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A cryopreservation protocol for immature zygotic embryos of species of Ilex (Aquifoliaceae) Biocell
Mroginski,Luis A.; Sansberro,Pedro A.; Scocchi,Adriana M.; Luna,Claudia; Rey,Hebe Y..
Tropical Ilex species have recalcitrant seeds. This work describes experiments demonstrating the feasibility of long-term conservation of Ilex brasiliensis, I. brevicuspis, I. dumosa, I. intergerrima, I. paraguariensis, I. pseudoboxus, I. taubertiana, and I. theezans through cryopreservation of zygotic rudimentary embryos at the heart developmental stage. The embryos were aseptically removed from the seeds and precultured (7 days) in the dark, at 27± 2ºC on solidified (0.8% agar) 1/4MS medium, [consisting of quarterstrength salts and vitamins of Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium] with 3% sucrose and 0.1 mg/l Zeatin. The embryos were then encapsulated in 3% calcium alginate beads and pretreated at 24 h intervals in liquid medium supplemented with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Encapsulation-dehydration; Germplasm preservation; Liquid nitrogen; Llex.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Crioconservação de sementes de seis acessos de maracujazeiro Sci. Agrar.Paran. / SAP
L. M.M Meletti; Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC); W. Barbosa; Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC); R. F.A. Veiga; Pesquisador Científico, Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC); R. Pio; Unioeste.
A crioconservação em nitrogênio líquido transformou-se numa alternativa interessante e oportuna para a conservação de germoplasma vegetal. Neste trabalho pesquisou-se a conservação de sementes de maracujazeiro sob dois ambientes: laboratório (25ºC) e nitrogênio líquido (-196ºC). Utilizaram-se sementes, com variados teores de umidade, dos seguintes acessos do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma-Passiflora do IAC: Passiflora serrato-digitata L., P. nitida Kunth. e quatro genótipos de P. edulis Sims. (maracujás amarelo, roxo, rosa-maçã e roxinho-miúdo). Uma parte das sementes foi...
Tipo: Artigo Avaliado por Pares Palavras-chave: ; Conservação; Germinação; Nitrogênio líquido; Passion fruit; Conservation; Germination; Liquid nitrogen.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Cryopreservation of Cyrtopodium hatschbachii Pabst (Orchidaceae) immature seeds by encapsulation-dehydration Biocell
Surenciski,Mauro Rodrigo; Flachsland,Eduardo Alberto; Terada,Graciela; Mroginski,Luis Amado; Rey,Hebe Yolanda.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficiency of the encapsulation-dehydration technique for cryopreservation of Cyrtopodium hastchbachii Pabst seeds. Immature seeds of this species were cryopreserved by an encapsulation-dehydration technique. Seeds of five immature pods, 120 days after pollination, were encapsulated in 3% calcium alginate matrix and pretreated in liquid medium supplemented with 0.08 M sucrose (24 h), 0.15 M sucrose (24 h), 0.25 M sucrose (48 h), 0.5 M sucrose (24 h) and 0.75 M sucrose (24 h) in shaker at 60 rpm. Alginate beads were dehydrated 5 h in silicagel and immersed in liquid nitrogen for 12 h. Cryopreserved beads were thawed at 30°C for 1 min, rehydrated using the same liquid mediums (0.75 M sucrose (24 h), 0.5 M...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cryoconservation; Liquid nitrogen; Calcium alginate; Activated charcoal; Sucrose.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Cryopreservation of seeds of Encholirium spectabile Martius ex Schultes f. by the vitrification method Rev. Ciênc. Agron.
Ferrari,Edilene Aparecida Preti; Colombo,Ronan Carlos; Faria,Ricardo Tadeu de; Takane,Roberto Jun.
ABSTRACT The bromeliad Encholirium spectabile Martius ex Schultes f. is a endemic species of the Caatinga. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiencies of cryoprotectant in bromeliad seeds. The treatments consisted of immersing seeds in different cryoprotectant solutions and vitrification solutions before immersion in liquid nitrogen (NL) at -196 °C, as the following treatments: T1- Control: without cryoprotectants; T2- glycerol 2M (20 min) + PVS2 (10 min), T3- glycerol 2M (20 min) + PVS2 with phloroglucinol 1% (10 min), T4- sucrose 0.4M (20 min) + PVS2 (10 min); T5- sucrose 0.4M (20 min) + PVS2 with phloroglucinol 1% (10 min); T6- glycerol 2M (20 min) + sucrose 0.4M (20 min) + PVS2 (10 min), T7- glycerol 2M (20 min) + sucrose 0.4M (20 min) +...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bromeliaceae; Conservation; Germination; Liquid nitrogen.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Essais de cryoconservation d'algues unicellulaires d'intérêt aquacole. ArchiMer
Chevallier, Frédérik.
Cryopreservation tests were carried out for Platymonas "Batan" sp., P. suesica, Isochrysis aff galbana, Chlorella minutissima, Nannochloris occulata, Chaetoceros gracilis and C. "BA" sp. The focus of the protocol was based on the duration of incorporation and cryoprotector concentration (DMSO). Two methods were used to compare the effects of each freezing protocol for algae survival. The first method allows evaluating survival rate through orange acridine coloration and epifluorescence microscope readings. The second one requires culturing each sample and growth curbs are established through daily readings of algal solutions optical density. Freezing the samples was either done directly through liquid nitrogen freezing (-196°C) or through slow freezing,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Freezing; DMSO; Liquid nitrogen; Micro algae; Congélation; DMSO; Azote liquide; Micro algues.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Lara-Herrera,Isabel; Mata,Gerardo; Gaitán-Hernández,Rigoberto.
Viability of 6 mushroom strains of the Pleurotus genus (2 from P. djamor var. djamor, 1 from P. ostreatus var. ostreatus, 2 from P. ostreatus var. columbinus and 1 from P. pulmonarius) after liquid nitrogen cryopreservation (-196º) was evaluated. The contact time for the mycelia of these strains with the cryoprotectant (glycerol) was studied 1, 2 and 3 hours before freezing. We also tested the effect of different times (5, 10 and 15 minutes) and temperatures (30, 45 and 60ºC) of the thawing system for mycelial recovery. The results showed a marked tendency toward faster mycelial recovery when samples were thawed at 30ºC, while at 60ºC no recovery was observed. A change in thawing and contact times with the cryoprotectant did not affect the results...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pleurotus; Viability; Liquid nitrogen; Mushroom.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Germination of spores and growth of gametophytes and sporophytes of Rumohra adiantiformis (Forst.) Ching (Dryopteridaceae) after spore cryogenic storage Rev. Bras. Bot.
Brum,Francis Maria Rocho de; Randi,Aurea Maria.
Rumohra adiantiformis (Forst.) Ching is a fern (Dryopteridaceae) used in floral arrangements. Spores sterilized in 15% (v/v) solution of commercial sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and unsterilized spores were plunged in liquid nitrogen and held for 15 minutes and for 90 days. After the cryogenic treatments, spores were taken out of liquid nitrogen and rapidly thawed out in a water bath or slowly at room temperature and were cultured in Mohr's mineral solution as modified by Dyer, kept at 25 ± 2 ºC and a 16-hours photoperiod. Statistical differences were not observed in the germination of unsterilized spores immersed or not immersed in liquid nitrogen, but when the spores were previously sterilized, a severe inhibition of germination was observed in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Liquid nitrogen; Rumohra; Storage.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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