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Brazilian Bioluminescent Beetles: Reflections on Catching Glimpses of Light in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado 42
ABSTRACT Bioluminescence - visible and cold light emission by living organisms - is a worldwide phenomenon, reported in terrestrial and marine environments since ancient times. Light emission from microorganisms, fungi, plants and animals may have arisen as an evolutionary response against oxygen toxicity and was appropriated for sexual attraction, predation, aposematism, and camouflage. Light emission results from the oxidation of a substrate, luciferin, by molecular oxygen, catalyzed by a luciferase, producing oxyluciferin in the excited singlet state, which decays to the ground state by fluorescence emission. Brazilian Atlantic forests and Cerrados are rich in luminescent beetles, which produce the same luciferin but slightly mutated luciferases, which...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coleoptera; Bioluminescence; Luciferase; Luciferin; Luminous termitary; Oxidative stress..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Construction and application of a built-in dual luciferase reporter for microRNA functional analysis 69
Bi,Yanzhen; Zheng,Xinmin; Shao,Changwei; Pan,Wen; Jiang,Li; Ouyang,Huiwu.
Background: As key gene regulators, microRNAs post-transcriptionally modulate gene expression via binding to partially complementary sequence in the 3? UTR of target mRNA. An accurate, rapid and quantitative tool for sensing and validation of miRNA targets is of crucial significance to decipher the functional implications of miRNAs in cellular pathways. Results: Taking advantage of an improved restriction-free cloning method, we engineered a novel built-in dual luciferase reporter plasmid where Firefly and Renilla luciferase genes were assembled in a single plasmid named ?pFila?. This design eliminates the transfection of a separate control plasmid and thus minimizes the time and labor required for miRNA-target sensing assays. pFila consistently produces...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Biosensor; Luciferase; Ligase-independent; MiRNA; Target.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Simplified Transformation of Ostreococcus tauri Using Polyethylene Glycol 5
Sanchez, Frédéric; Geffroy, Solene; Norest, Manon; Yau, Sheree; Moreau, Hervé; Grimsley, Nigel.
Ostreococcus tauri is an easily cultured representative of unicellular algae (class Mamiellophyceae) that abound in oceans worldwide. Eight complete 13–22 Mb genomes of phylogenetically divergent species within this class are available, and their DNA sequences are nearly always present in metagenomic data produced from marine samples. Here we describe a simplified and robust transformation protocol for the smallest of these algae (O. tauri). Polyethylene glycol (PEG) treatment was much more efficient than the previously described electroporation protocol. Short (2 min or less) incubation times in PEG gave >104 transformants per microgram DNA. The time of cell recovery after transformation could be reduced to a few hours, permitting the experiment to be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chlorophyta; Prasinophyte; Mamiellophyceae; Ostreococcus; Plankton; Picoeukaryote; Ecosystem; Bioluminescence; Promoter; Luciferase; Gene expression.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Светящиеся бактерии Черного и Азовского морей 13
Малыгина, И. Ю.; Кацев, А. М..
Из Черного и Азовского морей выделено и идентифицировано 22 штамма светящихся бактерий. 13 штаммов были выделены с поверхности различных обитателей Черного моря, среди других 9 штаммов, полученных из Азовского моря, 4 штамма выделены из морской воды. Большинство штаммов, выделенных из Азовского моря, обладали необычными для светящихся бактерий способностями к росту и биолюминесценции при 37 – 40 0С. Идентификация светящихся бактерий проводилась на основе изучения их фенотипических свойств и по данным определения кинетического типа люциферазной реакции. Результаты изучения кинетики люциферазных реакции выделенных штаммов с тетрадеканалем позволили отличить вид Photobacterium phosphoreum от других видов этого рода и вида V. fischeri. Традиционно...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Светящиеся бактерии; Биолюминесценция; Люцифераза; Биотестирование; Luminous bacteria; Luciferase; Biotesting; Bioindication Bacteria Luminous organisms Bacteria
Ano: 2003 URL:
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