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A conservação de bacias e os desafios para a sustentabilidade da agricultura. 14
Resumo: Esta publicação aborda a complexidade e os desafios para que se alcance a sustentabilidade no uso da terra, no tocante à conservação dos recursos hídricos e respectivas bacias hidrográficas. Trata da dinâmica de alterações nos processos biogeoquímicos e hidrológicos presentes nas bacias onde o ecossistema natural é modificado. Considera, também, as variações temporais e espaciais distintas, dependendo das características biofísicas e biogeoquímicas originais da bacia, ao lado do uso da terra presente. Os autores abordam como e porque a bacia hidrográfica deve ser considerada a unidade de estudo primordial nas análises ambientais que visam a conservação de recursos hídricos. São, assim, considerados os processos naturais, o manejo agropecuário, a...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Sustentabilidade ambiental; Bacia Hidrográfica; Uso da Terra; Qualidade da Água; Agricultural watersheds; Watersheds; Land use; Land use change; Water quality.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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A Framework for Participatory Impact Assessment: Involving Stakeholders in European Policy Making, a Case Study of Land Use Change in Malta 7
Morris, Jake Breton; Forest Research;; Tassone, Valentina; Wageningen University;; de Groot, Rudolf; Wageningen University;; Camilleri, Marguerite; Malta Environment & Planning Authority;; Moncada, Stefano; University of Malta;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: European policy making; Land use change; Malta; Participatory impact assessment; Stakeholder participation.
Ano: 2011
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A spatial bio-economic modelling approach on the trade-offs between global bioenergy demand, agricultural intensification, expansion, and trade 31
Lotze-Campen, Hermann; Popp, Alexander; Beringer, Tim; Muller, Christoph; Lucht, Wolfgang.
Increased future demands for food, fibre and fuels from biomass can only be met if the available land and water resources on a global scale are used and managed as efficiently as possible. The main routes for making the global agricultural system more productive are through intensification and technological change on currently used agricultural land, land expansion into currently non-agricultural areas, and international trade in agricultural commodities and processed goods. In order to analyse the trade-offs and synergies between these options, we present a global bio-economic modelling approach with a special focus on spatially explicit land and water constraints as well as technological change in agricultural production. For a given bioenergy demand...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Land use change; Spatial modelling; Technological change; Environmental Economics and Policy; International Development; International Relations/Trade; Land Economics/Use; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; C61; F15; Q24; Q25.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Análisis comparativo de costos del uso de la tierra en la Sierra Norte de Puebla. 32
Rojas López, Odilia.
En México, los mecanismos de pago por servicios ambientales (PSA) son relativamente recientes por lo que todavía existen algunos aspectos a mejorar en su aplicación. Un componente crucial en el PSA Hidrológico (PSAH) es la determinación de los montos de pago adecuados a los productores forestales por la renta de sus terrenos. La presente investigación estimó la renta de la tierra bajo los usos agrícola, pecuario y forestal, a través del método costo de oportunidad, en la Sierra Norte de Puebla. Además, determinó cómo las características físico-químicas de los suelos de aptitud forestal se modifican ante un cambio de uso de la tierra limitando la provisión de servicios ambientales. El estudio se integró y desarrolló en cuatro capítulos: (I) Introducción...
Palavras-chave: Cambios de uso de la tierra; Características químicas; Costo de oportunidad; Servicios ambientales; Renta de la tierra; Land use change; Chemical characteristics; Opportunity cost; Environmental services; Land rent; Maestría; Forestal.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Análisis comparativo de costos del uso de la tierra en la Sierra Norte de Puebla. 32
Rojas López, Odilia.
En México, los mecanismos de pago por servicios ambientales (PSA) son relativamente recientes por lo que todavía existen algunos aspectos a mejorar en su aplicación. Un componente crucial en el PSA Hidrológico (PSAH) es la determinación de los montos de pago adecuados a los productores forestales por la renta de sus terrenos. La presente investigación estimó la renta de la tierra bajo los usos agrícola, pecuario y forestal, a través del método costo de oportunidad, en la Sierra Norte de Puebla. Además, determinó cómo las características físico-químicas de los suelos de aptitud forestal se modifican ante un cambio de uso de la tierra limitando la provisión de servicios ambientales. El estudio se integró y desarrolló en cuatro capítulos: (I) Introducción...
Palavras-chave: Cambios de uso de la tierra; Características químicas; Costo de oportunidad; Servicios ambientales; Renta de la tierra; Land use change; Chemical characteristics; Opportunity cost; Environmental services; Land rent; Maestría; Forestal.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Análisis del cambio de uso de suelo y su impacto socioeconómico y agrícola en San Miguel Tocuila, Texcoco, Estado de México. 32
Pérez Guerrero, Alfredo.
La Agricultura Urbana y Peri-urbana (AUP) se refiere a prácticas agrícolas dentro y alrededor de las ciudades, las cuales compiten por recursos indispensables para cualquier actividad (tierra, agua, energía y mano de obra) que podrían destinarse también a otros fines para satisfacer las necesidades de la población urbana (COAG-FAO, 1999). La presente investigación se enfoca en la identificación de sistemas de producción en espacios urbanos y periurbanos, así como en los productores que continúan trabajando en la producción agrícola y en las formas de producción de sus alimentos. Posteriormente se realizó el análisis de datos sociodemográficos de los ejidatarios y sus familias que existen en la localidad. El cambio del uso del suelo se ha definido como uno...
Palavras-chave: Periurbano; Sistemas de producción; Crecimiento; Cambio de uso de suelo; Periurban; Production; Systems growth; Land use change; Desarrollo Rural; Maestría.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Analysis of Characteristics of Spatio-temporal Evolution of Land Use in Inhabited Islands of Pearl River Estuary 31
Li, Tao; Gao, Yi; Li, Xiao-min; Li, Tuan-jie; Li, Xiao-ming; Yang, Qin.
Abstract Under the support of the remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) techniques, we acquire the land use data in 1990 and 2008 regarding 6 inhabited islands, namely Longxue Island, Hengmen Island, Weiyuan Island, Oi'ao Island, Hengqin Island and Gaolan Island in Pearl River Estuary . By using dynamic degree of land use, land use change intensity, relative change rate and other indicators, we conduct quantitative description, and thus quantitatively and qualitatively analyze characteristics of temporal evolution and law of spatial pattern change concerning land use of each island. The study indicates that in the period 1990 2008, the area of construction land and water in 6 islands increased, while the area of agricultural land and...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Land use change; Remote sensing; Spatio-temporal evolution; Pearl River Estuary; Inhabited islands; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Birur, Dileep K.; Beach, Robert H..
As the biofuels are emerging as promising alternative transportation fuels across the world, they also offer huge potential for international trade in biofuels. A number of trade barriers such as import tariffs and domestic support have limited the scope for trade in biofuels. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implications of U.S. biofuel mandates, subsidies and import tariffs on global trade and welfare. We utilize the GTAP-BIO model, which was developed as a customized version of the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model capable of analyzing domestic and trade policy issues associated with biofuels (Birur, 2010). We supplement this model with updated and detailed sectoral level information on feedstock crops, different types of first and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Computable General Equilibrium; Land use change; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Áreas prioritarias mediante escenarios de deforestación y servicios ambientales en la Sierra Norte de Puebla. 32
Chávez González, Honoria.
La identificación de áreas prioritarias es una herramienta valiosa que permite orientar y optimizar los esfuerzos de estudio, conservación y aprovechamiento sustentable de recursos forestales. La presente investigación integró una metodología, mediante la combinación de diferentes técnicas cuantitativas en un ambiente de sistemas de información geográfica y sensores remotos, para la identificación de áreas prioritarias de recarga hídrica en la Unidad de Manejo Forestal Zacatlán, Puebla. El estudio se constituyó de tres componentes de investigación: (1) Análisis retrospectivo (1986-2010), actual y perspectivo (2010-2030) de cambios de uso de la tierra y riesgo de deforestación; (2) Identificación de áreas con aptitud para proveer servicios ambientales...
Palavras-chave: Cambio de uso de la tierra; Riesgo de deforestación; Recarga de acuíferos; Evaluación multicriterio; Regresión logística; Land use change; Deforestation risk; Aquifer recharge; Multicriteria evaluation; Logistic regression; Forestal; Maestría.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Avoidance of land use change (LUC)from grassland to arable land, Germany. 14
1. Related practices. 2. Description of the case study. 3. Context of the case study. 4. Possibility of scaling up. 5. Impact on soil organic carbon stocks. 6. Other benefits of the practice. 7. Potential drawbacks to the practice. 8. Recommendations before implementing the practice. 9. Potential barriers for adoption.
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Land use change; Grasslands; Arable soils; Germany.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Biofuel Growth: Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impacts from Changes in Forest Carbon Stocks 31
Golub, Alla A.; Hertel, Thomas W.; Rose, Steven K.; Sohngen, Brent.
There is significant policy interest in liquid biofuels with appealing prospects for energy security, farm security, poverty alleviation, and climate change. Large-scale commercial biofuel production could have far reaching implications for regional and global markets – particularly those related to energy and land use. As such, large-scale biofuels growth is likely to have significant impacts on global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This paper utilizes a CGE model with explicit biofuel, land, and energy markets. The model is able to estimate the effects on the broad range of input and output markets potentially affected globally by biofuels policies. One of the most controversial issues within the biofuels debate is potential indirect changes in land use...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Land use change; Biofuels; CGE model; Forest carbon stocks; GHG emissions; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Brazil's agricultural land, cropping frequency and second crop area: FAOSTAT statistics and new estimates. 14
Resumo: Uma representação acurada do território é crucial para uma avaliação adequada da sustentabilidade da produção de alimentos e bioenergia. No Brasil, três culturas com ambos os usos (soja, milho e cana) ocupam 3/4 da área agrícola do país. A área de uso agropecuário da terra, a frequência de cultivo e a área de cultivo na segunda safra são parâmetros essenciais para um grande número de modelos de uso da terra. Entretanto, os autores detectaram inconsistências nas estimativas da FAOSTAT e da literatura quanto a esses parâmetros. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar os resultados de uma iniciativa conjunta entre a Embrapa e a FAO para atualizar esses parâmetros com base em estatísticas oficiais. A atualização dos dados da FAOSTAT levou a uma mudança...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Uso da Terra; Cultivo Seqüencial; Milho; Soja; Cana de Açúcar; Entressafra; Safrinha; Land use change; Intensive cropping; Cropping sequence; Sugarcane; Soybeans; Corn.
Ano: 2022 URL:
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Cambio de uso de suelo por crecimiento urbano en la cuenca de Metztitlán, Hidalgo. 32
Jiménez Moreno, María Josefa.
Uno de los factores fundamentales en el incremento de las zonas urbanas es el crecimiento de la población. En este estudio se analizó y modeló el cambio de uso de suelo generado por el incremento de la población en las ciudades de Atotonilco, Tulancingo y Zacualtipán de la Cuenca de Metztitlán, Hidalgo, con la finalidad de conocer y estimar el área de expansión urbana en los próximos años, contemplando los años 2010, 2015 y 2020 para fines de planificación urbana. El segundo capítulo reporta un análisis comparativo de algunos métodos empleados en la detección y modelación del cambio de uso del suelo generado por el crecimiento urbano, el cual determinó que no existe un método específico para analizar la dinámica del cambio de uso de suelo urbano, ya que...
Palavras-chave: Crecimiento urbano; Planificación urbana; Cambio de uso del suelo; Urban growth; Urban planning; Land use change; Maestría; Forestal.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cambio de uso de suelo por crecimiento urbano en la cuenca de Metztitlán, Hidalgo. 32
Jiménez Moreno, María Josefa.
Uno de los factores fundamentales en el incremento de las zonas urbanas es el crecimiento de la población. En este estudio se analizó y modeló el cambio de uso de suelo generado por el incremento de la población en las ciudades de Atotonilco, Tulancingo y Zacualtipán de la Cuenca de Metztitlán, Hidalgo, con la finalidad de conocer y estimar el área de expansión urbana en los próximos años, contemplando los años 2010, 2015 y 2020 para fines de planificación urbana. El segundo capítulo reporta un análisis comparativo de algunos métodos empleados en la detección y modelación del cambio de uso del suelo generado por el crecimiento urbano, el cual determinó que no existe un método específico para analizar la dinámica del cambio de uso de suelo urbano, ya que...
Palavras-chave: Crecimiento urbano; Planificación urbana; Cambio de uso del suelo; Urban growth; Urban planning; Land use change; Maestría; Forestal.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Changes in population and land use over time in the Ecuadorian Amazon 36
Bilsborrow,Richard E.; Barbieri,Alisson F.; Pan,William.
This paper draws upon a detailed longitudinal survey of households living on agricultural plots in the northern three provinces of the Ecuadorian Amazon, the principal region of colonization by migrants in Ecuador since the 1970s. Following the discovery of petroleum in 1967 near what has subsequently come to be the provincial capital and largest Amazonian city of Lago Agrio, oil companies built roads to lay pipelines to extract and pump oil across the Andes for export. As a result, for the past 30 years over half of both Ecuador's export earnings and government revenues have come from petroleum extracted from this region. But the roads also facilitated massive spontaneous in-migration of families from origin areas in the Ecuadorian Sierra, characterized...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ecuadorian Amazon; Agricultural colonization; Population change; Land use change; Migration.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Comparing how land use change impacts soil microbial catabolic respiration in Southwestern Amazon 58
Mazzetto,Andre Mancebo; Feigl,Brigitte Josefine; Cerri,Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino; Cerri,Carlos Clemente.
Abstract Land use changes strongly impact soil functions, particularly microbial biomass diversity and activity. We hypothesized that the catabolic respiration response of the microbial biomass would differ depending on land use and that these differences would be consistent at the landscape scale. In the present study, we analyzed the catabolic response profile of the soil microbial biomass through substrate-induced respiration in different land uses over a wide geographical range in Mato Grosso and Rondônia state (Southwest Amazon region). We analyzed the differences among native areas, pastures and crop areas and within each land use and examined only native areas (Forest, Dense Cerrado and Cerrado), pastures (Nominal, Degraded and Improved) and crop...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amazon region; Land use change; Catabolic profile; Microbial communities.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Conservation Programs: Will Grain Production Reclaim Acres in the South? 31
Petrolia, Daniel R.; Ibendahl, Gregory A..
A state-level analysis of the Re-enrollment and Extension (REX) program on southern states indicates a positive relationship between percentage of tree acreage and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) re-enrollment for states in which conservation acreage is dominated by trees. However, the relationship depends on crop mix where CRP acreage is dominated by grass. County-level analysis suggests that states will differ in how quickly they opt out of CRP. Of the states examined, Arkansas is the most likely to move land to corn, with Mississippi the least likely. Arkansas and Kentucky will switch to soybean first, followed by Mississippi and Georgia.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Conservation Reserve Program (CRP); Corn; Land use change; Re-enrollment and Extension Program (REX); Soybean; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Q15; Q18; Q21; Q24.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Deforestation in Indonesia: A Household Level Analysis of the Role of Forest Dependence and Poverty 31
Purnamasari, Ririn S..
Paper removed for revision at request of author - 09/20/07.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Tropical deforestation; Agricultural extensification; Land use change; Food Security and Poverty; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Prishchepov, Alexander V.; Radeloff, Volker C.; Muller, Daniel; Dubinin, Maxim; Baumann, Matthias.
Socio-economic and institutional changes may accelerate land-use and land-cover change. Our goal was to explore the determinants of agricultural land abandonment within one agro-climatic and economic region of post-Soviet European Russia during the first decade of transition from a state-command to market-driven economy (between 1990 and 2000). We integrated maps of abandoned agricultural land derived from 30 m resolution Landsat TM/ETM+ images, environmental and socioeconomic variables and estimated logistic regressions. Results showed that post-Soviet agricultural land abandonment was significantly associated with lower average grain yields in the late 1980s, higher distance from the populated places, areas with low population densities, for isolated...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural land abandonment; Institutional change; Land use change; Spatial analysis; Logistic regression; Remote sensing; Russia; Agribusiness; Q15.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Determinants of Forestry Investment and Extent of Forestry Expansion by Smallholders in New Zealand 31
Dhakal, Bhubaneswor; Bigsby, Hugh R.; Cullen, Ross.
While there has been a large increase in investment in plantation forestry in New Zealand by smallholders during the past decade, there are still many smallholders who have chosen not to become involved in this land use or who are using only a portion of their potentially planted land for forestry. To understand why this is the case, this paper studies two issues, the differences between those who have and have not established plantation forests, and the factors that explain the proportion of land used in forestry by small landholders who have identified that they have potentially plantable land. Land used for forest plantations is treated as a two-step decision process, where first a landowner must decide whether they would consider planting trees at...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Forestry investment; Land use change; Non-industrial forests; Double hurdle model; Land Economics/Use; Q15; Q23.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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