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A Novel Method for Localizing Nerve Entry Points During Spasticity Treatment 77
Yang,Shengbo; Hu,Shuangjiang; Tian,Xufeng; Hu,Shuaiyu.
The nerve entry points (NEPs) cannot be accurately localized for the treatment of muscle spasticity in neurolysis. The aim of this study was to develop a new method of accurately localizing nerve entry points in relation to bony landmarks. NEPs in human cadavers were coated with barium sulfate. Method 1 consisted of horizontal and longitudinal reference lines being designated based on bony landmarks, followed by radiography and measurements using picture archiving and communication system software. Method 2 involved sewing the barium sulfate-soaked suture thread into the skin to designate the horizontal and longitudinal reference lines, followed by computed tomography (CT) scanning to determine the skin surface location and puncture depth for the NEPs....
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Spasticity; Nerve entry points; Anatomy; X-ray; Localization.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Caracterização geo-ambiental do município de Carica (SE). 14
Trata sobre o municipio de Carica (SE): localizacao, extensao, populacao, clima, geologia, vegetacao, relevo, hidrografia, as unidades geo-ambientais, as grandes unidades de solos, os quadros agrario e agricola, recomendacoes e sugestoes complementares. Anexo: roteiro metodologico para o zoneamento geo-ambiental a nivel de municipio no Estado de Sergipe.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Localizacao; Extensao; Sergipe; Carira; Relievo; Hydrography; Localization; Extension; Solo; Clima; Ecologia; Geologia; Hidrografia; População; Relevo; Vegetação; Climate; Ecology; Geology; Brazil; Population; Soil; Vegetation.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Caracterização geo-ambiental do município de Poço Redondo - SE. 14
Trata sobre o municipio de Poco Redondo (SE): localizacao, extensao, populacao, clima, geologia, vegetacao, relevo, hidrografia, as unidades geo-ambientais, as grande unidades de solos, os quadros agrario e agricola, recomendacoes e sugestoes complementares. Anexo: roteiro metodologico para o zoneamento geo-ambiental a nivel de municipio no Estado de Sergipe.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Localizacao; Extensao; Sergipe; Poco Redondo; Relievo; Hydrography; Localization; Extension; Solo; Ecologia; Geologia; Hidrografia; População; Relevo; Vegetação; Soil; Ecology; Geology; Brazil; Population; Vegetation.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Caracterizacao geo-ambiental do município de Ribeirópolis (SE). 14
Trata sobre o Municipio de Ribeiropolis (SE). Traz a localizacao, extensao, populacao, clima, geologia, vegetacao, relevo , hidrografia, as unidades geo-ambientais, as grandes unidades de solos, os quadros agrario e agricola, recomendacoes e sugestoes complementares. Anexo: roteiro metodologico para o zoneamento geo-ambiental a nivel de municipio no Estado de Sergipe.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Extensao; Localizacao; Sergipe; Ribeiropolis; Extension; Localization; Relievo; Hydrography; Solo; Clima; Ecologia; Geologia; Hidrografia; População; Relevo; Vegetação; Soil; Climate; Ecology; Geology; Brazil; Population; Vegetation.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Commentary: Is the Evidence for Localization of Nephrin on the Slit Diaphragm Rigid? 77
Hipkaeo,Wiphawi; Suzuki,Ryoji; Abe,Hiroshi; Chaisiwamongkol,Kowit; Kondo,Hisatake.
After careful observation of immuno-electron microscopic findings of the renal glomerular podocyte slit so far published by various authors, it should be noted that no convincing evidence is present for localization of nephrin-immunoreactivity in the slit itself, but that nephrin-immunoreactivity is dominantly localized along the membranes of podocyte pedicles from their tip over a substantial extension. In addition, the notion that the slit diaphragm is composed of strands is compatible with the widely distributed view that the slit strands represent rod-shaped nephrin molecules. However, 3-D findings that the diaphragm is composed of not only strands but also membranous elements have recently demonstrated separately by embedment-free section electron...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Glomerulus; Slit; Nephrin; Localization; Immunohistochemistry.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Contribution à la construction de mosaïques d'images sous-marines géo-référencées par l'introduction de méthodes de localisation 5
Borgetto, Manon.
In the underwater environment, an image mosaic allows to obtain a panoramic view of a site of interest. The image sequence, used to create such mosaic, is acquired by a moving vehicle. The vehicle trajectory is estimated by a simple speed vector integration. As a consequence, a drift appears. This is directly palpable on the mosaic, especially when the vehicle crosses its own trajectory (at "rendezvous" times). This work consists in estimating as precisely as possible, the trajectory from angle and speed measurements, by taking into account the rendezvous times. First, the couples of rendezvous times are detected, then they are introduced in the vehicle localization algorithm. Second, the mosaic is created from these estimated positions. The proposed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Enhancement; Warping; Fusion; Motion estimation; Gyro doppler system; Position estimation; Underwater image; Mosaic; Localization; Amélioration; Déformation; Fusion; Estimation du mouvement; Estimation de position; Mise en correspondance; Système gyro doppler; Image sous marine; Mosaïque; Localisation.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Expression and Localization of Olfactory Receptor AcerOr1 from Chinese Honey Bee, Apis cerana cerana (Hymenoptera, Apidae) 52
ABSTRACT Olfactory receptors are essential for recognition and detection of odor in honeybees. Although we have cloned and characterized the sequence of olfactory receptor AcerOr1 before, the tissue distribution and location of this gene in the nurse and the forager worker Apis cerana cerana were not very clear. To further investigate this information of AcerOr1 gene, we analyzed its expression and localization. The results showed that AcerOr1 mRNA was predominantly expressed in the antennae of nurse and forager bees, while the AcerOr1 protein was predominant in thorax, and its expression in antennae was higher in forager than in nurse. IHC revealed that AcerOr1 mainly localized in the olfactory neurons of the antennae. In addition, the staining intensity...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Apis cerana cerana; Olfactory receptor; AcerOr1; Expression; Localization; In vivo.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Localização economicamente ótima das novas agroindústrias de abate e processamento de aves e suínos no Brasil 31
Andrade, Wendel Sandro de Paula; Gomes, Marilia Fernandes Maciel; Santos, Heleno do Nascimento; Lima, Joao Eustaquio de.
The objective of this study is to determine the optimum economically location of new slaughter and processing plants of poultry and pork in Brazil, considering the minimization of transportation cost and acquisition of corn and soy bran, and the transportation cost of meat. The theory of localization was used, as theoretical approach, reletead to the weberiana theory of the industrial localization, used, with larger intensity. Network capacited model is used as analytic tool. The main result was the indication of Cândido Mota, SP, for the set the processing plant, due, mainly, a short distance among that municipal district and the corn production cluster and its proximity with important meat consuming areas, and with the main ports. The results indicated:...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Localization; Transportation cost; Meat processing plants; Poultry; Pork; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Localization and controlling the mobile robot by sensory data fusion 111
Erfani, Saeed.
Localization ­of a mobile robot with any structure, work space and task is one of the most fundamental issues in the field of robotics and the prerequisite for moving any mobile robot that has always been a challenge for researchers. In this paper, the Dempster-Shafer and Kalman filter methods are used as the two main tools for the integration and processing of sensor data in robot localization to achieve the best estimate of positioning according to the unsteady environmental conditions and a framework for GPS and IMU sensor data fusion through the Dempster-Shafer method. Also, by providing a new method, the initial weighing on each of these GPS sensors and wheel encoders is done based on the reliability of each one. The methods were compared with the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Department of Agricultural Machinery Engineering; College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; University of Tehran; Karaj; Iran. Sensory data fusion; Mobile robot; Localization; Dempster - Shafer method; Kalman filter..
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Lackey, Steven Brent; Wojan, Timothy R..
This paper examines three alternative explanations for manufacturing specialization in rural areas: 1) the greater efficiency of very large plants; 2) the "localization" advantages identified with a number of firms in the same industry locating near each other; or 3) a strategy to gain bargaining power by a dominant employer in the county.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural manufacturing; Specialization; Economies of scale; Localization; Monopsony; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Carmo, Eliane Almeida do; Soares, Joao Batista.
ste trabalho estudou a localização de uma agroindústria avícola e otimizou sua rede, dos integrados aos consumidores, determinando a quantidade de abatedouros e centros de distribuição que a empresa deve possuir e a localização destes de forma a minimizar custos. A partir da coleta de dados reais e utilizando ferramentas de Sistemas de Informação Geográficas e programação linear binária, determinou-se a configuração ótima para a rede bem como a configuração de diversos cenários alternativos. A função objetivo utilizada minimiza o somatório dos custos da localização do abatedouro, os custos da localização do centro de distribuição, os custos de produção e remessa dos frangos vivos do integrado até o abatedouro, os custos de abate e remessa até o centro de...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Avicultura; Otimização; Localização; ArcGIS; Aviculture; Otimization; Localization; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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OV2SLAM: A Fully Online and Versatile Visual SLAM for Real-Time Applications 5
Ferrera, Maxime; Eudes, Alexandre; Moras, Julien; Sanfourche, Martial; Le Besnerais, Guy.
Many applications of Visual SLAM, such as augmented reality, virtual reality, robotics or autonomous driving, require versatile, robust and precise solutions, most often with real-time capability. In this work, we describe OV 2 SLAM, a fully online algorithm, handling both monocular and stereo camera setups, various map scales and frame-rates ranging from a few Hertz up to several hundreds. It combines numerous recent contributions in visual localization within an efficient multi-threaded architecture. Extensive comparisons with competing algorithms shows the state-of-the-art accuracy and real-time performance of the resulting algorithm. For the benefit of the community, we release the source code: .
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SLAM; Localization; Mapping; Field robotics.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Propagation of vibrational modes in classical harmonic lattice with correlated disorder 42
Abstract: The vibrational modes with nonzero frequency are localized in harmonic lattice with disordered masses. In our work, we investigated numerically the propagation of vibrational energy in harmonic lattice with long-range correlated disordered masses, which are randomly distributed with power law spectrum S ( k ) ∝ k − α. For α = 0, a standard uncorrelated disordered mass distribution was observed and for α > 0 its distribution exhibits intrinsic long-range correlations. Our procedure was done by the numerical solution of the classical equations for the mass displacement and velocities. Energy flow was investigated after injection of an initial wave-packet with energy E0 and the dynamics of the vibrational energy wave-packet was analyzed. We...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Localization; Correlated disorder; Anderson localization; Harmonic lattice.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Proposta locacional para unidades de processamento de mamona pela agricultura familiar, no centro Norte do estado da Bahia 31
Sartori, Marco Antonio; Lima, Fatima Machado De Souza; Perez, Ronaldo; Rocha, Mauro Nacif; Martins, Danielle D. SantAnna.
The objective of this work is to identify the best location to install oil mills to process vegetable oil, obtained from castor, in the North Central Region in the State of Bahia, Brazil. Fifty five cities in that region have been identified as producers of this vegetable as so as their respective productivity and distance between them and the cities for the installation of the oil mills. Besides, the city of Candeias was elected to receive the produced oil, since there is a factory (PETROBRAS) that biodiesel castor oil. Aiming to encourage local small scale farming and processing of castor, produced at that region, two models of screw presses have been chosen, with capacities of 7.5 and 22.5 tons of castor’s oil per day to extract the oil. A mathematical...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Localization; Castor oil; Transportation cost; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Receptor localization of steroid hormones and drugs: discoveries through the use of thaw-mount and dry-mount autoradiography 56
The history of receptor autoradiography, its development and applications, testify to the utility of this histochemical technique for localizing radiolabeled hormones and drugs at cellular and subcellular sites of action in intact tissues. Localization of diffusible compounds has been a challenge that was met through the introduction of the "thaw-mount" and "dry-mount" autoradiographic techniques thirty years ago. With this cellular receptor autoradiography, used alone or combined with other histochemical techniques, sites of specific binding and deposition in vivo and in vitro have been characterized. Numerous discoveries, some reviewed in this article, provided information that led to new concepts and opened new areas of research. As an example, in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vitamin D; Steroid hormones; Receptors; Autoradiography; Drug distribution; Localization.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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