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A Toolkit Modeling Approach for Sustainable Forest Management Planning: Achieving Balance between Science and Local Needs 7
Sturtevant, Brian R.; Northern Research Station, U.S. Forest Service;; Fall, Andrew; Gowlland Technologies Ltd;; Simon, Neal P. P.; Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources;; Morgan, Don G.; British Columbia Ministry of Forests;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Decision support; Ecosystem management; Forest sustainability; Interdisciplinary modeling; Land planning; Participatory modeling; Scaling.
Ano: 2007
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Crossing Scales and Disciplines to Achieve Forest Sustainability 7
Sturtevant, Brian; Institute for Applied Ecosystems Studies, Northern Research Station, US Forest Service;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis Palavras-chave: Decision support; Ecosystem management; Forest sustainability; Interdisciplinary modeling; Land planning; Participatory modeling; Scaling; Sustainable forest management..
Ano: 2008
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Historical land-cover/use in different slope and riparian buffer zones in watersheds of the state of São Paulo, Brazil 63
Silva,Alexandre Marco da; Nalon,Marco Aurélio; Kronka,Francisco José do Nascimento; Alvares,Clayton Alcarde; Camargo,Plinio Barbosa de; Martinelli,Luiz Antonio.
Information about the land cover of a region it is a key information for several purposes. This paper aimed to elaborate land-cover maps using digital satellite images obtained in 1997 from seven watersheds (Piracicaba, Moji-Guaçu, Alto Paranapanema, Turvo Aguapeí, Peixe, and São José dos Dourados) located in the State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Additionaly, this study evaluated the relationship between land-cover and slopes of the terrain of the seven watersheds. A third objective was to estimate the percentage of riparian vegetation currently remaining along the streams in a 30-meter width buffer zone. Three research questions were posed: i) What is the dominant land-cover of these watersheds? ii) Is the riparian vegetation well preserved in the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Land planning; Land management; Geoprocessing; Catchments; Rivers.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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