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Discrimination of habitat use between two sympatric species of mullets, Mugil curema and Mugil liza (Mugiliformes: Mugilidae) in the rio Tramandaí Estuary, determined by otolith chemistry Neotropical Ichthyology
Mai,Ana C. G.; Santos,Mauricio L. dos; Lemos,Valéria M.; Vieira,João P..
ABSTRACT Two sympatric species of marine mullets, Mugil curema and M. liza, use the rio Tramandaí Estuary as nursing grounds. When two closely related species are sympatric, various mechanisms may permit their coexistence, including spatial or temporal segregation that results in the divergent use of the resources for which they compete. To investigate the spatial segregation, we used otolith chemistry inferred through laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Our results indicate that in the rio Tramandaí Estuary, M. curema is associated with high salinity waters and can be classified as a Marine Migrant in the Marine Estuarine-opportunist subcategory. Mugil liza is associated with lower salinity and can be classified as a Marine...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Estuarine use; LA-ICPMS; Marine migrant; Migratory behavior; Otolith elemental fingerprint.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Otolith fingerprints as natural tags to identify juvenile fish life in ports ArchiMer
Bouchoucha, Marc; Pecheyran, C.; Gonzalez, Jean-louis; Lenfant, P.; Darnaude, A. M..
The construction of ports has caused substantial habitat destruction in coastal areas previously used as nursery grounds by many fish species, with consequences to fish stocks. These artificial coastal areas might provide alternative nursery habitats for several species for juvenile fish abundances and growth in ports, although their contribution to adult stocks had never been estimated. The variability of otolith composition in the juveniles of two Diplodus species was investigated in three contrasting port areas and two adjacent coastal juvenile habitats of the Bay of Toulon (northwestern Mediterranean) in order to determine the possible use of otolith fingerprints as natural tags for the identification of juvenile fishes in ports. The global accuracy of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coastal areas; Nursery habitats; Fish; LA-ICPMS; Contamination.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Single foraminifera Mg/Ca analyses of past glacial-interglacial temperatures derived from G. ruber sensu stricto and sensu lato morphotypes ArchiMer
Schmitt, A.; Elliot, M.; Thirumalai, K.; La, C.; Bassinot, F.; Petersen, J.; Movellan, A.; Jorry, Stephan; Borgomano, J..
The ratio of magnesium to calcium (Mg/Ca) in foraminiferal shells is commonly used as a proxy for past ocean temperature. Recent advances in elemental analyses now enable single-specimen measurements of planktic foraminifera and thus, can provide information on past seasonal and interannual variability, owing to the near-monthly lifespan of foraminifera. In this study, we explore the temperature variance recorded by Mg/Ca in tests of foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber, a planktic species that occurs throughout the year in tropical waters. Using LA-ICP-MS, we characterize Mg/Ca variability in single specimens of two morphotypes of G. ruber picked from a sediment core retrieved offshore New Caledonia. We provide an estimate of the range of calcification...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Globigerinoides ruber; Mg/Ca ratio; Sea surface temperature; LA-ICPMS; Seasonality; Quaternary.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The Ilha Anchieta Quartz Monzonite: the southernmost expression of ca. 500 Ma post-collisional magmatism in the Ribeira Belt Anais da ABC (AABC)
Sobrinho,José M. Azevedo; Janas,Valdecir A.; Simonetti,Antonio; Heaman,Larry M.; santoro,Jair; Diniz,Hélio N..
The Ilha Anchieta Quartz Monzonite (IAQM) occupies most of the homonymous island in the coast of the state of São Paulo, and is intrusive into foliated rocks of the ~565 Ma Ubatuba Charnockite. The main petrographic variety is a porphyritic biotite-hornblende quartz monzonite with 2-4 cm tabular microcline megacrysts set in a medium-grained groundmass and magmatic foliation. Outcrop-scale structures indicate cumulative processes (modal and grain-size magmatic banding) and interaction with basic magmas (mafic microgranular enclaves). Lithogeochemical data indicates that the main variety is intermediate to acid (S1O2 = 63-67%), alkali-calcic, metaluminous and magnesian (mg# ~30), showing moderate Sr (300-400 ppm) and Ba (~1500 ppm) contents and relatively...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Granite; Lithogeochemistry; LA-ICPMS; Zircon U-Pb dating; Ribeira Belt.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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