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Oil and Water Don't Mix: Risk on Tap in Western Siberia 31
Wernstedt, Kris.
In common with other areas throughout the Russian Federation, western Siberia faces formidable environmental pollution, a problem that in part is the legacy of the highly centralized Soviet era when meeting production quotas was the raison d'être for many managers of economic enterprises. In this region, over the last thirty years the near singular focus on short term oil production has led to severe contamination of the area's surface and groundwater supplies, threatening both human and ecological health. At the same time, revenues from continued oil extraction may provide the means to address some of the environmental problems. In light of the struggling economy and potential political instability, however, it is particularly critical that authorities...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Transitional economies; Drinking water; Oil contamination; Health risk; Prioritization; Least cost planning; Russia; Siberia; Environmental Economics and Policy; I18; Q28.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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