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Acoustic characterisation of pelagic fish aggregations around moored fish aggregating devices in Martinique (Lesser Antilles) 5
Doray, Mathieu; Josse, Erwan; Gervain, Paul; Reynal, Lionel; Chantrel, Josselin.
Sea cruises were conducted for 57 days over 16 months to characterise pelagic fish aggregations around 2 moored fish aggregating devices (FADs) in Martinique (Lesser Antilles). Echosounder surveys run in a star pattern were used in conjunction with obliquely beamed sonar observations. An echo-integration-by-shoal algorithm was implemented to isolate pelagic fish shoals from sound scattering layers and to compute mean morphometric, positional and density parameters. Tree regressions were used to select and classify pelagic fish Target Strengths (TS), with reference to their spatial and temporal characteristics. The main type of pelagic fish aggregation was a large sub-surface aggregation. It was observed during all daytime periods within a radius of 400 m...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lesser Antilles; Tuna; Large pelagic fish; Aggregative behaviour; Shoal density; Target Strength; Acoustics; Fish Aggregating Device.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Comparaison des captures des grands poissons pelagiques en Martinique avec ou sans DCP 5
Laurans, Martial; Taquet, Marc; Reynal, Lionel; Lagin, Alain-sabin.
In recent years, the use of fads in Martinique has evolved from an experimental stage to a productive one. This transformation results in the pitching up of operational device park by the regional fishery committee. Nevertheless, this technical change in fishing practices is not implemented in a homogeneous way all around the island; some differences exist especially between the Atlantic and the Caribbean coasts. From surveys carried out during an annual cycle on two main landing sites, this study describes the pelagic fishing activity around fads and in the open sea. A comparison of fishing strategies adopted in different places as well as an analysis of the results obtained by the fishing units in terms of species (size of catches and daily yields) allow...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing Attracting techniques Multivariate analysis Pelagic fisheries Sampling Tuna fisheries Article Geographic Terms: ASW; Caribbean Sea; Lesser Antilles; Martinique.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Earth's free oscillations recorded by free-fall OBS ocean-bottom seismometers at the Lesser Antilles subduction zone 5
Becel, A.; Laigle, Mireille; Diaz, J.; Montagner, J. -p.; Hirn, A..
Three unburied ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) equipped with Trillium 240 s broad-band seismometers recorded spheroidal free oscillations of the Earth out to periods over 1000 s period, for the M = 8.1, April 1, 2007 Solomon Islands earthquake. In contrast to broadband observatories of the global network that operate in quiet continental locations, these instruments were dropped on the several-km thick layer of sediments of the forearc and accretionary wedge of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone. Furthermore, a high ambient noise level due to the ocean surface infragravity waves is expected to cover the frequency band of Earth's normal modes band when recorded at these sites. In spite of these hostile environmental conditions, the frequency of clearly...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lesser Antilles; Broadband seismology; Free oscillations; Ocean bottom seismometers.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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First records of the red lionfish (Pterois volitans) in Martinique, French West Indies: monitoring invasion status through visual surveys 5
Trégarot, Ewan; Fumaroli, Marine; Arqué, Alexandre; Helli, Claire; Maréchal, Jean-philippe.
The red lionfish (Pterois volitans) was first recorded in Martinique on 1 February 2011. Three years later, despite control measures to prevent the increase of lionfish population densities, the species is now well established. Maximum density has reached 1320 individuals ha−1 in some locations and the maximum fish size of 41 cm total length has been observed. A monitoring program was initiated by the Marine Institute of Martinique (OMMM) in 2011 to monitor the invasion and adjust local control efforts. Our results highlight how fast lionfish have been able to invade new littoral areas, especially hard bottom habitats. It took two years for them to completely colonize the west coast of Martinique, despite increasing capture efforts. It is expected that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Invasive species; Pterois volitans; Pterois miles; Martinique; Lesser Antilles; Marine invasion.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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How wide is the seismogenic zone of the Lesser Antilles forearc? 5
Gutscher, Marc-andre; Westbrook, Graham; Marcaillou, Boris; Graindorge, David; Gailler, Audrey; Pichot, Thibaud; Maury, Rene.
The Lesser Antilles subduction zone has produced no recent strong thrust earthquakes, making it difficult to quantify the seismic hazard from such events. The Lesser Antilles arc has a low subduction rate and an accretionary wedge that is very wide at its southern end. To investigate the effect of the wedge on seismogenesis, numerical models of forearc thermal structure were constructed along six transects perpendicular to the arc in order to determine the thermally predicted width of the seismogenic zone. The geometry of each section is constrained by published seismic profiles and crustal models derived from gravity and seismic data and by earthquake hypocenters at depth. A major constraint on the deep part of the model is that mantle temperature beneath...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zone sismogène; Séisme chevauchant; Modélisation thermique; Prisme d’accrétion; Petites Antilles; Seismogenic zone; Thrust earthquake; Thermal modeling; Accretionary wedge; Lesser Antilles.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Joint use of echosounding, fishing and video techniques to assess the structure of fish aggregations around moored Fish Aggregating Devices in Martinique (Lesser Antilles) 5
Doray, Mathieu; Josse, E; Gervain, P; Reynal, Lionel; Chantrel, Josselin.
From April 2003 to April 2004 monthly sea surveys were conducted around 2 fish aggregating devices (FADs) moored at 2000 and 2500 m depth in Martinique (Lesser Antilles). The use of a dual frequency splitbeam echosounder combined with an underwater camera and fishing methods allowed assessment of average space and time distribution of pelagic fish aggregated beneath the FADs, as well as identification of their overall size and species composition. At daytime, 4 fish aggregations were identified at each FAD, representing 4 distinct types: i) an aggregation of small juvenile tuna (mean fork length, FL: 30 cm) observed very close to the surface in 25% of daytime periods; ii) a small surface aggregation dominated by carangids, Caranx crysos, present in 65% of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lesser Antilles; Tuna; Aggregative behaviour; Small scale fishery; Underwater video; Acoustics; Fish aggregating device.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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L'agrégation de thons de sub-surface au sein du système [DCP ancré - macronecton - environnement - pêche] en Martinique : étude hiérarchique par méthodes acoustiques, optiques et halieutiques 5
Doray, Mathieu.
Artificial Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) are known to concentrate tropical tunas. This aggregative behaviour drastically increases the vulnerability of these species to fishing. Alternatively, FADs can be used as oceanic observatories to study the aggregative behaviour of large pelagic fish. We conducted sea surveys in Martinique (Lesser Antilles) to i) establish a typology of the pelagic fish aggregations found around moored FADs ii) study their relations with their biotic and abiotic environment and the local fishery. The mean biomass of large pelagic fish aggregations was also estimated to provide scientific inputs to achieve a sustainable management of the moored FAD fishery. The first part presents the background of the study. We introduce the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Martinique; Lesser Antilles; Hierarchy; Advection diffusion models; Geostatistics; Micronekton; Tuna/environment relationships; Aggregative behaviour; Tuna; Underwater video; Echosounding; FAD; Martinique; Petites Antilles; Hiérarchie; Modèles d'advection diffusion; Géostatistique; Micronecton; Relation thon/environnement; Comportement agrégatif; Thon; Vidéo sous marine; Acoustique; DCP.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Martinique: a Clear Case for Sediment Melting and Slab Dehydration as a Function of Distance to the Trench 5
Labanieh, Shasa; Chauvel, Catherine; Germa, Aurelie; Quidelleur, Xavier.
In subduction zones, melting and dehydration of the subducted slab introduce material into the mantle wedge and modify its chemical and isotopic composition. As a consequence, island arc lavas differ significantly from mid-ocean ridge basalts and ocean island basalts. In some arcs, the composition of lavas is strongly influenced by the sedimentary material introduced with the slab; in others, magma composition is mainly affected by aqueous fluids released by the slab. The Lesser Antilles arc is known for its extreme continental-crust-like signature but for some Lesser Antilles lavas subducted sediments are barely involved and enrichment in fluid-mobile elements (Ba, U, Sr, Pb, etc.) is the dominant feature. Here we evaluate whether La/Sm is a quantitative...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lesser Antilles; Slab dehydration; Sediment melting; Island arcs; Subduction zones.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Mise en place et exploitation des DCP en Martinique, aspects reglementaires et economiques 5
Laisne, L; Angelelli, P.
Since the beginning of 1980, the Martinique fishermen have suffered a deep crisis. The traditional ways of fishing, based on benthic fish exploitation, have seen the decreasing of their profitability due to the over-fishing of the narrow continental shelf offering few resources. The pelagic fishery had become the professional main source of income. This fishery equally encounter difficulties: denied rights of access in the EEZ of Caribbean islands, expensive costs of exploitation. The disposal of FADs offers new ways to the Martinique fishermen. In 1999, it was decided the disposal of a onetworko of 30 permanent FADs around Martinique. The mooring of these FADs must be followed by legal and economic adapted measures to reach the desired aim: the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Attracting techniques Financing Fishery management Licensing Tuna fisheries Article Geographic Terms: ASW; Caribbean Sea; Lesser Antilles; Martinique.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Multiple widespread landslides during the long-term evolution of a volcanic island: Insights from high-resolution seismic data, Montserrat, Lesser Antilles 5
Lebas, E.; Le Friant, A.; Boudon, G.; Watt, S. F. L.; Talling, P. J.; Feuillet, Nathalie; Deplus, Christine; Berndt, C.; Vardy, M. E..
New high-resolution multichannel seismic data (GWADASEIS-2009 and JC45/46-2010 cruises; 72 and 60 channels, respectively) combined with previous data (AGUADOMAR-1999 and CARAVAL-2002; 6 and 24 channels, respectively) allow a detailed investigation of mass-wasting processes around the volcanic island of Montserrat in the Lesser Antilles. Seven submarine deposits have sources on the flanks of Montserrat, while three are related to the nearby Kahouanne submarine volcanoes. The most voluminous deposit (similar to 20 km(3)) within the Bouillante-Montserrat half-graben has not been described previously and is probably related to a flank instability of the Centre Hills Volcano on Montserrat, while other events are related to the younger South Soufriere...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Debris avalanches; Flank collapse; Submarine slope failure; Montserrat; Lesser Antilles.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Observations sous-marines des communautes de poissons agregees autour des DCP en Martinique: resultats preliminaires 5
Laurans, Martial; Taquet, Marc; Reynal, Lionel; Lagin, Alain-sabin.
Fishing with a beach seine for catching small pelagic fishes is a traditional activity in Martinique. Since the early eighties, an important decrease in the number of fishermen practising this activity has been recorded. In the context of high exploitation of reef resources, the beach seine presents a low selectivity, catching too many juveniles of demersal fish. The fads established in coastal areas, have been successfully used in others regions of the world for exploiting small pelagics. Thus, it could allow to favour a change of exploitation style of these resources in Martinique. In partnership, Ifremer, the Regional Council and the Fishing Committee have began an evaluation of the potentialities for this type of structures around the island. To...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Attracting techniques Beach seines Behaviour Coastal fisheries Marine fish Tuna fisheries Article Geographic Terms: ASW; Caribbean Sea; Lesser Antilles; Martinique.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Tectonic and sedimentary architecture of the Karukéra spur: A record of the Lesser Antilles fore-arc deformations since the Neogene 5
De Min, L.; Lebrun, J. F.; Cornee, J. J.; Munch, P.; Leticee, J. L.; Quillevere, F.; Melinte-dobrinescu, M.; Randrianasolo, A.; Marcaillou, B; Zami, F..
The Karukéra spur is an easternmost submerged rise of the Lesser Antilles fore-arc in the Guadeloupe archipelago, culminating about 4000 m above the fore-arc basin 150 km west of the deformation front. The analysis of 3500 km 2D high-resolution multichannel seismic reflection and multibeam bathymetric data, and the study of 14 core samples, allow for the first time to reconstruct its sedimentary anatomy and tectonic evolution. Seven seismic units (Us1 to Us7) are evidenced, organized into four major depositional sequences separated by erosional surfaces. Units Us1 to Us4 thicken to the south-southeast on the spur. The sedimentary deposits rest upon a deeply eroded metamorphic basement of the Caribbean Plate as in La Désirade Island. Sequence 1 (units Us1...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lesser Antilles; Fore-arc; Karukéra spur; Neogene; Extensional tectonics; Basal erosion.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Teredolites longissimus Kelly & Bromley from the Miocene Grand Bay Formation of Carriacou, the Grenadines, Lesser Antilles 16
Pickerill, R.K.; Donovan, S.K.; Portell, R.W..
The ichnotaxon Teredolites Leymerie, 1842, represented by T. longissimus Kelly & Bromley, 1984, is documented for the first time from the Lesser Antilles. Its occurrence also represents the first record of the ichnotaxon from the Miocene of the Caribbean. Five specimens, each occurring in isolation without an enclosing xylic (wood) substrate, but merely calcite-lined tubes, occur in the Miocene Grand Bay Formation of Carriacou, the Grenadines, Lesser Antilles. Stratinomic considerations suggest that following physical destruction or biological decomposition of their enclosing substrate(s), the tubes may have accumulated in relatively shallow water only to be subsequently resedimented into a deeperwater (> 150 m) environment.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Teredolites; Ichnology; Miocene; Lesser Antilles; Systematics; 42.71; 38.22.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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The influence of the environment on the variability of monthly tuna biomass around a moored, fish-aggregating device 5
Doray, Mathieu; Petitgas, Pierre; Nelson, Laetitia; Mahevas, Stephanie; Josse, E; Reynal, Lionel.
Fish-aggregating devices (FADs) are increasingly used worldwide to enhance tuna catches. Meanwhile, ecosystem-based management of this fishery is constrained by a paucity of information regarding the interaction of FAD-associated tuna aggregations with their local environment. This paper reports the results of a nine-month study around a FAD moored near Martinique Island, aimed at assessing the effects of the local environment on the variability of monthly estimates of proximate tuna biomass. Dual-frequency, active acoustics provided highresolution quantitative data on the pelagic community around the FAD, from fish to micronekton forage. Geostatistics were used to compute biomass estimates of the tuna aggregation comprising most of the FADassociated fish...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lesser Antilles; Tuna; Environment; Geostatistics; Biomass estimation; Fish aggregating device.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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