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Common Labels and Market Mechanisms AgEcon
Boizot-Szantai, Christine; Lecocq, Sebastien; Marette, Stephan.
In this article, the impact of common labels is investigated with both theoretical and empirical approaches. Recent statistics regarding the egg market in France suggest that retailer brands largely adopt common labels. A simple theoretical framework enables us to determine the conditions under which producers and/or retailers with different product qualities decide to post a common label on their products. In particular, a situation of multiple equilibria (one where the label is used by the high-quality seller only and one where it is used by the low-quality seller only) is exhibited when the cost of the label is relatively large. The demand is then estimated for different segments of the French egg market, including producer/retailer brands with/without...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Competition; Demand estimation; Labels; Product differentiation; Marketing.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Corporate and Consumer Social Responsibilities: Label Regulations in the Lab AgEcon
Etile, Fabrice; Teyssier, Sabrina.
Although consumer attitudes toward corporate social responsibility are positive, socially responsible (SR) products are far from gaining significant market shares. Information asymmetries have been identified as one of the factor contributing to this attitude-behaviour gap, because social responsibility is a credence attribute. Signalling may remedy this market failure. We use an experimental posted offer market to investigate the impact of various regulatory requirements for labels on sellers’ choice to supply SR products and to signal it, and on buyers’ choice of ethical quality. Three treatments are tested: label certification by a third-party, “cheap-talk signalling” with random monitoring and with or without reputations. Individual social preferences...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Labels; Social responsibility; Social preferences; Separating equilibrium; Market game; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing; C92; D82; L15; M14.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Nayga, Rodolfo M., Jr..
This study examines how sociodemographic characteristics of a household's main meal planner affect use of nutritional information concerning ingredients, health benefits, calories, sodium, vitamins/minerals, fiber, fat, cholesterol, and sugar content on food packages. Results generally suggest that well-educated, female main meal planners are more likely to use various types of nutritional information than others. Main meal planners who place more importance on nutrition but less importance on taste and those who have a higher perception of the healthfulness of their diet are more likely to use nutritional information on packages than others. Household size, race, employment status, urbanization, region, age, and income are also significant factors.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Food packages; Food shopping; Labels; Nutritional information; Sociodemographics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Labels layout of cats and dogs food sold in Brazil and their national regulation adequacy Ciência Rural
Souza,Karina Koerich de; Tonon,Karina Merini; Scussel,Vildes Maria.
Due to the increasing of the pet foods marketing and the need to establish standards for quality and registration purposes, a study was conducted to evaluate the information on the package labels of 64 dogs and cats complete dry foods commercialized in Brazil and compare them to current regulation of the sector. From the total labels analyzed, all of them (100%) presented unconformity for at least one of the items evaluated. The highest rate of non-conformity was observed in the presentation of illustrations and phrases that induced the use of the product based on the false concept of advantage or animal health security (47%), leading to the misunderstanding of the owners. The results demonstrate a deficiency of the manufacturing companies regarding the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pet food; Dogs; Cats; Labels; Regulation.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Organic farming and fair trade in developing country as a new agribusiness paradigm: Evidence from Mali AgEcon
Sinaba, Famory; Dessein, Joost; Lauwers, Ludwig H.; Bastiaensen, Johan; Teme, Bino.
Organic farming and fair trade certified chains have emerged in West-Africa since the 1990s in answer to new alternative markets in developed countries. These chains, involving actors from North and South, are seen as an opportunity to sustainably valorise the small peasants agriculture in Africa and include the smallholders in global markets. Certification and labelling systems accompany these chains in developed countries. The aim of this article is to analyze the challenges for smallholders of this new North- South trade regime established by certificates and labels. This article uses the theory of Global Value Chains as theoretical framework. The empirical framework consists of four cases (organic sesame; organic- fair sesame; fair cotton and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Organic farming; Fair Trade; Smallholders; North-South trade; Certificates; Labels; Global markets; Value chains; Certification scheme; Local institution; Agribusiness; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Systematic notes on Asian birds. 52. An introduction to the bird collections of Brian Houghton Hodgson (1801-1894) Naturalis
Dickinson, E.C..
Hodgson spent most of his career in Nepal and several years of retirement in Darjeeling, making collection in both areas. Dates relating to these periods are clarified and his collections and donations are discussed. His drawings, touched upon briefly, are now receiving further study and will be reported upon in due course.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Biography; Labels; Drawings; Nepal; Darjeeling; Sikkim; Tibet; Edward Blyth; John Edward Gray; George Robert Gray; William Jardine; Hugh Strickland; Zoological Society of London; British Museum; Hon. East-India Company; Asiatic Society of Bengal; 42.83.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Traceability: European consumers' perceptions regarding its definition, expectations and differences by product types and importance of label schemes AgEcon
Chryssochoidis, George M.; Kehagia, Olga C.; Chrysochou, Polymeros E..
Given the heterogeneity of European consumers it is not unsurprising that they have different perceptions and expectations regarding (but also understanding thereof) 'traceability'. A large number of individuals may not even have a memory anchor for the concept. Consumers may also perceive traceability differently among different product types. The present study is based upon focus groups analysis of 12 countries across Europe. It presents an explanation of traceability's understanding by European consumers. It also presents consumer's expectations towards traceability and its differences according to different product types.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Focus groups; Traceability; Cross-national; Perceptions; Food products; Labels; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Trade Policy Implications of Carbon Labels on Food AgEcon
Baddeley, Shane; Cheng, Peter; Wolfe, Robert.
Carbon labels providing information about the carbon footprints associated with food products might influence consumer purchases, which would have a differential effect on producers throughout global food chains. We first discuss why any labels work and then describe the mechanics of carbon labels. The novelty of the paper is an examination of the issues members of the WTO have raised about all types of labels since 1995. Although carbon labels are voluntary standards for now, their increasing use could become effectively mandatory. Difficulties for exporters will include the lack of an international standard and the challenge, especially for developing country exporters, of dealing with complex carbon footprint procedures.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Carbon footprint; Labels; Life cycle analysis; Technical Barriers to Trade; Voluntary standards; World Trade Organization; Demand and Price Analysis; Environmental Economics and Policy; Financial Economics; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; International Relations/Trade; Marketing; Political Economy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Trade Policy Implications of Carbon Labels on Food AgEcon
Baddeley, Shane; Cheng, Peter; Wolfe, Robert.
Despite the presence of food miles labels and carbon labels on the market for many years, relatively little data is available on how consumers respond to these labels. It is one thing to show people saying in surveys they will use carbon labels, and quite another to have evidence of people actually using them. Carbon labels could be complicated to develop and implement fairly, with significant burdens on producers, especially in developing countries. If the only problem that a carbon label solves is relieving the bad conscience of rich western consumers, then they will be a disaster. Tackling climate change is too urgent to waste time and resources on anything that may prove to be a sideshow.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Trade; Policy carbon; Labels; Wto; Agricultural and Food Policy; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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