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Rungsuriyawiboon, Supawat; Lissitsa, Alexej.
Malmquist total factor productivity (TFP) index has been extensively applied in the literature to measure productivity growth decomposition. This study applies a parametric decomposition of a Generalized Malmquist TFP index to measure and compare the levels and trends in agricultural productivity in European countries, making use of the most-recent data available from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of United Nations. The aim of this study is to measure TFP developments in agriculture of transition countries after breakdown of socialism and to compare their TFP growth with other European countries. The Generalized Malmquist productivity index can be decomposed into technological change, technical efficiency change and scale efficiency change....
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Transition countries; Malmquist; Multifactor Productivity; Agriculture; Productivity Analysis; Q16; Q18; P27.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Getting Implicit Shadow Prices Right for the Estimation of the Malmquist Index: The Case of Agricultural Total Factor Productivity in Developing Countries 31
Nin Pratt, Alejandro; Yu, Bingxin.
The Malmquist index has become extensively used in international comparisons of agricultural productivity since it does not require prices for its estimation, which are normally not available. However, the DEA approach used to estimate this index still uses implicit price information. This entails potential problems because these methods are susceptible to the effect of data noise, and shadow prices can prove to be inconsistent with prior knowledge on cost shares. In this paper we analyze implicit input shadow shares used in the DEA approach to estimate agricultural productivity using the Malmquist index for 72 developing countries. We then set bounds to the implicit input shares introducing information on their likely value and compare constrained and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Malmquist; Shadow prices; Total factor productivity; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; D2.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The Use of Bootstrapped Malmquist Indices to Reassess Productivity Change Findings: An Application to a Sample of Polish Farms 31
Balcombe, Kelvin George; Davidova, Sophia; Latruffe, Laure.
The paper assesses the extent to which sampling variation affects findings about Malmquist productivity change derived using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), in the first stage calculating productivity indices and in the second stage investigating the farm-specific change in productivity. Confidence intervals for Malmquist indices are constructed using Simar and Wilson's (1999) bootstrapping procedure. The main contribution of the paper is to account in the second stage for the information provided by the bootstrap in the first stage. The DEA standard errors of the Malmquist indices given by bootstrapping are employed in an innovative heteroscedastic panel regression, using a maximum likelihood procedure. The application is to a sample of 250 Polish farms...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Productivity; Malmquist; Bootstrapping; Second-stage regression; Poland; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Theoretical frameworks for a productivity and efficiency analysis of agricultural enterprises 31
Lissitsa, Alexej; Babitcheva, Tamara.
Das Hauptziel des vorliegenden "Discussions Paper" ist es, den russischsprachigen Leser mit den theoretischen Grundlagen der Produktivitäts- und Effizienzanalyse der landwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen vertraut zu machen. In der russischsprachigen Literatur wurden und werden bis zu heutigem Zeitpunkt in der Regel bei der Analyse der Effizienz der Unternehmen, die Kennzahlen der Rentabilität verwendet, deren Bedeutungen nach den einzelnen Unternehmen oder ihren Gruppen verglichen werden. In dieser Arbeit erfolgt eine Darstellung der im englischsprachigem Raum weitverbreiteten Methoden zur Effizienz und Produktivitätsanalyse. Die Arbeit ist so aufgebaut, dass zuerst die Unterschiede zwischen der Produktivität und Effizienz aus theoretischen Sicht erklärt und...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Produktivität; Effizienz; Indexzahlentheorie; Malmquist; Törnkvist; Fisher Index; Productivity; Efficiency; Index Number Theory; Продуктивность; Эффективность; Теория индексов; Малмквист; Торнквист и Фишер индексы.; Agribusiness; Industrial Organization; Productivity Analysis; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; B4; C6; D2; O3; O4.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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