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Lichenometric analysis using genus Rhizocarpon, section Rhizocarpon (Lecanorales: Rhizocarpaceae) at Mount San Lorenzo, southern Chile 97
In this study we present preliminary results on the use of the lichenometric method for age estimation of moraine formation in the Mount San Lorenzo area (47°30' S, 72°21' W), southern Chile. We estimated lichen growth rates of individuals of genus Rhizocarpon, section Rhizocarpon, at two glacier-proximal sites for which independent age estimates were available. These two sites, Lake Shore and Moraine A, presented lichen mean annual growth rates of 0.33 mm and 0.15 mm, respectively. We applied these growth rates to two sites lacking previous dating control: Bedrock and Moraine B, and obtained minimum ages of 70 and 473 years, respectively. Our results allow us to confirm that there is a quantifiable relationship between Rhizocarpon size and age of the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Chilean Patagonia; Glacial moraines; Lichenometry; Mount San Lorenzo.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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