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Crystal habits and magnetic microstructures of magnetosomes in coccoid magnetotactic bacteria 42
Lins,Ulysses; McCartney,Martha R.; Farina,Marcos; Frankel,Richard B.; Buseck,Peter R..
We report on the application of off-axis electron holography and high-resolution TEM to study the crystal habits of magnetosomes and magnetic microstructure in two coccoid morphotypes of magnetotactic bacteria collected from a brackish lagoon at Itaipu, Brazil. Itaipu-1, the larger coccoid organism, contains two separated chains of unusually large magnetosomes; the magnetosome crystals have roughly square projections, lengths up to 250 nm and are slightly elongated along [111] (width/length ratio of about 0.9). Itaipu-3 magnetosome crystals have lengths up to 120 nm, greater elongation along [111] (width/length ~0.6), and prominent corner facets. The results show that Itaipu-1 and Itaipu-3 magnetosome crystal habits are related, differing only in the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Magnetite; Magnetotaxis; High-resolution transmission electron microscopy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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