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Exploitation, biologie et dynamique du stock de langouste rouge de Corse, Palinurus elephas Fabricius ArchiMer
Marin, Jean.
The European red spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) is the main target species of the small-scale fishery in Corsica. This fishery was described, its trends from 1981 to 1964 were analysed, and the exploitation conditions of the spiny lobster stock (fishing grounds, strategy and gear ; fishing regulations) were explained. Furthermore, the fishing effort and the yields were estimated through an indirect survey, in 1983 and 1984 . The growth was studied through tagging experiments. Growth increment per moult, Von BERTALANFFY's equation parameters, and moulting frequency were estimated for both sexes. Bias risks associated to tag loss at moulting were also analysed. In addition, estimates of K and L∞ variances were provided through "Jack-knife"...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Palinurus elephas; Fishery biology; Population dynamics; Fecundity; Recruitment; Sexual maturity; Growth; Stock assessment; Sensibilité; Fécondité par recrue; Rendement par recrue; Analyse des cohortes; Maturité sexuelle; Croissance; Pêcherie; Langouste.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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La pecherie de langouste rouge en Corse ArchiMer
Marin, Jean.
The european red spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas, is the main target species of the small-scale fishery in Corsica. The fishery is described fleet, fishing areas, fishing strategy and fishing gear ; fishing effort, yield, c.p.u.e, and complementary.catches ; resource condition. Its specific problem, the economic overfishing, is analysed. Finally, it has been tried to assess the fishing regulation impact (minimum market size, fishing seasonal close, fishing sanctuaries).
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Small scale fishery; Corsica; Spiny lobster; Fishery; Petit métier; Corse; Langouste; Pecherie.
Ano: 1988 URL:
Registros recuperados: 2
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