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Best practices of GIS applications in the Hungarian agriculture 31
Rathonyi, Gergely; Varallyai, Laszlo; Herdon, Miklos.
Information and analysis produced with the use of GIS applications efficiently support the work of the users of the software and decision makers irrespectively of they are a single person or the Hungarian Government. We primarily discuss the major agriculture applications – Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) and National and Regional Planning Information System (TeIR) – from the aspect of the sector which may save time, energy and money for its users. LPIS is exclusive national land parcel identification system of the procedures of agricultural subsidies. The data of this identification system can be used in the applying of European Union subsidies which are available in a geographical information system. TeIR can help such organizations, which...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Land Parcel Identification System; Integrated Administration and Control System; Orthophotos; Physical block; Land development; Internet; Land Economics/Use; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; GA; IN.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Heimlich, Ralph E.; Anderson, William D..
Land development in the United States is following two routes: expansion of urban areas and large-lot development (greater than 1 acre per house) in rural areas. Urban expansion claimed more than 1 million acres per year between 1960 and 1990, yet is not seen as a threat to most farming, although it may reduce production of some high-value or specialty crops. The consequences of continued large–lot development may be less sanguine, since it consumes much more land per unit of housing than the typical suburb. Controlling growth and planning for it are the domains of State and local governments. The Federal Government may be able to help them in such areas as building capacity to plan and control growth, providing financial incentives for channeling growth...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Land development; Sprawl; Large-lot housing; Land zoning; Population growth; Housing; Specialty agriculture; High-value agriculture; Rural amenities; Smart growth; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Estimating Effects of an Urban Growth Boundary on Land Development 31
Cho, Seong-Hoon; Chen, Zhuo; Yen, Steven T.; Eastwood, David B..
This study estimates the effects of an urban growth boundary (UGB) on land development decisions in Knox County, TN, using a heteroscedastic probit model. With combined efforts of increased land development within the city boundary and decreased development within the UGB and the neighboring town of Farragut after the implementation of UGB, the UGB of Knox County has been successful in urban revitalization within the city boundary and discouraging urban sprawl. These UGB impacts may be related to the city government having the right to annex land parcels within the UGB without consent of land owners.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Heteroscedastic probit; Land development; Urban growth boundary; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use; C35; Q24; R52.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Fenntartható turizmusfejlesztés a Tisza-tónál 31
Remenyik, Bulcsu.
A Tisza-tó professzionális módon történő bemutatásának megszervezése elemi érdek, mert a látogatótömeg megjelenése és a szervezetlen módon történő látogatás a tó számára tragikus jövőt tartogat. A környezetterhelés, a vadkempingezés, az eti¬kátlan viselkedés miatt nem őrizhető meg hosszú távon a Tisza-tó vonzereje. A meglévő tervek a fenntartható fejlődés, a turizmusfejlesztés és az életminőség javításának céljai irányába mutatnak. ---------------------------------- Creating professional ways to enable visitors to see the Tisza Lake is essential, as the appearance of masses of tourists and unorganised visits imply a tragic future for the lake. On the long term, damages to the environmental, unauthorised camping and unethical behavior will cause the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Fenntartható turizmus; Területfejlesztés; Ökoturizmus; Tisza-tó; Sustainable tourism; Land development; Ecological tourism; Tisza Lake; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Incorporating Spatial Complexity into Economic Models of Land Markets and Land Use Change 31
Chen, Yong; Irwin, Elena G.; Jayaprakash, Ciriyam.
Recent work in regional science, geography, and urban economics has advanced spatial modeling of land markets and land use by incorporating greater spatial complexity, including multiple sources of spatial heterogeneity, multiple spatial scales, and spatial dynamics. Doing so has required a move away from relying solely on analytical models to partial or full reliance on computational methods that can account for these added features of spatial complexity. In the first part of the paper, we review economic models of urban land development that have incorporated greater spatial complexity, focusing on spatial simulation models with spatial endogenous feedbacks and multiple sources of spatial heterogeneity. The second part of the paper presents a spatial...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Urban growth; Urbanization; Land development; Spatial dynamics; Heterogeneity; Agent-based models; Spatial interactions; Land Economics/Use; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The Impact of an Urban Growth Boundary on Land Development in Knox County, Tennessee: A Comparison of Two-Stage Probit Least Squares and Multilayer Neural Network Models 31
Cho, Seong-Hoon; Omitaomu, Olufemi A.; Poudyal, Neelam C.; Eastwood, David B..
The impact of an urban growth boundary (UGB) on land development in Knox County, TN is estimated via two-stage probit and neural-network models. The insignificance of UGB variable in the two-stage probit model and more visible development patterns in the western part of Knoxville and the neighboring town of Farragut during the post-UGB period in both models suggest that the UGB has not curtailed urban sprawl. Although the network model is found to be a viable alternative to more conventional discrete choice approach for improving the predictability of land development, it is at the cost of evaluating marginal effects.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Land development; Multilayer neural network; Two-stage probit least squares; C35; R14.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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