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A new starting point for the history of the central Atlantic ArchiMer
Sahabi, Mohamed; Aslanian, Daniel; Olivet, Jean-louis.
A new starting point for the history of the central Atlantic. The first oceanic crust in the central Atlantic is usually thought to have a Middle Jurassic age. The new interpretation of the two key parameters, the African homologue of the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly and the situation of the Triassic salt basin of Morocco and Novia Scotia, shows that this age was underestimated by about 20 Ma. In our kinematic reconstruction, the first oceanic crust begins at the Late Sinemurian. This difference in age is crucial for the evolution of those margins and we discuss here its consequences.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cinématique; Bassin à évaporites; Anomalie magnétique; Atlantique central; Cinematic; Salt basin; Magnetic anomaly; Central Atlantic.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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La cinématique de l'Atlantique Nord : la question de la déformation intraplaque ArchiMer
Fidalgo González, Luis.
The main features of geodynamic evolution in the North Atlantic and the lithospheric plates surrounding it have been known for a quarter of a century now. However, a number of questions raised by the first models published have still not been clearly answered in detail. Among them, the difficulty in adjusting the domain to the north and the south of the Faeroe-Iceland-Greenland ridge should be highlighted. This study addresses the issue by using fracture zones as the main data for our reconstructions. We show that they accurately bound the kinematical reconstructions. They also enable kinematical reorganisation periods to be studied on the scale of oceans, as well as their duration. Reconstructions carried out on these bases confirm the existence of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Europa; Africa; North Atlantic; Modelling; Fracture zone; Magnetic anomaly; Ocean crust; Deformation; Plate tectonic; Europe; Afrique; Atlantique Nord; Modélisation; Zone Fracture; Ouverture; Anomalie Magnétique; Croute Oceanique; Déformation; Tectonique Plaque.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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New gravity and magnetic anomaly maps in the Taiwan-Luzon region and their preliminary interpretation ArchiMer
Hsu, Shu-kun; Liu, Char-shine; Shyu, Chuen-tien; Liu, Shao-yung; Sibuet, Jean-claude; Lallemand, Serge; Wang, Chensung; Reed, Donald.
We have compiled new free-air gravity anomaly (FAA) and magnetic anomaly maps, shedding light on the tectonics in the Taiwan-Luzon region. To have a suitable datum level for both the available gravity and magnetic anomaly data, the set of data from an ACT cruise, conducted during May 27 to June 21, 1996, was chosen as a reference. Based on the cross-over error analysis, all the other data were adjusted accordingly. Some satellite-derived, airborne or land data were also added to the compilation to obtain better coverage. Several major new insights into the Taiwan-Luzon region are revealed by the new maps. (1) A prominent NE-SW trending belt of gravity and magnetic anomalies is present in the onshore and offshore areas of southwestern Taiwan. The Peikang...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Free-air gravity anomaly; Bouguer anomaly; Magnetic anomaly; Transverse ridge; Fracture zone; Transform fault; Taiwan.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Three-dimensional inversion of marine magnetic anomalies on the equatorial Atlantic Ridge (St. Paul Fracture Zone): Delayed magnetization in a magmatically starved spreading center? ArchiMer
Sichler, Bertrand; Hekinian, Roger.
The St. Paul Fracture Zone (FZ) in the equatorial Atlantic is interrupted by three intratransform ridge (ITR) spreading centers. A detailed magnetic survey, corrected for the diurnal variations using a moored magnetic station, six submersible dives, and three bottom-towed video camera tracks provide data on the most eastern ITR (0degrees37'N, 25degrees27'W). Visual observations and submersible sampling displayed a high ultramafic/volcanic ratio, supporting the assumption that the ITR is in a magmatically starved state. Volcanics were mainly found on the rift valley floor from 4700 to 4000 m and as a thin cap (<160 m) on the top of the eastern rift crest (2700 m). Most of the rift walls consist essentially of serpentinized peridotites and gabbros. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Magnetic anomaly; Equatorial Atlantic; Stochastic inversion.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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