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Externalities, institutions and the location choices of shellfish producers: the case of blue mussel farming in the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay (France) 5
Mongruel, Remi; Thebaud, Olivier.
Most marine aquaculture activities remain strongly dependent on coastal ecosystems. In the case of shellfish farming, this dependency is related mainly to water quality and to the various ecological interactions resulting from the dynamics of coastal food webs. Such ecological constraints have influenced the overall evolution of blue mussel farming in the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, leading producers to negotiate collective arrangements regarding production capacity and techniques and to develop production strategies at the farm level. This article presents an analysis of the location choices of mussel farmers in the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay based on an empirical investigation conducted in 2002. A typology of farms with respect to their land structure is developed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Institutional arrangements; Location choices; Externalities; Economic performance indicators; Blue mussel farming.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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