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Estudios sobre la factibilidad de una pesquerÍa artesanal con palangres en los golfos y costa de la provincia del Chubut, Argentina OceanDocs
Elias, I.; Pereiro, R..
Artisanal fishing activities bivalve extraction through diving, hand-collection of octopuses and beach seine fishing are currently the only ways to exploit the coastal resources inhabiting the Argentine Northern Patagonian gulfs 42°43°S from the SW Atlantic. These are time-restricted activities. Diving and hand-collection are limited by management and sanitary policies while resource variability and commercial demand limit beach fishing. The objective of this work was to test a productive alternative, i.e., the use of longlines to increase and diversify catches in order to improve commercialization, contribute to a rational management and alleviate the pressure put on the resources exploited at present. Results obtained indicate that profitability of...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing; Coastal fisheries; Longlining; Yield; Exploratory fishing; Exploratory fishing; Coastal fisheries; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Palangre de fondo en el Mar Argentino. Parte I. Resultados de los lances efectuados por el buque pesquero Koei-Maru n° 10 OceanDocs
Maeda, H.; Ercoli, R.; Fukada, K..
Some trials were made to find the substituting fishing method for bottom trawling to exploit the goundfishes in the Argentine Sea, especially those on the untrawlable grounds. The high sea bottom longlinning is one of the most prospective methods for this purpose. The present report dealt with the results of the trials of the bottom linglining conducted by the Koei-Maru n° 10, a Japanese commercial high sea bottom longliner of unique design, during the period from Oct. 25 to Dec.13 in 1987 along the outer edge of the continental shelf of the latitudes of 40 to 50 degrees south.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing gear; Longlining; Experimental fishing; Fishing gear; Http://
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Palangre de fondo en el Mar Argentino. Parte II. Resultados de los lances efectuados por el buque de investigación pesquera "Dr. Eduardo L.Holmberg". OceanDocs
Maeda, H.; Ercoli, R.; Fukada, K.; Garcia, J.C..
Bathymetric changes in groundfish catch composition are analyzed, on the basis of routine reports of 106 bottom longline strings. The project was conducted from 12 December 1986 to 29 November 1987, covering areas from coastal waters to the outer shelf of the continental shelf off Argentina from 36° to 55°S. As a preliminary step to the analysis, the validity of each factor as probable explanatory variable in each area, was analyzed with consideration as to their range and variation. Obtained results show that the kingclip (Genypterus blacodes), a main objective of the project, could become one of the most profitable target species of the high-sea bottom longline, in areas along the outer edge of the continental shelf, at bottom depths slightly below 200...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Longlining; Experimental fishing; Demersal fisheries; Demersal fisheries; Http://
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Peche artisanale sur DCP et peche palangriere a la Reunion: antagonisme ou complementarite? ArchiMer
Tessier, E; Poisson, Francois.
More than ten years after its launching, an evaluation of the results of the FADs programme carried on in Reunion Island has been made. Its implementation and its impact on artisanal fishery in Reunion Island have been analysed. This analysis demonstrates that, following a continuously ascending phase, the production of fish caught on fads has reached a plateau. Parallel to the FAD-associated fishery, the longline fishery has developed since 1991. This type of fishery includes production units whose operating zone is bordering the FAD installation area. Analysing the evolution of the small longliner sector is based on general activity indicators (number of ships, production, fish selling prices). Besides, a synthesis of the interactions between those two...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing; Attracting techniques; Longlining; Tuna fisheries.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Pesca exploratoria del recurso dorado (Coryphaena hippurus) frente a la costa ecuatoriana durante marzo de 2008 OceanDocs
Herrera, M.; Coello, D.; Peralta, M.; Cajas, J.; Castro, R.; Elías, E.; Chavarría, J..
Del 2 al 14 de marzo de 2008 se realizó el Crucero T08/03/01 durante el cual se efectuaron nueve lances de pesca entre 01°24.5’ N - 03°12.0’ S y entre 081°08.6’ W - 082°56.1’ W, empleando un palangre de superficie doradero. Oceanográficamente se determinó la profundización de la termoclina lo cual favoreció el ingreso de ATS en toda la columna de agua hasta los 40 m de profundidad, lo que explicaría las bajas capturas de dorado obtenidas. El índice de abundancia determinó una mayor efectividad de los anzuelos No. 4 y 5 en cuanto a número de organismos por lance, mientras que en relación a la talla no se observan diferencias en la captura para todos los anzuelos. La pesca incidental tuvo una incidencia mínima en lo referente a tiburones, rayas y peces óseos...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Exploratory fishing; By catch; Feed composition; Longlining; Cruise reports.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Pesca exploratoria del recurso dorado (Coryphaena hippurus) frente a la costa ecuatoriana durante marzo de 2010 OceanDocs
Herrera, M.; Coello, D.; Peralta, M.; Elías, E.; Cajas, J.; Castro, R.; Pesantes, F.; Chavarría, J..
Del 9 al 21 de marzo de 2010, se realizó el Crucero T10/03/01 durante el cual se efectuaron 10 lances de pesca entre 01º21.39' N-03º 02.55' S y entre las longitudes 080º 32.20' W-082º 57.08' W, empleando un palangre de superficie doradero. En los lances realizados frente a Esmeraldas y Manabí, se registraron las mayores capturas, con especímenes con mayor talla y peso promedio, con una temperatura superficial promedio de 27 ºC y termoclina ubicada entre los 10 y 50 m de profundidad con la isoterma de 20 ºC, próxima a la profundidad de cala de la línea de pesca. Hacia el sur (lances 7 al 10), ubicados frente al sur de Manabí, Península de Santa Elena y Golfo de Guayaquil. Las capturas estuvieron representadas por especímenes con talla y peso promedio...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Exploratory fishing; Cruise reports; Biological sampling; Longlining; Thermocline; Feed composition; Stomach content; By catch.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Pesca objetivo e incidental de barcos palangreros extranjeros entre agosto 2008 y marzo 2009 OceanDocs
Pacheco, J.L..
El presente informe resume los resultados de la pesca objetivo e incidental realizada por tres barcos palangreros extranjeros, en el periodo agosto 2008 y marzo 2009. La captura total registrada fue 782.81 de las cuales 75,3% correspondieron a pesca objetivo y 24,7% a pesca incidental. El pez espada Xiphias gladius represento el 61,8% en las capturas de pesca objetivo y el tiburón aguado Prionace glauca el 69,7% en pesca inciden¬tal. Las áreas de pesca de mayor concentración se distribuyeron en aguas internacionales frente a las costas de Peru y Chile entre los 18° y 29° Latitud Sur, y 86° y 106° Longitud Oeste. El arte de pesca utilizado fue el longline o palangre de media agua con una longitud máxima de 120 km y 1500 anzuelos tipo "J". Las tallas menores...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: By catch; Longlining; Fishing gear.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Report from the WPB on the data situation for billfish. OceanDocs
The first catches of billfish recorded in the IOTC nominal catches (NC) database were made in 1970, by longline gear. Although catches of these species did occur before that year, they were reported aggregated as billfish NEI.
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Catch statistics; Longlining.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Seychelles Tuna Bulletin First Semester 2001 OceanDocs
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Seychelles; PURSE SEINING; STATISTICS; TUNA; Longlining; Tuna fisheries; Purse seines.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Seychelles Tuna Bulletin: Year 2001 OceanDocs
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Catch/effort; Purse seiners; Tuna fisheries; Fishery statistics; Longlining.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Seychelles Tuna Bulletin: Year 2004 OceanDocs
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Fishery statistics; Longlining; Purse seining; Fish catch statistics.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Seychelles Tuna Bulletin Year 2005 OceanDocs
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Purse seines; Tuna fisheries; Fish catch statistics; Longlining.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin: Year 2006 OceanDocs
Data used to generate the tables and figures presented here are based on daily catch and effort forms (logbooks) returned from fishing vessels that are licensed to fish in the Seychelles EEZ and for purse seiners, as well as from data collected via the tuna sampling programme conducted during transshipment in Port Victoria. Sometimes there are delays in these being received at SFA, especially for longliners that often spend up to a year at sea, and for purse seiners the delays are usually during and just after the second quarter of the year when most vessels are fishing in the Mozambique Channel and are not necessarily using Port Victoria for transshipment.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Purse seiners; Catch statistics; Longlining; Tuna; Fisheries data.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin: Year 2007 OceanDocs
Data used to generate the tables and figures presented here are based on daily catch and effort forms (logbooks) returned from fishing vessels that are licensed to fish in the Seychelles EEZ and for purse seiners, as well as from data collected via the tuna sampling programme conducted during transshipment in Port Victoria. Sometimes there are delays in these being received at SFA, especially for longliners that often spend up to a year at sea, and for purse seiners the delays are usually during and just after the second quarter of the year when most vessels are fishing in the Mozambique Channel and are not necessarily using Port Victoria for transshipment.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Catch statistics; Purse seiners; Longlining; Fishery data; Tuna.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin: Year 2008 OceanDocs
Data used to generate the tables and figures presented here are based on daily catch and effort forms (logbooks) returned from fishing vessels that are licensed to fish in the Seychelles EEZ and for purse seiners, as well as from data collected via the tuna sampling programme conducted during transshipment in Port Victoria. Sometimes there are delays in these being received at SFA, especially for longliners that often spend up to a year at sea, and for purse seiners the delays are usually during and just after the second quarter of the year when most vessels are fishing in the Mozambique Channel and are not necessarily using Port Victoria for transshipment.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Purse seiners; Catch statistics; Longlining; Fishery data; Tuna.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin: Year 2009 OceanDocs
Data used to generate the tables and figures presented here are based on daily catch and effort forms (logbooks) returned from fishing vessels that are licensed to fish in the Seychelles EEZ and for purse seiners, as well as from data collected via the tuna sampling programme conducted during transshipment in Port Victoria. Sometimes there are delays in these being received at SFA, especially for longliners that often spend up to a year at sea, and for purse seiners the delays are usually during and just after the second quarter of the year when most vessels are fishing in the Mozambique Channel and are not necessarily using Port Victoria for transshipment.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Tuna fisheries; Catch statistics; Longlining; Tuna; Fishery data.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin: Year 2010 OceanDocs
Data used to generate the tables and figures presented here are based on daily catch and effort forms (logbooks) returned from fishing vessels that are licensed to fish in the Seychelles EEZ and for purse seiners, as well as from data collected via the tuna sampling programme conducted during transshipment in Port Victoria. Sometimes there are delays in these being received at SFA, especially for longliners that often spend up to a year at sea, and for purse seiners the delays are usually during and just after the second quarter of the year when most vessels are fishing in the Mozambique Channel and are not necessarily using Port Victoria for transshipment.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Purse seiners; Catch statistics; Longlining; Fishery data; Tuna.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin: Year 2011 OceanDocs
Data used to generate the tables and figures presented here are based on daily catch and effort forms (logbooks) returned from fishing vessels that are licensed to fish in the Seychelles EEZ and for purse seiners, as well as from data collected via the tuna sampling programme conducted during transshipment in Port Victoria. Sometimes there are delays in these being received at SFA, especially for longliners that often spend up to a year at sea, and for purse seiners the delays are usually during and just after the second quarter of the year when most vessels are fishing in the Mozambique Channel and are not necessarily using Port Victoria for transshipment. Readers should note that many of the figures presented for longline fishing vessel are subject to...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Purse seiners; Catch statistics; Longlining; Fishery data; Tuna.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Standardization of catch per unit of effort for swordfish and billfishes caught by the Japanese longline fishery in the Indian Ocean. OceanDocs
Uozumi, Y..
In the present analysis, CPUEs of swordfish and billfishes are standardized with fine-scale statistics to eliminate some possible biases in the CPUE trend which may be introduced by the factors mentioned above.
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Catch/effort; Longlining; Catching method; Fishing effort.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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The Seychelles Semi-Industrial Fishery OceanDocs
Bargain, R.M.; Lucas, V.; Thomas, A..
The monofilament longline fishery targeting swordfish and tuna is practised actually in Seychelles by 8 local longliners (average length of 16 metres) and foreign longliners fishing under Seychelles licenses ( French and Indonesian longliners , averaging 34 metres and 25 metres in total length). Experimental trips by SFA’s research vessel were undertaken in 1994 and commercial trips started in 1995. The total landing catch increased from 215 mt in 1996 to 456 mt in 1999. The estimated catch rates varied from 0.64 kg/hook in 1996 to 0.92 kg/hook in 1999. Loss of catch due to predation by marine mammals (pseudorca crassidens) remains one of the major problem of this fishery. In 1999, 24 % of the total catch (109 mt of fish) was lost due to predation. The...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Swordfish fisheries; Longlining.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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