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High-resolution bathymetry reveals contrasting landslide activity shaping the walls of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge axial valley ArchiMer
Cannat, Mathilde; Mangeney, Anne; Ondreas, Helene; Fouquet, Yves; Normand, Alain.
Axial valleys are found along most slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges and are one of the most prominent topographic features on Earth. In this paper, we present the first deep-tow swath bathymetry for the axial valley walls of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. These data allow us to analyze axial valley wall morphology with a very high resolution (0.5 to 1 m compared to 50 m for shipboard multibeam bathymetry), revealing the role played by landslides. Slow-spreading ridge axial valleys also commonly expose mantle-derived serpentinized peridotites in the footwalls of large offset normal faults (detachments). In our map of the Ashadze area (lat. 13 degrees N), ultramafic outcrops have an average slope of 18 degrees and behave as sliding deformable rock masses, with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Landslides; Detachment faults; Basalts; Mid-ocean ridges; Serpentinized peridotites.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Holocene Event Record of Aysén Fjord (Chilean Patagonia): an Interplay of Volcanic Eruptions, Crustal and Megathrust Earthquakes ArchiMer
Wils, Katleen; Van Daele, Maarten; Lastras, Galderic; Kissel, Catherine; Lamy, Frank; Siani, Giuseppe.
In the first months of 2007, the Aysén region in southern Chile was affected by a crustal seismic swarm. Its largest earthquake (Mw 6.2) occurred in April and had its epicenter in Aysén Fjord. Seismic intensities became so high that hundreds of onshore mass movements were triggered, several of which entered into the fjord, resulting in mass transport deposits (MTDs) preserved at the fjord bottom. Here we present a Holocene record of paleo-earthquakes in the previously unstudied Patagonian fjordland based on MTD stratigraphy. High-resolution seismic data retrieved using two different seismic systems (sparker and TOPAS) reveal multiple older MTDs on different stratigraphic levels. Correlation of the seismic stratigraphy with sedimentological data obtained...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Paleoseismology; Landslides; Seismic stratigraphy; Chile; Fjord.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Landslides Zonation Hazard: relation between geological structures and landslides occurrence in hilly tropical regions of Brazil Anais da ABC (AABC)
ABSTRACT This paper presents a new approach of landslides zonation hazard studies, based on an integrated study of structural data along with geomorphological and external factors, in a hilly regions of Brazil, covered by a tropical humid rain-forest, called Serra do Mar. The Serra do Mar consists of a hilly region along the east coast of Brazil, with high slopes and many geological structures in a gneiss - migmatitic terrain. In contrast to traditional approaches, this method proposes that structural data (foliation, fractures and bedding planes) and its relation with the slope geometry, is important to be consider in the landslide zonation hazard, along with declivity, relative relief, soil and rock properties, land use and vegetation cover and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Caraguatatuba; Geological Structures; Landslides; Serra do Mar; Hazard Zonation.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Los efectos del fenómeno El Niño en la ocurrencia de una alta tasa de erosión costera en el sector de Punta Gorda, Esmeraldas OceanDocs
Dumont, J.F.; Santana, E.; King, A..
Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: - Cuantificar el retroceso de la línea de costa en un período de 30 años en el área de Punta Gorda. - Estudiar la formación de la plataforma de abrasión relacionada con este retroceso. - Estudiar el proceso de erosión para establecer su continuidad y características.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: El Nino phenomena; Coastal erosion; Coastal morphology; Landslides; Cliffs; Coastal erosion; Landslides.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Delgado, Isabel Cristina de Mattos Silva; Catelani, Celso de Souza; Batista, Getulio Batista.
Resumo: No verão do ano 2000, um evento extremo de chuvas concentradas ocorreu em Campos do Jordão, ocasionado pela formação de um episódio das ZCAS (Zonas de Convergência do Atlântico Sul), causando deslizamento de encostas em vários pontos da área urbana, em bairros considerados área de risco, o que provocou a morte de 10 pessoas e um saldo de aproximadamente 3000 desabrigados. Os impactos ambientais e sociais desse acontecimento foram catastróficos. Normalmente, o início da estação chuvosa na região do Vale do Paraíba acontece quando ocorre a passagem de uma frente fria na região, uma vez que essa frente fria ativa a circulação local de vapor d’água. Esse fenômeno ocorre entre os dias 23 a 27 de outubro e prolonga-se até o final de março. A ocupação de...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Imagens Landsat; Sensoriamento Remoto; Sustentabilidade; Declividade; Ocupação urbana; Área de risco; Deslizamento; Landslides; Risk area; Remote sensing.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Strong Site Effect Revealed by a New Broadband Seismometer on the Continental Shelf Offshore Nice Airport (Southeastern France) ArchiMer
Courboulex, Francoise; Mercerat, E. Diego; Deschamps, Anne; Migeon, Sebastien; Baques, Marion; Larroque, Christophe; Rivet, Diane; Hello, Yann.
A broadband seismological station (PRIMA) installed offshore Nice airport (southeastern France) reveals a strong amplification effect of seismic waves. PRIMA station was in operation for 2 years (9/2016 to 10/2018) on the outer shelf at a water depth of 18 m. Situated at the mouth of the Var River, this zone is unstable and prone to landslides. A catastrophic landslide and tsunami already occurred in 1979, causing 10 casualties. Given the level of seismicity of the area, it is important to infer the impact of an earthquake on this zone. We analyze the recordings of earthquakes and seismic noise at the PRIMA station by comparing them to nearby inland stations. We find that the seismic waves are strongly amplified at PRIMA at some specific frequencies (with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Earthquakes; Site effects; Landslides; Offshore seismometer; Seismic hazard.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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