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Drabenstott, Mark.
Industrialization is rapidly becoming a topic of great attention. Driven by fundamental economic forces, industrialization seems likely to advance ore quickly in the coming decade to more industry segments. By changing the way agriculture does business, industrialization will also bring change to public policy and agricultural institutions. Commodity policy will increasingly be out of step with a product-oriented industry. And as industrialization blurs the lines between producers and processors, land grant universities and the extension service will face challenges assessing who their customers are.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Industrialization; Agricultural markets; Commodity policy; Land grant universities; Extension service; Rural development; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Investing in People: Assessing the Economic Benefits of 1890 Institutions 31
Tegene, Abebayehu; Effland, Anne; Ballenger, Nicole; Norton, George W.; Essel, Albert E.; Larson, Gerald; Clarke, Winfrey.
The report examines the historical USDA funding levels of 1890 institutions; discusses the outcomes of these investments and potential measurable indicators of these outcomes; and outlines a conceptual model for estimating returns to investment in education tailored to particularities of the 1890's.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: 1890s; Land grant universities; Human capital; Extension service; Agricultural research; Research funding; Labor and Human Capital; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Rating the Web Sites of Land Grant Universities and State Departments of Agriculture 31
Phillips, Jon C..
For at least ten years, educational and government organizations have used the Internet to communicate with their respective clienteles. Land grant universities, departments of agricultural economics, and state departments of agriculture have launched web sites to achieve various communication goals, including, among others: to disseminate research results, to generate positive publicity among various constituencies, to promote agricultural activities, and to recruit employees. This report is the result of an effort to systematically evaluate, rate, and comment on the web sites of land grant universities, departments of agricultural economics, and state departments of agriculture. A panel of reviewers rated the web sites of these organizations. The results...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Land grant universities; Departments of agricultural economics; State departments of agriculture; Web sites; Web pages; Web design; Internet; E-commerce; Electronic communication; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Q000; Q100; Q160; Q190.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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