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Pay-At-The-Pump Auto Insurance AgEcon
Khazzoom, J. Daniel.
PAY-AT-THE-PUMP is a proposal to replace the current insurance system of lump sum payments for automobile insurance by a mechanism whereby motorists pay for their insurance as they buy fuel for their vehicles. PAY-AT-THE-PUMP has several advantages. It reduces insurance cost and cross subsidies and enhances equity. It also benefits the environment, safety, balance of payments, and security. In this paper we study limited but very important issues in the theory and implementation of PAY-AT-THE-PUMP insurance. We address issues of efficiency, subsidy, equity, externalities, safety, insurance cost and cost of insuring the uninsured motorist under a PAY-AT-THE- PUMP regime. We use the insurance industry's criticisms of mandatory auto insurance as a lens...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Converting fixed to variable cost; Efficient pricing of auto insurance; Environmental benefit of Pay-at-the-Pump; Exposure risk; Insurance cost; Insurance externalities; Mandatory insurance; Safety; Uninsured motorist; Universal auto insurance; Risk and Uncertainty; L2; L9; M2; Q2; Q4; R4.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Pay-At-The-Pump (PATP) Auto Insurance: Criticisms and Proposed Modifications AgEcon
Khazzoom, J. Daniel.
In 1998 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sponsored an effort to examine the criticisms and concerns expressed about Pay-at-the-Pump (PATP) auto insurance and explore the reformulation of PATP, taking into account these concerns. This paper provides a brief exposition of PATP and its main advantages followed by a review of its criticisms and concerns. We outline a reconstituted PATP proposal emerging from the review of these criticisms: a hybrid system that merges the best features from PATP and the existing insurance system. It retains what is consistent with the free market operation and market incentive in the existing system. At the same time it restores the price signal, the sine qua non for economic efficiency, where it has been extinguished...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Pay at the pump; Distance-based insurance; Efficient pricing of auto insurance; Conversion of fixed to variable cost; Loss on insuring the uninsured motorist; Pay at the pump and the poor; Environmental benefit of pay at the pump; Vehicle fuel-efficiency and safety; Vehicle miles traveled; Traffic density; Accident risk; Public Economics; L1; L5; L8; L9; M2; Q2; Q4; R4.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Rural Diversification and Social Capital in Rural Japan AgEcon
Sakurai, Seiichi; Yokoyama, Shigeki.
This study investigates the effect of community factors on the development and diversification of rural Japan. Diversification is a matter of concern in rural communities as a means of revitalizing regional socio-economies. To establish new diversified activities, cooperation between rural residents is essential. Social capital (SC) is an important community factor that facilitates collective community action. The area analyzed in this study is the Awa area, where various kinds of agro-related activities have emerged, including rural-urban exchanges and agro-tourism. Traditional customs are also preserved in the area. We conducted both community and household-level surveys to collect data and investigate the general characteristics of the study area....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Community/Rural/Urban Development; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; M2; O18; Q13; Q26; R0.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Strategic Group Analysis of U.S. Food Businesses Using the Two-step Clustering Method AgEcon
Johnson, Aaron J.; Johnson, Heather C.; Devadoss, Stephen; Foltz, John C..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Strategic group; Planning; Strategy; Performance; Agribusiness; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Marketing; Productivity Analysis; M0; M14; M2; M30.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Using Distance Education in Graduate Programs AgEcon
Featherstone, Allen M.; Brummett, Lynnette M..
There has been much hype around online education creating a revolution in education. Studies analyzing the use of distance education at the graduate level have been limited. This article uses Kansas State University's Master of Agribusiness program as a case study. Educational theory related to a distance environment is studied. Development and technology issues related to the Master of Agribusiness program are presented followed by survey information from students. Appropriate administrative and management practices that govern a program are essential to the success of the program.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Graduate degree program; Online education; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession; A2; A23; Q1; M2.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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