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What forced the collapse of European ice sheets during the last two glacial periods (150 ka BP and 18 ka cal BP)? Palynological evidence 5
Penaud, A.; Eynaud, F.; Turon, J. L.; Zaragosi, S.; Malaize, B.; Toucanne, Samuel; Bourillet, Jean-francois.
We present a new marine palynological record from the temperate North-eastern Atlantic (core MD03-2692, Celtic-Armorican margin) in the area of influence of the 'Fleuve Manche' paleoriver during glacial times. The runoff of this paleoriver was connected to the glacial history of European ice sheets (including the British Irish Ice Sheet-BIIS). Our study conducted on dinoflagellate cysts assemblages over the last 200 ka, associated with quantification of palynological remains reflecting continental influence (pre-Quaternary dinocysts and micro-algae Pediastrum spp. coenobia), yields detailed insights into the sea-surface paleoenvironments of this sector. More specifically, mechanisms responsible for the origin of unusual deposits of laminated sequences...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dinoflagellate cysts; European ice sheets; Celtic Armorican margin; MIS 2 and MIS 6; Terminations I and II.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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