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Wu, JunJie; Adams, Richard M.; Kling, Catherine L.; Tanaka, Katsuya.
The growth in federal conservation programs has created a need for policy modeling frameworks capable of measuring micro-level behavioral responses and macro-level landscape changes. This paper presents an empirical model that predicts crop choices, crop rotations, and conservation tillage adoption as a function of conservation payment levels, profits, and other variables at more than 42,000 agricultural sites of the National Resource Inventory (NRI) in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. Predicted changes in crop choices and tillage practices are then fed into site-specific environmental production functions to determine changes in nitrate runoff and leaching and in water and wind erosion at each NRI site. This policy-scale model is applied to the case of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural policy; Conservation practices; Green payments; Land use changes; Nitrate runoff and leaching; Non-point pollution; Soil erosion; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Bacteria diversity and microbial biomass in forest, pasture and fallow soils in the southwestern Amazon basin 90
Cenciani,Karina; Lambais,Marcio Rodrigues; Cerri,Carlos Clemente; Azevedo,Lucas Carvalho Basílio de; Feigl,Brigitte Josefine.
It is well-known that Amazon tropical forest soils contain high microbial biodiversity. However, anthropogenic actions of slash and burn, mainly for pasture establishment, induce profound changes in the well-balanced biogeochemical cycles. After a few years the grass yield usually declines, the pasture is abandoned and is transformed into a secondary vegetation called "capoeira" or fallow. The aim of this study was to examine how the clearing of Amazon rainforest for pasture affects: (1) the diversity of the Bacteria domain evaluated by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE), (2) microbial biomass and some soil chemical properties (pH, moisture, P, K, Ca, Mg, Al, H + Al, and BS), and (3) the influence of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Land use changes; PCR-DGGE; Bacterial diversity; Microbial biomass; Principal component analysis.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of a Tropical Wetland Lake Ecosystem: a case study of Lake Kanyaboli, Kenya 20
Abila, R..
Lake Kanyaboli and the surrounding Yala Swamp wetland have been recognized as an important biodiversity hotspot. Recent population, genetic and phylogenetic studies confirm the evolutionary importance of Lake Kanyaboli in preserving the cichlid fish fauna of Lake Victoria. The adjoining Yala Swamp harbours the endangered swamp antelope Sitatunga (Tragecephalus spekii) and several papyrus endemic birds. The lake and adjoining swamp play a critical role in the livelihood of the local communities who heavily depend on the wetland resources. Current ongoing large scale land use and changes within the swamp threaten the ecological integrity and functioning of this highly dynamic wetland ecosystem. It is therefore imperative that proper management and...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Lake Management; Lake Kanyaboli; Land use changes; Yala Swamp Biodiversity Lake ecology Resource management Wetlands Lakes Biodiversity Resource management
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Biofuel do Brasil? - Impact of Multinational Biofuel Mandates on Agri-food Trade 31
Banse, Martin; Junker, Franziska; Prins, Anne Gerdien; Stehfest, Elke; Tabeau, Andrzej A.; Woltjer, Geert B.; van Meijl, Hans.
This paper analyzes the consequences of enhanced biofuel production in regions and countries of the world that have announced plans to implement or expand on biofuel policies. The analysis considers not only mandatory blending targets for transportation fuels, but also voluntary ones. The chosen quantitative modeling approach is two-fold: it combines a multi-sectoral economic model (LEITAP) with a spatial bio-physical land use model (IMAGE). This paper adds to existing research by considering biofuel policies in the EU, the US and various other countries with considerable agricultural production and trade, such as Brazil, India and China. Moreover, the combination of the two modeling systems allows for the observation of changes in both economic and...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Biofuel mandates; Land use changes; Greenhouse gas emissions; International Relations/Trade; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Climate change projections using the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model: from CMIP3 to CMIP5 5
Dufresne, J-l.; Foujols, M-a.; Denvil, S.; Caubel, A.; Marti, O.; Aumont, Olivier; Balkanski, Y.; Bekki, S.; Bellenger, H.; Benshila, R.; Bony, S.; Bopp, L.; Braconnot, P.; Brockmann, P.; Cadule, P.; Cheruy, F.; Codron, F.; Cozic, A; Cugnet, D.; De Noblet, N.; Duvel, J-p.; Ethe,; Fairhead, L.; Fichefet, T.; Flavoni, S.; Friedlingstein, P.; Grandpeix, J-y.; Guez, L.; Guilyardi, E.; Hauglustaine, D.; Hourdin, F.; Idelkadi, A.; Ghattas, J.; Joussaume, S.; Kageyama, M.; Krinner, G.; Labetoulle, S.; Lahellec, A.; Lefebvre, M; Lefevre, F.; Levy, C.; Li, Zhanbin; Lloyd, J.; Lott, F.; Madec, G.; Mancip, M.; Marchand, M; Masson, S.; Meurdesoif, Y.; Mignot, J.; Musat, I.; Parouty, S.; Polcher, J.; Rio, C; Schulz, M.; Swingedouw, D.; Szopa, S.; Talandier, Claude; Terray, P.; Viovy, N.; Vuichard, N..
We present the global general circulation model IPSL-CM5 developed to study the long-term response of the climate system to natural and anthropogenic forcings as part of the 5th Phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). This model includes an interactive carbon cycle, a representation of tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry, and a comprehensive representation of aerosols. As it represents the principal dynamical, physical, and bio-geochemical processes relevant to the climate system, it may be referred to as an Earth System Model. However, the IPSL-CM5 model may be used in a multitude of configurations associated with different boundary conditions and with a range of complexities in terms of processes and interactions. This paper...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate; Climate change; Climate projections; Earth System Model; CMIP5; CMIP3; Greenhouse gases; Aerosols; Carbon cycle; Allowable emissions; RCP scenarios; Land use changes.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Land-use systems affect Archaeal community structure and functional diversity in western Amazon soils 90
Navarrete,Acácio Aparecido; Taketani,Rodrigo Gouvêa; Mendes,Lucas William; Cannavan,Fabiana de Souza; Moreira,Fatima Maria de Souza; Tsai,Siu Mui.
The study of the ecology of soil microbial communities at relevant spatial scales is primordial in the wide Amazon region due to the current land use changes. In this study, the diversity of the Archaea domain (community structure) and ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (richness and community composition) were investigated using molecular biology-based techniques in different land-use systems in western Amazonia, Brazil. Soil samples were collected in two periods with high precipitation (March 2008 and January 2009) from Inceptisols under primary tropical rainforest, secondary forest (5-20 year old), agricultural systems of indigenous people and cattle pasture. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of polymerase chain reaction-amplified DNA (PCR-DGGE) using the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil microbial ecology; Soil microbiology; Microbial diversity; Land use changes; Tropical soils.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Olivetti,Diogo; Mincato,Ronaldo Luiz; Ayer,Joaquim Ernesto Bernardes; Silva,Marx Leandro Naves; Curi,Nilton.
Water erosion is one of the most important soil degradation processes and it can be intensified by land use and vegetal covering changes. Thus, water erosion modeling studies associated to multi temporal analyses of land use are effective in assessing how changes in land cover affects sediment yield. Therefore, considering the modifications in the land use from 1986 to 2011, the aim of this study ranged to estimate water erosion rates and compare them to the soil loss tolerance (SLT) limit in the Latosols (Oxisols) at Ribeirão Caçús sub-basin, in the South of Minas Gerais State, Southeast Brazil, by means of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) in association with the geographic information system (GIS), and geostatistical techniques. So, for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Land use changes; RUSLE; Soil loss prediction; Soil degradation.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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The Native Bee Fauna of Carlinville, Illinois, Revisited After 75 Years: a Case for Persistence 7
Marlin, John C; Illinois Waste Management and Research Center;; LaBerge, Wallace E; Illinois Natural History Survey;
As a follow-up to the observations of Charles Robertson from 1884 to 1916, we revisited the Carlinville, Illinois, area between 18 August 1970 and 13 September1972 to sample and identify bee species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). We concentrated on collecting nonparasitic bees (and excluded Apis and Bombus) visiting 24 plant species that bloomed at various times of the year, and upon which Charles Robertson found many bee species. For example, we collected most intensively on spring-blooming Claytonia virginica and fall-blooming Aster pilosus, upon which Robertson reported 58 and 90 bee visitors, respectively. Bees were also collected on an opportunistic basis at some other plants. We updated the species names used by Robertson for revisions and synonymies. This...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Apoidea; Carlinville (Illinois); Hymenoptera; Robertson (Charles); Agricultural habitats; Bees; Biodiversity; Conservation; Faunal survey; Historical ecology; Land use changes; Pollinators.
Ano: 2001
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