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Competition Regimes in Telecommunications and the International Trading System AgEcon
Koopmann, Georg.
In most countries, competition in the telecommunications industry is subject to both sector-specific regulation and more general antitrust policies. At the same time, a process of international market liberalisation is under way in telecommunications which can only be truly effective - and further advance - if appropriate competitive safeguards are in place. Trading partners should agree on certain minimum standards to be observed in this area in order to better combat anticompetitive conduct and avoid international conflicts. The Reference Paper to the WTO Agreement on Basic Telecommunications is an important step in this direction and may also serve as a model for other network industries. It is a framework of rules which has to be filled with concrete...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Regulation; Antitrust; Trade Negotiations; Services; International Relations/Trade; F13; L40; L50; L89.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Higher Education Costs and the Production of Extension AgEcon
Laband, David N.; Lentz, Bernard F..
Do cost considerations justify the current structure of production of extension services in which one or more providers exists in virtually all of the contiguous U.S. states? Provision of extension services has sizable cost implications for the host institutions. Yet, to our knowledge, there has been virtually no analysis of the impact of extension on higher education costs. Using academic year 1995-1996 data, we estimate a multiproduct cost function for 1,445 public institutions of higher education in the United States, including 65 that provide extension services. We find evidence of significant economies of scale with respect to the provision of extension services but no evidence of significant economies of scope between the provision of extension...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Extensions services; Higher education; Multiproduct cost function; Public Economics; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession; I122; L89.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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