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A framework for evaluating management plans comprehensively ArchiMer
Trenkel, Verena; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Rice, Jake C..
We present a framework for evaluating fisheries management plans comprehensively, both rebuilding plans and others. The framework includes a first rapid appraisal of the likelihood that the plan will result in management meeting its objectives, and guides subsequent quantitative analyses of potential weaknesses in the proposed plan. The framework includes four steps: (i) evaluating if a set of management objectives, if achieved, would result in a sustainable fishery, (ii) using qualitative analysis of a bio-economic model to evaluate whether the set of stock management tactics might be capable of achieving the specified fisheries objectives, (iii) using empirical criteria derived from the literature to evaluate if other management measures in the plan...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Loop analysis; Management strategy; Management strategy evaluation; Qualitative modelling; Stock rebuilding; Sustainability.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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A management strategy evaluation framework for Mediterranean Atlantic bluefin tuna ArchiMer
Kell, L. T.; Fromentin, Jean-marc.
This paper presents an example of Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) for Mediterranean and East Atlantic bluefin tuna using the FLR open source framework. Scenarios corresponding to alternative plausible hypotheses about the stock dynamics were used to evaluate alternative management strategies and to test their robustness to implementation error e.g. catch mis-reporting. The strategies evaluated correspond to i) harvest control rule (HCR) based upon F0.1 (a proxy for FMSY ) with an objective of restoring the stock to a level that would “ permit the maximum sustainable catch” and ii) a reduction of fishing mortality on immature fish. The main conclusions were that the F0.1 HCR alone would not result in the recovery of the stock in the next 15 years and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thunnus thynnus; Management plans; Management strategy evaluation; Simulation model.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Bio-economic management strategy evaluation of deepwater stocks using the FLBEIA model ArchiMer
Garcia, Dorleta; Urtizberea, Agurtzane; Diez, Guzman; Gil, Juan; Marchal, Paul.
Deepwater fish are characterized by long lifespans, late maturity and low productivity. This implies slow recovery from low biomass levels and it is, therefore, important to manage these stocks correctly to avoid overfishing. However, these stocks are generally data poor, which it makes difficult to apply quantitative assessment models on which to base their management. The management strategy evaluation (MSE) approach consists in evaluating the performance of management strategies by simulation before their implementation. In the evaluation, the main sources of uncertainty in a fishery system and its management process should be taken into account in order to find robust management strategies. Thus, the MSE approach is relevant to the management of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bio-economic modelling; Deep-sea fisheries; Harvest control rules; Management strategy evaluation; Norway; Bay of Biscay; Gibraltar; Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Comment on "Purported flaws in management strategy evaluation: basic problems or misinterpretation?" by Butterworth et al. ArchiMer
Rochet, Marie-joelle; Rice, Jake C..
Simulation-based management strategy evaluation is a valuable tool, when appropriately implemented. Implementation, however, may not always have been appropriate, and some reasons are provided why perhaps there is incomplete faith in certain of its technical aspects, such as knowing the distribution of the parameters of population processes from the information in limited datasets. A management strategy that has been evaluated by simulation should not be used as an "autopilot", because even the most competent of experts can develop autopilots with imperfect and incomplete knowledge of reality, and all information should be incorporated when decisions have to be made.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Decision-making; Distribution models; Management strategy evaluation.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Comportement de pêche et gestion : l’exemple de la pêcherie pélagique du Golfe de Gascogne ArchiMer
Vermard, Youen.
In the current context of fisheries management, simulation models are required to support the evaluation of management scenarios. These models should include the key processes of the fishery system: stock dynamics, fleet dynamics, manager decision-making, and the interactions between these three elements. Most of the existing models have concentrated on the modeling of biological processes, population dynamics, and ecosystem interactions. However, a number of fisheries management failures could have resulted from a misunderstanding of fishers behavior rather than from limited knowledge of the status of fishery resources. It has for example been showed that in an exploited system, fishers’ spatial behavior influences the predicted outcomes of management...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dynamique de flottille; RUM; VMS; Évaluation de mesures de gestion; Fleet dynamics; Random Utility Model; VMS; Management strategy evaluation.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Développement d'une plateforme d'évaluation de plans de gestion spatialisés : application à la pêcherie mixte démersale du golfe de Gascogne ArchiMer
Vigier, Audric.
North-East Atlantic fisheries management goes towards a regionalisation, accounting for mixed fisheries technical interaction. Hence, understanding and assessing the spatio-temporal dynamics of exploited species and the fleets exploiting them is needed. This study aims to provide a tool to assess the effects of several management scenarii in the Bay of Biscay. lt fouses on North-east Atlantic northern hake stock (Merluccius merluccius) and the mixed demersal hake - sole (Solea solea) - Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) Bay of Biscay fisheries.A Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) framework has been developed, pairing a spatial northern hake stock assessment model, and an operating model (lSlS-Fish) simulating the Bay of Biscay mixed demersal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Merlu; Golfe de Gascogne; Evaluation de stratégies de gestion; Hake; Bay of Biscay; Management strategy evaluation; ISIS-Fish; Stock synthesis.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Economically optimal management strategies for the South Georgia Patagonian toothfish fishery AgEcon
Hoshino, Eriko; Hillary, Richard M..
The fishery for Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) around the island of South Georgia in the Southern Ocean is a profitable operation targeting a high-value, slow-growing species. We substituted the complex Bayesian age-structured model currently used for assessments with a Schaefer production model, which performs equally well as an operating model for management strategy evaluation. A number of potential effort reduction strategies are investigated, several of which would achieve better conservation objectives and higher future profits from the fishery than those predicted using the current management strategy. The article also discusses the applicability of this approach to the Australian sub-Antarctic fisheries targeting the stocks of D....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Bioeconomic model; Fisheries; Patagonian toothfish; Management strategy evaluation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Ecosystem-Based Harvest Control Rules for Norwegian and US Ecosystems ArchiMer
Kaplan, Isaac C.; Hansen, Cecilie; Morzaria-luna, Hem Nalini; Girardin, Raphael; Marshall, Kristin N..
Management strategy evaluation (MSE) provides a simulation framework to test the performance of living marine resource management. MSE has now been adopted broadly for use in single-species fishery management, often using a relatively simple “operating model” that projects population dynamics of one species forward in time. However, many challenges in ecosystem-based management involve tradeoffs between multiple species and interactions of multiple stressors. Here we use complex operating models, multi-species ecosystem models of the California Current and Nordic and Barents Seas, to test threshold harvest control rules that explicitly address the linkage between predators and prey, and between the forage needs of predators and fisheries. Specifically,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Harvest control rules; California Current; Nordic and Barents Seas; Pacific hake; Atlantic mackerel; Management strategy evaluation.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Evaluating deepwater fisheries management strategies using a mixed-fisheries and spatially explicit modelling framework ArchiMer
Marchal, Paul; Vermard, Youen.
Wehave used in this study a spatially explicit bioeconomic modelling framework to evaluate management strategies, building in both datarich and data-limited harvest control rules (HCRs), for a mix of deepwater fleets and species, on which information is variable. The main focus was on blue ling (Molva dypterygia). For that species, both data-rich and data-limited HCRs were tested, while catch per unit effort (CPUE) was used either to tune stock assessments, or to directly trigger management action. There were only limited differences between the performances of both HCRs when blue ling biomass was initialized at the current level, but blue ling recovered more quickly with the data-rich HCR when its initial biomass was severely depleted. Both types of HCR...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bioeconomic model; Catch per unit effort; Fleet dynamics; Harvest control rules; Management strategy evaluation; Mixed fisheries.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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FLR: an open-source framework for the evaluation and development of management strategies ArchiMer
Kell, Laurence T.; Mosqueira, I; Grosjean, P; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Garcia, D; Hillary, R; Jardim, E; Mardle, S; Pastoors, M.a; Poos, J.j.; Scott, F; Scott, R.
The FLR framework (Fisheries Library for R) is a development effort directed towards the evaluation of fisheries management strategies. The overall goal is to develop a common framework to facilitate collaboration within and across disciplines (e.g. biological, ecological, statistical, mathematical, economic, and social) and, in particular, to ensure that new modelling methods and software are more easily validated and evaluated, as well as becoming widely available once developed. Specifically, the framework details how to implement and link a variety of fishery, biological, and economic software packages so that alternative management strategies and procedures can be evaluated for their robustness to uncertainty before implementation. The design of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Uncertainty; Stock assessment; Software; Simulation framework; Precautionary approach; Open source; Management strategy evaluation; Bio economic modelling.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Managing social–ecological systems under uncertainty: implementation in the real world Ecology and Society
Nuno, Ana; Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London;; Bunnefeld, Nils; School of Natural Sciences, University of Stirling;; Milner-Gulland, EJ; Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Bushmeat; Implementation uncertainty; Institutions; Knowing– Doing gap; Management strategy evaluation; Protected area management; Serengeti; Social– Ecological modeling; Social networks; Stakeholders.
Ano: 2014
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Simulation-based management strategy evaluation: ignorance disguised as mathematics? ArchiMer
Rochet, Marie-joelle; Rice, Jake C..
Simulation-based management strategy evaluations are increasingly developed and used for science advice in support of fisheries management, along with risk evaluation and decision analysis. These methods tackle the problem of uncertainty in fisheries systems and data by modelling uncertainty in two ways. For quantities that are difficult to measure accurately or are inherently variable, variables are replaced by probability distributions, and system dynamics are simulated by Monte Carlo simulations, drawing numbers from these distributions. For processes that are not fully understood, arrays of model formulations that might underlie the observed patterns are developed, each is assumed successively, and the results of the corresponding arrays of model...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Uncertainty; Risk estimates; Monte Carlo simulation; Management strategy evaluation.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Viability trade-offs in the evaluation of strategies to manage recreational fishing in a marine park ArchiMer
Thébaud, Olivier; Ellis, Nick; Little, L. Richard; Doyen, Luc; Marriott, Ross J..
Management strategy evaluation (MSE) is an analytical process used to evaluate alternative strategies for the management of renewable resource systems against explicitly stated objectives using a dynamic simulation framework. A key pre-requisite of MSE involves turning broad conceptual objectives into quantifiable and measurable operational objectives, against which the performance of management strategies can be assessed in simulations. However, given the large uncertainty typical of many renewable resource management problems and the potential diversity of stakeholder interests and needs, specification of operational management objectives for MSE often proves a challenge. In this article, a new approach to the evaluation of multidimensional outputs from...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Management strategy evaluation; Multiple objectives; Viability analysis; Ecological-economic modeling; Recreational fishing; Ningaloo Marine Park (Western Australia).
Ano: 2014 URL:
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