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A digital atlas to link ontogenic shifts in fish spatial distribution to the environment of the eastern English Channel. Dab, Limanda limanda as a case-study 5
Martin, Corinne; Vaz, Sandrine; Koubbi, Philippe; Meaden, Geoff; Engelhard, Georg H.; Lauria, Valentina; Gardel, Laure; Coppin, Franck; Delavenne, Juliette; Dupuis, Ludovic; Ernande, Bruno; Foveau, Aurelie; Lelievre, Stephanie; Morin, Jocelyne; Warembourg, Caroline; Carpentier, Andre.
The eastern English Channel, which connects the Atlantic Ocean to the North Sea through the Dover Strait, is an area where numerous and often conflicting human activities take place. A cross-border multidisciplinary project called CHARM was initiated to provide knowledge and tools for planners and decision-makers to durably manage the shared marine living resources. One such tool was an atlas of fish spatial distributions and modelled habitats, which was used here to investigate ontogenic and seasonal shifts in fish spatial distribution and habitat through a case-study, the dab Limanda limanda. Survey data for several life-history stages (eggs, larvae, coastal nurseries, < and > 1 year old) and seasons were used to map spatial patterns (using...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pleuronectidae; Limanda limanda; Eastern Channel; Spatial distribution; Modelling; Kriging; Ichthyoplankton; Trawl; CUFES.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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