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Empirical attributes and limitations of methodologies for predicting the degradability of ruminal protein Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Velásquez,Alejandro; Rivero,Jordana; Marnet,Pierre-Guy.
The object of the present review is to analyze the methodologies that are commonly used to estimate protein degradability in the rumen, focusing on their attributes and limitations to offer suggestions for improving their use. This information is essential for selecting food types when formulating feed diets. A reliable prediction of the digestibility of ruminal proteins is basic information necessary for optimizing the use of nitrogenous sources because digestibility can translate, on the one hand, into higher yields of milk, milk protein, meat or wool and, on the other hand, into lower excretion of nitrogenous compounds into the environment; it also has an impact on animal health and welfare. Traditionally, the digestibility of feed proteins in the rumen...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Ruminal protein degradability; Methodologies; Limitations.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Földhasználat és fenntarthatóság AgEcon
Magda, Robert.
A jelen kor legfontosabb problémája, hogy hogyan és miként kezeljük azt a válságot, melynek jelei egyes elemzők szerint már két éve, de kézzel foghatóan is közel egy éve jelen vannak a mindennapjainkban. Egy olyan helyzetről van szó, ami érinti a világ minden országát, az élet minden területét, ezért elengedhetetlen vizsgálni azokat a lehetőségeket, melyek kiutat jelenthetnek ebből a helyzetből. Ez természetesen rendkívül összetett feladat, társadalmi, gazdasági és ökológiai vonatkozásai miatt. A megoldás keresése is komplexitást igényel. Jelen tanulmányban azt mutatjuk be, hogy milyen a földhasználat ebben a különösen kritikus időszakban, illetve melyek lehetnek azok a formái, amelyek elősegíthetik a kiút megtalálását, mind¬amellett, hogy közben...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Földhasználat; Fenntarthatóság; Válság; Korlátozottság; Oktatás; Land use; Sustainability; Crisis; Limitations; Education; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Functional richness: Overview of indices and underlying concepts ArchiMer
Legras, G.; Loiseau, Nicolas; Gaertner, Jean-claude.
Functional richness, currently defined as the amount of niche space occupied by the species within a community, is one of the three major components of functional diversity. Different indices have been developed in order to quantify this component. However, the range of indices available for assessing functional richness, often mathematically complex and based on different rationales, can cause confusion for field ecologists and lead to misinterpretation of the results obtained. In this context, we have provided the first study exclusively focused on the comparison of the definitions, advantages and drawbacks of a large set of functional richness indices. The first part of this work is focused on four indices (FDP&G, FRic, TOP and N-hypervolumes...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Functional richness indices; Index properties; Limitations; Guidelines.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Laforga, Gilmar; Pommer, Adriana Vanderlei.
Esta pesquisa identificou os limites e oportunidades para os agricultores familiares integrantes dos Empreendimentos situados no campo da Economia Solidária (EES), a partir do estudo das ações incubadoras realizadas no Assentamento Antônio Conselheiro, Tangará da Serra/MT. Inicialmente foram realizadas visitas aos agricultores envolvidos nos empreendimentos, no sentido de melhor conhecer o processo de incubação ali realizado. A seguir, foram desenvolvidos esforços para tentar compreender as dificuldades e oportunidades percebidas pelos integrantes dos empreendimentos, o significado particular da economia solidária e da incubação. Entre as oportunidades apontadas destacam-se: a geração de trabalho e renda, a conquista de mercado para seus produtos e a maior...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Empreendimentos de Economia Solidária; Agricultura Familiar; Limitações; Oportunidades; Incubação; Enterprises of Solidary Economy; Family Agriculture; Limitations; Opportunities; Incubation; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Status and perspectives of development of rural tourism in the autonomous province of Vojvodina AgEcon
Andric, Natasa Branimir; Tomic, Danilo Vlastimir; Tomic, Gordana Radovan.
This paper presents the study of the status and problems in rural areas of Vojvodina. Vojvodina villages that are economically and demographically devastated have been singled out. Special emphasis is placed on the status and perspectives of development of rural tourism in this Province as one of the supplemental sources of revenues of rural households. Some of the present limitations of faster development of this branch of economy have also been pointed out. In the end, the development opportunities of this form of economic activity in rural areas are pointed out, with a special emphasis on salas farmsteads as specific forms of rural way of life and organising of agricultural production.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural tourism; Limitations; Perspectives; “salas” farmsteads; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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