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A comparative analysis of biotic indices that use macroinvertebrates to assess water quality in a coastal river of Paraná state, southern Brazil Biota Neotropica
Gonçalves,Fábio Bertolini; Menezes,Márcia Santos de.
Biotic indices to monitor water quality are helpful tools for evaluating the health of rivers and lakes. In Brazil water samples are mainly analyzed using physical and chemical attributes, because most biotic indices were developed in other countries and their effective application to Brazilian ecosystems requires significant research. This study compared four biotic indices commonly used to evaluate water quality via benthic macroinvertebrates in order to determine which index best reflects ecosystem health in a coastal river in Brazil's Paraná state. We also analyzed functional feeding groups. The indices studied were: 1) EPT (percent of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera); 2) BMWP' (Biological Monitoring Work Party System); 3) BMWP'-ASPT (Average...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Macroinvertebrates; Biomonitoring; Functional feeding groups; Biotic index; Coastal stream.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Assessing the effects of urbanization on streams in Tierra del Fuego Ecología austral
Zagarola,Jean-Paul A; Martínez Pasteur,Guillermo; Lopez,María Eugenia; Anderson,Christopher B.
We set out to understand how urbanization affects streams in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego. Paired t-tests and linear regressions were used to compare physico-chemical stream habitat variables (i.e., temperature, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and pH) and benthic macroinvertebrate community structure (i.e., density, taxonomic richness, Shannon-Weiner diversity) and function (functional feeding groups [FFG]) in four watersheds with urban and reference sites. We then calculated indices of biotic integrity for habitat (rapid visual assessment protocol [RVAP]) and benthos (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera richness [EPT], family biotic index [FBI], rapid bioassessment protocol [RBP] and biotic monitoring Patagonian streams [BMPS]). Results...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biomonitoring; Macroinvertebrates; Management of natural resource; Urban ecology; Watersheds.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Assessing the performance of macroinvertebrate metrics in the Challhuaco-Ñireco System (Northern Patagonia, Argentina) Iheringia, Sér. Zool.
Mauad,Melina; Miserendino,M. Laura; Risso,Miguel A.; Massaferro,Julieta.
ABSTRACT Seven sites were examined in the Challhuaco-Ñireco system, located in the reserve of the Nahuel Huapi National Park, however part of the catchment is urbanized, being San Carlos de Bariloche (150,000 inhabitants) placed in the lower part of the basin. Physico-chemical variables were measured and benthic macroinvertebrates were collected during three consecutive years at seven sites from the headwater to the river outlet. Sites near the source of the river were characterised by Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Diptera, whereas sites close to the river mouth were dominated by Diptera, Oligochaeta and Mollusca. Regarding functional feeding groups, collector-gatherers were dominant at all sites and this pattern was consistent among years....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Patagonian; Rivers; Macroinvertebrates; Biotic indexes; Water quality.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Assessment of water quality in temperate-plain streams (Argentina, South America) using a multiple approach Ecología austral
Ocon,Carolina S.; Rodrigues Capítulo,Alberto.
We assessed the water quality in two pampean lotic systems (Argentina), the Juan Blanco and Buñirigo streams, subjected to different land uses (i.e., the UNESCO Biosphere Nature Reserve vs. industry and agriculture, respectively) through measurements of physicochemical data and the structural parameters of the macroinvertebrate assemblages in addition to ecotoxicological analyses. The objective was to identify the degree of ecological impairment in adversely affected areas and the consequent effects on the biota. The results obtained allowed the establishment of different water-quality classes within the study area. According to the indices applied, the downstream zone of the Buñirigo stream was categorized as moderately polluted on the basis of losses of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pollution; Macroinvertebrates; Physicochemical parameters; Ecotoxicological analyses; Pampean streams.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Associações entre macroinvertebrados e peixes demersais na armação do Itapocoroy, Penha, Sc, Brasil BABT
Branco,Joaquim Olinto; Lunardon-Branco,Maria José; Peret,Alberto Carvalho; Souto,Flávio Xavier; Schveitzer,Rodrigo; Vale,Willian Guimarães.
In the period of January and December, 1995, there were collected by means of overtrawl, 12977 samples of macroinvertebrates and demersal fishes, in the Armação do Itapocoroy, Penha (SC), between the depths of 6 to 10 meters, in the periods of morning, afternoon, and evening. There were registered the incidence of 57 families, 80 kinds and 92 species distributed between the macroinvertebrates and demersal fishes. The families of greater incidence were: Portunidae (30.7%), Strombidae (11.4%), Sciaenidae (11.1%) and Bothidae (10.3%) which all together, contributed with 63.5% of the total samples. The grouping analysis presented greater diversity in the Winter (2.77) and smaller one in the Springtime (1,34); the amplitude of variation H' reflects the great...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Association; Macroinvertebrates; Demersal fishes; Armação do Itapocoroy.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Biodiversity assessment of benthic macroinvertebrates in altitudinal lotic ecosystems of Serra do Cipó (MG, Brazil) BJB
Five lotic systems of Serra do Cipó, south-east Brazil, were investigated in order to assess the existing diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates, habitats-microhabitats, and the available trophic resources. For each river it was analysed the communities of benthic macroinvertebrates and the composition of some taxonomic groups (Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Diptera Chironomidae): the community with Bivalvia Sphaeriidae, Oligochaeta and Ephemeroptera Baetidae (being supposed a closed relation Bivalvia-Oligochaeta based on the process of bioturbation and enrichment of sediment in organic matter) in Tanque River; the macrofauna associated to aquatic macrophytes from rivers Peixe and Preto do Itambé reflecting the reaction of the ecosystems...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Macroinvertebrates; River ecology; Ephemeroptera; Trichoptera; Chironomidae.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Chironomidae da Amazonia Oriental: resposta da funcionalidade alimentar aos diferentes usos/cobertura do solo. Infoteca-e
Este trabalho procurou avaliar a utilização da funcionalidade alimentar dos macroinvertebrados da família Chironomidae como ferramenta para mostrar a importância da cobertura e uso do solo nos ecossistemas aquáticos.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Uso da Terra; Cobertura Vegetal; Agricultura; Impacto Ambiental; Chironomidae; Macroinvertebrates; Land use.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Conservation of mayflies (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) in Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil Rev. Bras. entomol.
Massariol,Fabiana Criste; Soares,Elaine Della Giustina; Salles,Frederico Falcão.
Conservation of mayflies (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) in Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Ephemeroptera exhibits great diversity among bodies of freshwater in the Atlantic Forest, a biome that is suffering from massive human impact. Within this context, the creation of conservation units using biological information is more recommended than economic, cultural, or political criteria. The distribution pattern of 76 Ephemeroptera species was analyzed using the biogeographical methods Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity and Network Analysis Method in order to infer relevant areas for conservation of the mayfly community in Espírito Santo. The results obtained from both analyses were largely congruent, and pointed out four relevant areas for conservation: two in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic Forest; Biodiversity; Distribution pattern; Endemism; Macroinvertebrates.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Diet of invertebrates sampled in leaf-bags incubated in a tropical headwater stream Rev. Bras. Zool.
Carvalho,Emerson M. de; Uieda,Virgínia S..
The diet of macroinvertebrates sampled in leaf-bags incubated in a tropical stream was analyzed on a spatial scale (one forested and one deforested area) and on a temporal scale (dry and rainy seasons). The macroinvertebrates were mostly represented by detritivores specialized in fine detritus (69%), followed by generalist detritivores (10% with a diet based on fine and coarse detritus), carnivores (10%), omnivores (8%), and one detritivore genera specialized on coarse detritus (3%). The detritivores exhibited a broad spatial and temporal distribution and were represented mainly by Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Diptera. Phylloicus sp. (Trichoptera) consumed mostly coarse detritus (CPOM) and can be classified as the unique specialist shredder in this...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Detritus; Gut content; Macroinvertebrates; Trophic groups.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Diet of Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1959 in streams from Paraná River basin: influence of the urbanization Biological Sciences
Alves, Gustavo Henrique Zaia; Tófoli, Raffael Marcos; Ganassin, Maria Julia Mileo; Hahn, Norma Segatti.
 This study aimed to assess the diet of Poecilia reticulata in rural (RS) and urban stream (US) and under seasonal influence. We hypothesized that rainfall have a strong negative impact on the diet of the species in the US, due to its abrupt effect on food resources; in RS this effect is less apparent. Both streams belong to Pirapó River sub-basin, Paraná River basin. Fishes were sampled bimonthly, between July 2007 and June 2008 in three sample sites along the longitudinal gradient of the streams, using electrofishing. According to the Feeding Index, in both streams the population consumed almost exclusively detritus associated with aquatic organisms (>95%), regardless of the hydrological period. The main taxa explored by fish were Simuliidae in RS and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ecologia de ecossistemas benthivorous fish; Feeding; Macroinvertebrates; Anthropic impact; Paraná River basin Ecologia alimentar de peixes.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Forecasting the impact of an invasive macrophyte species in the littoral zone through aquatic insect species composition Iheringia, Sér. Zool.
Saulino,Hugo H. L.; Trivinho-Strixino,Susana.
ABSTRACT Invasive macrophytes threaten freshwater ecosystem biodiversity. We analyzed the impact of the invasive white ginger lily (Hedychium coronarium J. König, Zingiberaceae) on aquatic insect assemblages living in the littoral zone of a tropical reservoir. We took aquatic insect samples in the littoral zone on four main vegetal profile banks: white ginger monotypic bank, forest partially invaded, native macrophyte monotypic bank and riparian forest. At each vegetal bank, we measured abiotic variables such as dissolved oxygen, pH, water temperature and depth. We analyzed the aquatic insects through abundance, richness and Simpson diversity. We used the non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (nMDS) analysis to analyze the spatial distribution of each...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Habitat complexity; Chironomidae; Freshwater conservation; Macroinvertebrates; Hedychium coronarium.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Impact of rainbow trout on aquatic invertebrate communities in subtropical mountain streams of northwest Argentina Ecología austral
The present study was conducted to assess the effect of rainbow trout introduction on benthic invertebrate communities, stratified as epibenthos and infauna. Two main questions are explored: 1) do the trout-invaded streams show a different community structure than the streams with autochthonous fish?, and 2) does the presence of trout affect differentially the epibenthos and the infauna? Epibenthic and infaunal samples, drift samples and fish stomach content were sampled four times from three stations to assess the impact of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on the invertebrate aquatic fauna. Only one species of native fish was recorded in the studied sites, the siluriform Trichomycterus corduvense. Both fish species were found always in allopatry. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Benthos; Macroinvertebrates; Introduced species; Oncorhynchus mykiss; Trichomycterus corduvense.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Intra- and inter-annual variations in Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) communities in subtropical streams Rev. Bras. Zool.
Nava,Diane; Restello,Rozane M.; Hepp,Luiz U..
The structure and composition of stream benthic communities are strongly influenced by spatial and temporal factors. This study evaluated the intra and inter-annual variations in Chironomidae communities in subtropical streams. The organisms were sampled from 10 small-order streams during the summer and winter of 2010-2012. The number of chironomid specimens sampled was 7,568, distributed in 49 genera. Chironomid abundance and richness varied intra and inter-annually and community composition varied intra-annually (2010 and 2011). Water temperature, total organic carbon, nitrogen, and rainfall were correlated with chironomid community composition. The intra-annual variation of the community was dependent on climatic variations (temperature and rainfall)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agriculture impacts; Bioindicators; Macroinvertebrates; Rainfall.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Leaf litter decomposition from native and non-native species in a freshwater forested wetland of Chile Gayana
Gómez-Capponi,Francisco; Correa-Araneda,Francisco; Díaz,Ma Elisa; Olguín,Manuel; Encina-Montoya,Francisco; Figueroa,Ricardo.
ABSTRACT Decomposition of leaf litter is a fundamental process for the functioning of forested wetlands. The rapid increment of forest plantations has involved a greater contribution of leaf litter of exotic origin to these ecosystems. The decomposition rate between leaf litter of native and exotic origin in a forested wetland of the Mediterranean zone of Chile was compared, as well as the contribution of bacteria and macroinvertebrate to this process. It was determined that the decomposition rate of the leaf litter presented significant differences (p < 0.05) between species, being faster in those of non-native origin. This could be due to differences in ecophysiological aspects of the leaves like the presence of chemical compounds such as waxes or...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Allochthonous detritus; Bacteria; Lentic ecosystem; Macroinvertebrates.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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A signature of globalization is the prevalence of exotic trees along reforested urban and rural riparian zones in the Neotropics, but little is known about the instream processing of its leaf litter. In this study, leaf litter breakdown rates were measured during 35 days using mesh bags within a reference headwater stream for seven exotic and three native tree species commonly used in urban and rural reforestation. Artocarpus altilis, Schefflera actinophylla and Terminalia catappa scored the highest mass loss rates (>85 %; mean life: t50.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Leaf litter mass loss rates; Leaf quality; Macroinvertebrates; Exotic trees; Riparian reforestation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Macroinvertebrates inhabiting the tank leaf terrestrial and epiphyte bromeliads at Reserva Adolpho Ducke, Manaus, Amazonas BABT
Torreias,Sharlene Roberta da Silva; Ferreira-Keppler,Ruth Leila.
The aim of this work was to investigate the diversity of macroinvertebrates and also verify if the abundance and diversity of Diptera were influenced by the abiotic factors. The samples were collected from the epiphytic and terrestrial bromeliads G. brasiliensis (1 and 3m) in wet and dry seasons at Reserva Adolpho Ducke analyzed total of 144 samples were analyzed from a total of 15,238 individuals collected. These conatined 14,097 insects and, among these, 8,258 were immature Diptera, represented by eight most abundant families: Chironomidae, Ceratopogonidae and Culicidae. The relationship of Diptera diversity was influenced by the seasons and stratifications (p= 0.01); the abundance was influenced by the volume of water (p= 0.02) and the relationship...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amazon; Bromeliaceae; Guzmania; Macroinvertebrates; Phytotelm.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Multimetric index for assessing ecological condition of running waters in the upper reaches of the Piabanha-Paquequer-Preto Basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rev. Bras. Zool.
Baptista,Darcilio F.; Souza,Roberta S. G. de; Vieira,Carla A.; Mugnai,Riccardo; Souza,Ana S.; Oliveira,Renata Bley S. de.
The objective of this study was to develop a rapid multimetric index using benthic macrofauna as bioindicators of ecological conditions for the upper reaches of the Piabanha-Paquequer-Preto Basin located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A total of 33698 macroinvertebrates were collected in 27 sites. Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled using the multi-habitat method that consists in sampling 20 m² of substrate collected in approximate proportion to the representation of all major habitat types in the reach. A subsampling procedure was used. The main steps followed to develop and test the index were: exclusion of unsuitable metrics using box-whisker plots, considering the degree of overlapping among interquartile limits (1º-3º) and confirmed by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biomonitoring; Conservation; River ecosystems; Macroinvertebrates.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Fishes and macroinvertebrates associated to two types of artificial habitats deployed in Taganga Bay were assessed by stationary visual census to compare these assemblages. Forty-one species of fishes and nine macroinvertebrates were observed in eleven visual censuses. The distribution patterns depicted in abundance and richness between the two types of habitats used (concrete blocks vs. artificial shelters), were a possible response to dissimilarities in their location and number of visual census. A relative high fish richness and diversity were found in these artificial habitats, in comparison to other artificial structures in Colombia, probably owing to their proximity with heterogeneous natural habitats. The use of complex artificial habitats could...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Artificial habitats; Fishes; Macroinvertebrates; Resource management; Taganga Bay.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Riparian leaf litter processing by benthic macroinvertebrates in a woodland stream of central Chile RChHN
Leaf litter input from riparian landscapes has been identified as both a major energy flow to stream ecosystems and as a food source for stream macroinvertebrates. In riparian landscapes of woodland streams of central Chile, the native deciduous hardwoods are being artificially replaced by exotic coniferous trees at a large spatial scale. It is suggested that this process has a significant impact on the stream communities of central Chile. Today, exotic plantations occur throughout central Chile, with Pinus radiata (D. Don) (Monterrey pine) accounting for about 80 % of the more than 1,800,000 ha of exotic forests. The objective of this paper was to analyze the effect of the litter beds of a dominant native species (Nothofagus pumilio) and an exotic species...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Macroinvertebrates; Leaf processing; Stream ecosystem; Chile; Exotic plantations; Riparian vegetation.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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