006 regulating food products’ health-claims. However, in spite of the interest shown by academics to understand the acceptance of these products no study exists that analyzes the profitability of functional foods. Using a relatively novel methodology – an adaptation of the LA/AIDS model by means of Pinkse Slade and Brett’s (2002) distance metric (DM) method – this article treats functional foods as differentiated products and provides estimates of demand and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Functional Foods; Differentiated Products; Distance Metric; Yogurt; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Health Economics and Policy; L15; L25; L66.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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How Can We Use the Result from a DEA Analysis? Identification of Firm-relevant Reference Units AgEcon
Mansson, Jonas.
Two types of guidelines can be obtained from a DEA (data envelopment analysis) analysis. Firstly, the firm can reduce input or increase production according to the DEA results. Secondly, an inefficient firm might be able to identify reference units. This makes it possible for the inefficient firm to, on site, study production that is more efficient, and thereby get information on e.g. efficient organisational solutions. In this study, we focus on how to detect these firm-relevant reference units. While applying the existing methods for identification of reference units, i.e. the intensity variable method and the dominance method, on a data set concerning booking centres in the Swedish taxi market, shortcomings in these methods were identified. This...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Reference units; Firm-relevant; DEA; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; D24; L25.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Information Cost As A Prior Hurdle to Exporting AgEcon
Wei, Xuan; Thornsbury, Suzanne.
In this paper, we empirically assess how information cost, as one component of trade costs, impacts the decision of an individual firm to export. Firm-level data measuring the difficulty of obtaining information about technical regulations in the European Union (EU) and the United States is used as a proxy for information cost to evaluate reduction in firm incentives to export. Results suggest that information cost significantly reduces the likelihood of exporting to these two destinations. Negative impacts are relatively larger for a firm exporting to the United States than to the EU.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Information cost; Trade costs; Non-tariff; Technical barriers to trade; Probit; International Relations/Trade; Political Economy; F14; L25.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Innovation, Integration, and the Biotechnology Revolution in U.S. Seed Markets AgEcon
Stiegert, Kyle W.; Shi, Guanming; Chavas, Jean-Paul.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; L11; L13; L25.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Performance of traditional cooperatives: the Portuguese Douro wine cooperatives AgEcon
Rebelo, Joao; Caldas, Jose Vaz; Matulich, Scott C..
Globalization is challenging the very core of cooperative governance and ownership decision, especially in Southern European countries, like Portugal, where a large number of producers are organized in traditional and Mediterranean-style agricultural cooperatives. This paper analyses the effects of governance and control variables related with size over two alternative indicators of performance: revenues transferred to members/patrons and capital structure. The results suggest that these cooperatives have difficulties being sustainable in the more competitive global wine markets, if they follow, essentially, a practice of maximum patronage refund, reducing their capacity to improve leverage and to finance more profitable, but risky, long run investments.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Q13; D22; L25.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Positional Advantage within Small Farms: Evidence from Illinois AgEcon
Micheels, Eric T.; Gow, Hamish R..
As the economic viability of small farms continues to be an issue facing policy makers and economists alike, a market orientation may be a valuable resource producers can develop as they compete in a marketplace dominated by larger firms. Marketing and strategy scholars have long established the importance of a market orientation in determining firm performance. More recently, scholars have studied the effect of these concepts in agriculture. Extending the literature of market orientation in agriculture, this study examines the concept of a positional advantage and its effect on performance using a sample of small farms in Illinois. Using a sample of 347 Illinois beef producers, we empirically measure and test the construct of positional advantage and test...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agriculture; Innovation; Market orientation; Positional advantage; Farm Management; Production Economics; L11; L25; L26.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Price Setting in Food SMEs: Which Role for Marketing Capability? An Empirical Analysis in Italy AgEcon
Banterle, Alessandro; Carraresi, Laura; Cavaliere, Alessia.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are fighting for survival due to globalization, growing competition with big retailers, and strategies adopted by large industrial companies. Difficulties in pricing are also revealed in the literature. Therefore, appropriate activity is needed to be more a price maker than a taker, and to reach a better market power. On the other hand, market opportunities for SMEs are related to demand evolution toward food quality and traditional food products. To profit by such opportunities, SMEs need to focus on consumer requirements, by differentiating their products. In this way, firms could apply a premium price that justifies the peculiar value of the product, and that the consumer should be willing to pay. Nonetheless,...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Traditional food products; Price setting; Marketing capability; Ordinal regression model; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; L25; L66; M31; Q13.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Production Efficiency and Diversification in Mexican Coffee-Producing Districts AgEcon
Vedenov, Dmitry V.; Houston, Jack E.; Cardenas, Gabriela.
Coffee production system is analyzed for 24 municipios (districts) in Veracruz, Mexico, from 1997 to 2002. A stochastic frontier approach is used to estimate an input distance function and to evaluate production efficiency. Results show the production process to be stable over time despite global price fluctuations. Production of staple crop (corn) with either coffee or other cash crops results in increased efficiency as a result of the economies of complementarity, while production of coffee with other cash crops leads to lower efficiency. Factors contributing to higher efficiency included higher population density, road availability, and higher altitude, typically associated with production of higher-quality coffee.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Coffee production; Distance function; Mexico; Production systems; Stochastic frontier; Technical efficiency; L25; L79; O13; Q12.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Production Outsourcing, Organizational Governance and Firm's Technological Performance: Evidence from Italy AgEcon
Antonietti, Roberto; Cainelli, Giulio.
Aim of this paper is to study whether and how the firm’s decision to outsource production activities affects its technological performance. In particular, we look at how the alignment between the firm’s governance strategy and the underlying attributes of the transactions affects the capacity of the firm to introduce new products and processes. Using microeconomic data on a repeated cross-section of Italian manufacturing firms for the period 1998-2003, we develop a two-stage approach: first, we estimate the determinants of the firm’s organizational governance (production outsourcing); second, we incorporate a measure of governance misalignment into a technological performance relation. We find (i) that firms not aligned with the optimal organizational...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Production Outsourcing; Organizational Governance; Misalignment; Technological Performance; Non-Linearity; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; L23; L24; L25; O31.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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