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A "high He-4/He-3" mantle material detected under the East Pacific Rise (15 degrees 4 ' N) ArchiMer
Mougel, Berengere; Moreira, Manuel; Agranier, Arnaud.
We investigate in details helium isotope data reported in Mougel et al. (2014) for 14 basaltic samples collected on the East Pacific Rise by submersible (15 degrees 4N) where the ridge interacts with the Mathematician seamounts. Samples locations are separated by only few hundred meters across a 15km along-axis profile. The data reveal a strong geochemical variability that has never been observed at such high spatial resolution for helium isotope compositions. Moreover, they reveal an unusually high He-4/He-3 mantle component also characterized by unradiogenic lead, atypical in oceanic basalts. He-Pb systematics suggests a mixture between a nonradiogenic lead and radiogenic helium pyroxenitic component, recycled from the deep continental lithosphere and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Helium; Isotopes; Mantle geochemistry; MORB; Hot spot; EPR.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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New insights into the origin and distribution of the DUPAL isotope anomaly in the Indian Ocean mantle from MORB of the Southwest Indian Ridge ArchiMer
Meyzen, Cm; Ludden, Jn; Humler, E; Luais, B; Toplis, Mj; Mevel, C; Storey, M.
We report new Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope data for Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts (MORB) dredged between 35 and 69 degrees E along a similar to 4100 km section of the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), which is one of the slowest spreading ridges of the global mid-ocean ridge system ( full rate of 16 mm yr(-1)). The SWIR appears isotopically more heterogeneous than other mid-ocean ridges over similar length scales and comparable sampling density. Isotopic variations are generally independent of ridge segmentation, and the degree of heterogeneity decreases from west to east. This decrease in heterogeneity correlates with the observed increase in axial depth and decrease in crustal thickness, commonly attributed to decreasing mantle potential temperature. Data for the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Southwest Indian Ridge; MORB; Isotopes; Indian Ocean; Lower crust; Mantle.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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