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Louropoulou, Evangelia; Gledhill, Martha; Browningi, Thomas J.; Desai, Dhwani K.; Barraqueta, Jan-lukas Menzel; Tonnard, Manon; Sarthou, Geraldine; Planquette, Helene; Bowie, Andrew R.; Schmitz, Ruth A.; Laroche, Julie; Achterberg, Eric P.. |
Heme b is an iron-containing co-factor in hemoproteins. Heme b concentrations are low (< 1 pmol L-1) in iron limited phytoplankton in cultures and in the field. Here, we determined heme b in marine particulate material (> 0.7 mu m) from the North Atlantic Ocean (GEOVIDE cruise - GEOTRACES section GA01), which spanned several biogeochemical regimes. We examined the relationship between heme b abundance and the microbial community composition, and its utility for mapping iron limited phytoplankton. Heme b concentrations ranged from 0.16 to 5.1 pmol L-1 (median = 2.0 pmol L-1, n = 62) in the surface mixed layer (SML) along the cruise track, driven mainly by variability in biomass. However, in the Irminger Basin, the lowest heme b levels (SML: median =... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Heme b; North Atlantic; Phytoplankton; Diatoms; Iron; Limitation; GEOTRACES; GEOVIDE. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00508/61940/66029.pdf |
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平田, 昌弘; Hirata, Masahiro. |
The preliminary nutritional survey on a D household of “Karnak-pa” nomad was conducted in Changtang area, Ladakh region of north India to understand the situation of food intake by the nomads of which subsistence depend only on livestock keeping, not on crop producing, and analyze its characteristics. The characteristics of food intake in the D household are summarized as the following 9 points. 1) The daily food intake is composed by 5 times such us morning cheese-barley soup named as “Tsam thuk”, breakfast, lunch, evening tea/food and dinner. 2) The energy intake of Karnak-pa nomad was supplied by 39.3 % - 45.0 % from self-sufficient foods and 55.0 % - 60.7 % from purchased foods. Although Karnak-pa nomads don’t engage in any agricultural production... |
Palavras-chave: 遊牧; 乳製品; 大麦; 豆; 肉; 有限性; 謙虚; 高地適応; Nomadism; Milk products; Barley; Beans; Meat; Limitation; Modesty; Adaptation in high altitude. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3591 |
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平田, 昌弘; Hirata, Masahiro. |
The food intake of agro-pastoralists was surveyed in the hilly high altitude of Ladakh,northern India to understand the characteristics of those subsistence,to discuss their adaptation strategy to high altitude circumstances and to reconsider the pastoralism theory through the case study of transhumance. The characteristics of their food intake are 1) the daily food intake is composed by 5 times such us morning tea,breakfast,lunch, evening tea and dinner,2) they don't take any meat in normal daily life, 3) necessary nutrients are mostly supplied by taking beans,fresh and dry vegetables,milk products and cereals,4) cereals contribute mostly to the nutrient intake,5) the intake of purchased wheat and rice become bigger than self-supplied barley,6) the milk... |
Palavras-chave: 移牧; 乳製品; 大麦; 豆; 肉; 有限性; 謙虚; 高地適応; Transhumance; Milk products; Barley; Beans; Meat; Limitation; Modesty; Adaptation in hilly high altitude. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3076 |
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