ABSTRACT The apparent faecal digestibility of the essential amino acids from Ω3 PUFA layer diets and feeding solutions to avoid possible adverse effects of such diets were investigated in two experiments conducted on Lohmann Brown laying hens. Experiment 1 used 72 layers assigned to three groups (C1, E1-1, E2), while experiment 2 used 96 layers assigned to four groups (C2, E1-2, E3, E4). All experimental diets have been enriched in Ω 3 PUFA by supplementing a conventional diet (C1, C2) with 5% flaxseed meal and 2% camelina meal. Diets E2 and E4 had an increased level of Cu (150 mg/kg), diets E3 and E4 were supplemented with 0.0125% enzyme mix, while diets E1-1 and E1-2 were only supplemented with 5% flaxseed meal and 2% camelina meal. The digestibility... |