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A method to calculate economic key figures with regard to plot structure improvements 31
Kapfer, Martin; Kantelhardt, Jochen.
The aim of land consolidation projects is to improve the competitiveness of agriculture. Since land consolidation is subsidised by national and European means, the effectiveness of such measures must be determined. The following paper presents a method which makes it possible to calculate the direct economic effects of land consolidation. The calculations, considering labour demand, machinery costs and headland effects, compare the economic situation before and after land consolidation. The method was applied to four land consolidation projects in Bavaria. It can be shown that, to a varying degree, land consolidation in the studied areas leads to a substantial decrease in labour demand and machinery costs.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Land consolidation; Geographical information system; Direct economic effects; Labour demand; Machinery costs.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Causes and Consequences of Supply-Demand Gap for Labour in Sugarcane in India 31
Sharma, Ashwani K.; Prakash, Brahm.
The paper has estimated the demand for human labour use in sugarcane and other competing crops and changes over time in its use in major cane-growing states. It has also examined the supply-demand gap in human labour for sugarcane and has provided some coping strategies. The study, based on the primary as well as secondary data on the use of human labour for sugarcane for the past 30 years (1980 to 2010), has found that sugarcane cultivation is least mechanized and most labour-intensive in almost all major canegrowing states of India. The labour-use per hectare has increased in all the cane-growing states, except Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra. Study has revealed that the proportion of casual labour has increased over the years in sub-tropical states because...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Labour supply; Supply-demand gap; Labour demand; Sugarcane; Agricultural and Food Policy; J22; J23.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Impact of Rural Development Scheme on Availability of Agricultural Labour — A Study of Dairy Farmers in Thanjavur District of Tamil Nadu 31
Maheshwari, M. Selva; Gangwar, L.S..
This study conducted in the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu, has indentified the problems being faced by dairy farmers due to scarcity of farm labour for agricultural and livestock production. The study is based on the data collected from 40 selected respondents involved in crop production and dairying in the study area during the year 2008-09 through primary survey. The study has revealed that the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) has provided employment opportunities to rural workers and has checked the migration of farm labour from villages to cities and nearby industrial townships. All the eligible family member of landless dairy farmers had the job cards, but medium and large dairy farmers...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: MGNREGS; Agricultural labour; Labour demand; Labour wage rates; Rural – urban migration; Agricultural and Food Policy; J22; J23; J38; J39.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Labour Demand and Labour-saving Options: A Case of Groundnut Crop in India 31
Govindaraj, G.; Mishra, A.P..
Groundnut is a labour-intensive crop, especially for operations like sowing, weeding, harvesting, and drying. But, of-late, due to timely unavailability of labour, many farmers are not able to exercise timely operations resulting in low yield realization. The present study conducted in two major groundnut-growing states, viz. Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh, has revealed that farmers employ more human labour in weeding and harvesting operations in groundnut than in other operations. The practise of manual decortication and stripping is followed by a larger number of farmers in Andhra Pradesh than in Gujarat, indicating less mechanization in the former. For weeding, though, the human labour-use in weedicide + bullock intercultivation + hand weeding technique is...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Labour demand; Groundnut cultivation; Labour-saving techniques; Agricultural and Food Policy; J23; J21.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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