Registros recuperados: 52 | |
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Jiang, Yong; Swallow, Stephen K.; McGonagle, Michael P.. |
Benefit transfer has been an important, practical policy tool appealing to government agencies, especially when time or budget is constrained. However, the existing literature fails to support convergent validity of benefit transfer using the stated-preference method. This empirical study examines the convergent validity of benefit transfer using the choice modeling method, a potentially promising technique compatible with the heterogeneity of the transfer contexts. Based on a survey designed for Rhode Island (RI) and modified only slightly for Massachusetts (MA), regarding coastal land management, four convergent validity tests were conducted on the benefit transfer from RI to MA. Although results fail to support convergent validity in all aspects, the... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Benefit transfer; Contingent choice method; Choice experiment; Convergent validity; Land management; Land Economics/Use. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/20040 |
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Prell, Christina; University of Sheffield; c.prell@sheffield.ac.uk; Reed, Mark; Aberdeen Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Centre for Planning and Environmental Management School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen ; m.reed@abdn.ac.uk; Racin, Liat; Department of Geography, King's College London ; Liat.Racin@kcl.ac.uk; Hubacek, Klaus; Department of Geography, University of Maryland; Hubacek@umd.edu. |
What is social structure, and how does it influence the views and behaviors of land managers? In this paper, we unpack the term "social structure" in the context of current research on institutions, social networks, and their role(s) in resource management. We identify two different kinds of structure, formal and informal, and explore how these link to views of land management and management practice. Formal structures refer to intentionally designed organizations that arise out of larger institutional arrangements; informal ones refer to social networks, based on the communication contacts individuals possess. Our findings show significant correlations between respondents' views regarding land management and their social networks; it is these informal... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports |
Palavras-chave: Formal organizations; Homophily; Institutions; Land management; Social networks; Social network analysis; Social structure; Stakeholder perceptions. |
Ano: 2010 |
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Andersen, Alan; Wildlife and Ecology, CSIRO Tropical Ecosystems Research Centre; Alan.Andersen@terc.csiro.au. |
European ("scientific") and Aboriginal ("experiential") perspectives on fire management in northern Australia are often contrasted with each other. For Europeans, management is portrayed as a science-based, strategically directed and goal-oriented exercise aimed at achieving specific ecological outcomes. In contrast, landscape burning by Aboriginal people is more of an emergent property, diffusely arising from many uses of fire that serve social, cultural, and spiritual, as well as ecological, needs. Aboriginal knowledge is acquired through tradition and personal experience, rather than through the scientific paradigm of hypothesis testing. Here I argue that, in practice, science plays only a marginal role in European fire management in northern Australia.... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports |
Palavras-chave: Aboriginal burning; Adaptive management; Australia; Cross-cultural conflict; Fire ecology; Land management; Management culture; Performance indicators; Science culture; Strategic goals; Traditional fire ecology and management.. |
Ano: 1999 |
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Bergeron, Gilles; Pender, John L.. |
This study investigates the micro-determinants of land use change using community, household and plot histories, an ethnographic method that constructs panel data from systematic oral recalls. A 20-year historical timeline (1975-1995) is constructed for the village of La Lima in central Honduras, based on a random sample of 97 plots. Changes in land use are examined using transition analysis and multinomial logit analysis. Transition analysis shows that land use transitions were relatively infrequent in areas under extensive cultivation, but more so in areas of intensive cultivation; and that most changes favored intensification. Econometric analysis suggests that land use intensification was influenced by plot level variables (especially altitude, slope,... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Honduras; Land use; Econometrics--Case studies; Horticultural products; Land management; Land Economics/Use. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/97464 |
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Pender, John L.; Jagger, Pamela; Nkonya, Ephraim M.; Sserunkuuma, Dick. |
This paper investigates the patterns and determinants of change in livelihood strategies (“development pathways”), land management practices, agricultural productivity, resource and human welfare conditions in Uganda since 1990, based upon a community-level survey conducted in 107 villages. The pattern of agricultural development since 1990 involved increasing specialization and commercialization of economic activities, consistent with local comparative advantages and market liberalization. This pattern was associated with changes in land use and agricultural practices, including expansion of cultivated area, grazing lands and woodlots at the expense of forest and wetlands; increased ownership of cattle but declining ownership of other livestock; and... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Sustainable development; Land management; Development pathways; Uganda; Land Economics/Use. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/16124 |
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Carsjens, Gerrit Jan. |
Contemporary food production is facing many challenges. One of these challenges is to re-connect the food system with various public domains, such as spatial planning. Sustainable food planning is a growing domain in planning research. One of the important topics of research concerns the geographical or territorial properties of the food system. This paper addresses the territorial properties of the agricultural system using different spatial concepts. The paper includes a case study of a greenhouse vegetable production system in Venlo, the Netherlands, and its relationships with the regional spatial organization. The assessment allowed to draw some conclusions on the suitability of different spatial concepts to assess the spatial organization of food... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Spatial organization; Food systems planning; Land use planning; Land management. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://www.cigrjournal.org/index.php/Ejounral/article/view/3159 |
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Gerrit Jan Carsjens. |
Contemporary food production is facing many challenges. One of these challenges is to re-connect the food system with various public domains, such as spatial planning. Sustainable food planning is a growing domain in planning research. One of the important topics of research concerns the geographical or territorial properties of the food system. This paper addresses the territorial properties of the agricultural system using different spatial concepts. The paper includes a case study of a greenhouse vegetable production system in Venlo, the Netherlands, and its relationships with the regional spatial organization. The assessment allowed to draw some conclusions on the suitability of different spatial concepts to assess the spatial organization of food... |
Palavras-chave: Spatial organization; Food systems planning; Land use planning; Land management. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://www.cigrjournal.org/index.php/Ejounral/article/view/3159 |
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Registros recuperados: 52 | |