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Efficiency of LEADER Programmes in the creation of tangible and intangible outputs: a Data Envelopment Analysis application to Local Action Groups performances AgEcon
Lopolito, Antonio; Giannoccaro, Giacomo; Prosperi, Maurizio.
An emerging requirement for the evaluation of the rural development policy is the adoption of an objective method accounting for both material and immaterial achievements, and measuring the performance in order to understand the degree of accomplishment of policy objectives. In this paper we propose a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach capable of dealing with economic and social indicators, to measure the (relative) technical efficiency of a set of Local Action Groups (LAGs) operating within the LEADER programme. An evaluation exercise referred to eight LAGs located in Italy, is provided to demonstrate the effects of the inclusion of social capital indicator in the evaluation of the LAGs’ performances. In particular, the DEA allows to measure the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural Development; LEADER; Social capital; DEA; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q18; R58.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Evaluating the implementation process of LEADER in Romania AgEcon
Marquardt, Doris; Mollers, Judith.
LEADER supports integrated rural regional development. The programme is characterized by a participatory and bottom-up approach, public-private partnerships, multi-sectoral regional development strategies and innovation. An obligatory Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF) was set up for evaluating EU interventions. The CMEF builds upon sets of common indicators and evaluation questions. Romania, where LEADER is currently introduced, has set national priorities for the programme implementation. For assessing the impact of LEADER in Romania meaningfully, an extension of the CMEF is needed. This paper, identifies and suggests appropriate indicators. Social Network Analysis is proposed as a tool for investigating intangible outcomes of LEADER in a...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: LEADER; Evaluation; Romania; Social network analysis; Common monitoring and evaluation system; Community/Rural/Urban Development; D79; P25; R19; R59.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Focusing Rural Development in Central and Eastern European Countries AgEcon
Forgacs, Csaba.
Discussion of rural development (RD) in the EU started in 1968 and some two decades later Agenda 2000 institutionalised RD policy. After a brief history of RD, Agenda 2000 and the SAPARD programme are discussed. The main body of the paper deals with Rural Development measures of Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) with special regard to 2007-2013. It is concluded there is no clear relationship between farm structure and choosing rural development policy concept in CEECs for 2007-2013.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rural development; National Rural Development Strategic Plan; CEE; SAPARD; LEADER; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Wolcz, Andrea; Bardosne-Kocsis, Eva.
A Dél-Mátra 11 településeiből az önkormányzatoktól és civil szervezetektől érkezett a legtöbb pályázat. A vállalkozók és magánszemélyek visszafogott meg-jelenésének valószínű oka az önerő hiánya. A nagyszámú beadott pályázat arra enged következtetni, hogy nagy az érdeklődés, és a reális célokat az emberek meg is akarják valósítani, amihez a nyertes települések között az eddiginél nagyobb összefogás szükséges. Érzékelhető, hogy a településeken ráébredtek arra, hogy a program a térségben környezeti, turisztikai, munkahely-teremtési változásokat eredményezhet, amihez majd más települések csatlakozhatnak, ezzel teljesebbé téve a Mátra és térsége fejlődését. Az elmúlt évek tapasztalatai alapján azt min-den esetben célszerű hangsúlyozni, hogy nem a 90 millió Ft...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: EMVA; LEADER; Akciócsoportok; Partnerség; Életminőség; Dél-Mátra 11; EMVA; LEADER; Action groups; Partnership; Quality of life; South Mátra 11; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Liderazgo Político: estilo (neo) populista, estrategia (neo) decisionista. Hacia un modelo de interpretación en contexto democrático Buscador Latinoamericano
Leiras, Santiago C..
Tomando como punto de partida los conceptos de líder y liderazgo político, se trata de entender las condiciones políticas que hicieran posible el aparecimiento de liderazgos políticos neopopulistas y neodecisionistas. El contexto general fue la declinación de la matriz estado céntrico y el ascenso de las políticas de mercado. A través del análisis de los casos de Collar de Melo, Menem, Fujimori y Chávez, se trata de entender los orígenes y condiciones políticas de estos liderazgos y su relación con la democracia.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Motivation and intentions of farmers as regards the development of multifunctional agriculture in microregions of Northern and Eastern Hungary AgEcon
Feher, Alajos; Czimbalmos, Robert; Kovacs, Gyorgyi; Szepesy, Edit.
There are an increasing number of references in the literature on the significance of the role of farm households and farm families in the development of multifunctional agriculture. The motivation and intentions of 104 farmers in three LEADER micro-regions in Northern and Eastern Hungary with respect to the present and future structures of their farms (including the expansion of non-agricultural activities and functions) were investigated using questionnaires and narrative interviews. Almost two-thirds of the respondents spoke of the existence of non-agricultural activities and functions, but few of these were market-driven. The farmers ranked the steps that should be taken to increase multifunctionality in their own micro-regions in order of importance...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Multifunctional agriculture; LEADER; Rural economy; Interviews; Hungary; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Políticas de desarrollo rural en la provincia de Alicante (España) Mundo agrario
Silva Pereira,Claudinei da; Gómez López,José Daniel; Hespanhol,Antonio Nivaldo.
El artículo aborda las características de la Política Agrícola Común (PAC) en la Unión Europea y sus consecuencias en la agricultura de la zona mediterránea, principalmente en la provincia de Alicante (Comunidad Valenciana-España) También caracterizamos el Programa Relaciones entre las Actividades de Desarrollo de la Economía Rural (LEADER) en la zona de montaña en la provincia de Alicante, sus especificidades y las posibles mejoras en la diversificación de las actividades económicas en los municipios que fueron beneficiados por la financiación del programa. Y debido a la diversidad de la agricultura, abordamos la actuación de las cooperativas agrícolas por sector de actividad productiva que reflejan las estructuras productivas y la presencia de diferentes...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alicante; LEADER; PAC; Cooperativismo agrícola; Unión Europea.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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The adaptability of stakeholders to new approaches in rural development in the Czech Republic AgEcon
Hudeckova, Helena; Balzerova, Hana.
The paper deals with the adoption of new approaches in the practice of rural development. Major attention is paid to the LEADER approach, with the objective of evaluating the implementation of the principles in the activities of actors associated with Czech LAGs. Techniques of content analysis and interviews with selected representatives, mainly with managers of LAGs, were used for sociological empirical research. The results analyse concrete clashes between the hierarchic structure and the principle of network co-operation, which is starting to develop successfully at state-wide and international levels. Next, the results point out the failures in the implementation of the LEADER approach in the Czech Republic which have been overcome (linked with the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Countryside; Development; Territorial governance; Stakeholder; LEADER; Community/Rural/Urban Development; GA; IN.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The “Rural-Sensitive Evaluation Model” for evaluation of local governments’ sensitivity to rural issues in Serbia AgEcon
Win, Heijman; Milic, Branislav B.; Bogdanov, Natalija.
In the search for an adequate set of indicators to measure the level of pro-rural aspirations of Local Governments (LG), the main existing approaches to endogenous development have been examined. However, the conclusion must be that none of them seem to fit the needs completely. For this reason, a new index, the Municipal Rural-Sensitive Index (MRSI), has been developed, representing the base for the Rural Sensitive Evaluation Model (RSEM). The MRSI integrates the key features of the LEADER (Liaison Entre Actions de Développement Rural) philosophy, consisting of 41 rural-sensitive indicators, grouped into 3 categories and 7 sub-categories. The resulting MRSI scores allow a quick comparison between LGs, show changes over time and assists in establishing a...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Evaluation; Model; LEADER; Local Government; Agricultural and Food Policy; C52; C54; H11; O21; R58..
Ano: 2011 URL:
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